The aim of the present study was to compare junior and senior healthy participants for their multimodal integration capability. The instrument used for the investigation was the rubber hand illusion (RHI) where synchronous and asynchronous multimodal stimulation were applied. The study focused on assessing the rate of integration for visuo-tactile and visuo-proprioceptive stimuli. Methods: From a large sample of right-handed volunteers, 50 senior employees (containing younger and middle age adults) and 51 senior retired (senior adults) participants were recruited. Results: The between-subject analyses revealed that individuals both the junior and the senior participants responded to induction of RHI with vivid ownership and disownership experiences and a higher mislocalization error in the synchronous condition. However, the between-group analysis showed that participants in the senior group reported less vivid ownership and less vivid total RHI experiences scores compared to members of the junior group, but no mislocalization error differences were found between the groups. Conclusion: The results indicated that when visuo-tactile stimuli synchronously presented, the gain in multisensory integration decreased in seniors group. In contrast, in the case of visuo-proprioceptive synchronous presentation, the efficiency of multisensory integration remained unchanged across the lifespan.

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Handling editor: Marc Ernst (University of Ulm).
Reviewers: Matthew Longo (Birkbeck University of London), Elena Azañon (Birkbeck University of London).
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Kállai, J., Kincses, P., Lábadi, B. et al. Multisensory integration and age-dependent sensitivity to body representation modification induced by the rubber hand illusion. Cogn Process 18, 349–357 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10339-017-0827-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10339-017-0827-4