In this paper, we obtain linear time algorithms to determine the acyclic chromatic number, the star chromatic number, the non repetitive chromatic number and the clique chromatic number of P 4-tidy graphs and (q, q − 4)-graphs, for every fixed q, which are the graphs such that every set with at most q vertices induces at most q − 4 distinct P 4’s. These classes include cographs and P 4-sparse graphs. We also obtain a linear time algorithm to compute the harmonious chromatic number of connected P 4-tidy graphs and connected (q, q − 4)-graphs. All these coloring problems are known to be NP-hard for general graphs. These algorithms are fixed parameter tractable on the parameter q(G), which is the minimum q such that G is a (q, q − 4)-graph. We also prove that every connected (q, q − 4)-graph with at least q vertices is 2-clique-colorable and that every acyclic coloring of a cograph is also nonrepetitive, generalizing the main result of Lyons (2011).
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The authors are partially supported by CNPq and Funcap.
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The statements of some of the results of this paper appeared in the Proc. of the Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium LAGOS’11.
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Linhares-Sales, C., Maia, A.K., Martins, N. et al. Restricted coloring problems on Graphs with few P 4’s. Ann Oper Res 217, 385–397 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-014-1537-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-014-1537-2