One major role of an accurate distribution of abdominal adipose tissue is to predict disease risk. This paper proposes a novel effective three-level convolutional neural network (CNN) approach to automate the selection of abdominal computed tomography (CT) images on large-scale CT scans and automatically quantify the visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue. First, the proposed framework employs support vector machine (SVM) classifier with a configured parameter to cluster abdominal CT images from screening patients. Second, a pyramid dilation network (DilaLab) is designed based on CNN, to address the complex distribution and non-abdominal internal adipose tissue problems of biomedical image segmentation in visceral adipose tissue. Finally, since the trained DilaLab implicitly encodes the fat-related learning, the transferred DilaLab learning and a simple decoder constitute a new network (DilaLabPlus) for quantifying subcutaneous adipose tissue. The networks are trained not only all available CT images but also with a limited number of CT scans, such as 70 samples including a 10% validation subset. All networks are yielding more precise results. The mean accuracy of the configured SVM classifier yields promising performance of 99.83%, while DilaLabPlus achieves a remarkable performance improvement an with average of 98.08 ± 0.84% standard deviation and 0.7 ± 0.8% standard deviation false-positive rate. The performance of DilaLab yields average 97.82 ± 1.34% standard deviation and 1.23 ± 1.33% standard deviation false-positive rate. This study demonstrates considerable improvement in feasibility and reliability for the fully automated recognition of abdominal CT slices and segmentation of selected abdominal CT in subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue, and it has a high agreement with a manually annotated biomarker.

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This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (under Grants 61375063, 61271355, 11301549 and 11271378) and also funded by the Graduate Student Innovation Foundation of Central South University (2019zzts213).
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Appendix A: Experiments on NIH DeepLesion
Appendix A: Experiments on NIH DeepLesion
We further report segmentation of visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue results on the DeepLesion dataset.30 This dataset was collected from the PACS of a major medical institute. It contains over 30K radiological images (mostly 512 × 512). To validate our method, 290 abdominal CT images are randomly selected to split into three subsets: training subset (total of 203 images), including a validation subset, and testing subset (total of 87 images). All images are stored in unsigned 16 bit, and manually label by radiologists from the Second XiangYa Hospital of Central South University.
All of the abdominal CT images are standardized to 512 × 512. Then, apply our proposed framework without modifications, including the computer conditions and parameters of experiments. Total of 12 images from testing subset are randomly selected to display the performance of our proposed framework. Figure 10 shows the results with red color in VAT and green color in SAT.
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Wang, Z., Meng, Y., Weng, F. et al. An Effective CNN Method for Fully Automated Segmenting Subcutaneous and Visceral Adipose Tissue on CT Scans. Ann Biomed Eng 48, 312–328 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10439-019-02349-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10439-019-02349-3