We analyze human behavior in crowdsourcing contests using an all-pay auction model where all participants exert effort, but only the highest bidder receives the reward. We let workers sourced from Amazon Mechanical Turk participate in an all-pay auction, and contrast the game theoretic equilibrium with the choices of the humans participants. We examine how people competing in the contest learn and adapt their bids, comparing their behavior to well-established online learning algorithms in a novel approach to quantifying the performance of humans as learners. For the crowdsourcing contest designer, our results show that a bimodal distribution of effort should be expected, with some very high effort and some very low effort, and that humans have a tendency to overbid. Our results suggest that humans are weak learners in this setting, so it may be important to educate participants about the strategic implications of crowdsourcing contests.

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Joel Oren: The project was completed while all authors were employed by Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK.
Appendix: Including spammers: revised results
Appendix: Including spammers: revised results
In this appendix section, we revisit our findings without the exclusion of the so-called Spammers (the 85 players whose at least 25% of their bids were taken from the set \(\{0, 1, 1000, 9999\}\)). Recall that in total, there are 340 players who played a total of 11, 327 games. The average revenue over all games, was 11, 832 (previously 13, 730).
Figure 7 shows the average player bid distributions, which is quite close to that in the original analysis (though of course including more “spam” bids).
Figure 8 shows the average bid per time period (and again, the results are similar to those occuring with spammers, although unsuprisingly there are more players who do not adjust their bid when including spammers, as these are by definition players who use the same bids frequently).
Figures 9 and 10 show key clusters when including spammers in the clustering analysis. Again, the results are qualitatively similar to the original analysis.
Figure 11 shows the average utility of bids against the empirical bid distribution. The figure is very similar to that in the original analysis. In other words, although best-responses against “spam” bids do well against the bids taken only from spammers, the overall best responses (when reacting to the general population of all players, including both spammers and non-spammers) are very similar to what we found in the original analysis. Figure 12 shows the utility distribution of players, which is again very similar to the distribution found in our original analysis.
To conclude, repeating the analysis carried in the main paper which not filtering our players who frequently use the same “focal-bids” (but do filtering our uses who used fake profiles) does not yield significantly different results. This indicates that our results are relatively robust to our choice of mechanism for eliminating spammers.
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Bachrach, Y., Kash, I.A., Key, P. et al. Strategic behavior and learning in all-pay auctions: an empirical study using crowdsourced data. Auton Agent Multi-Agent Syst 33, 192–215 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10458-019-09402-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10458-019-09402-4