Cluster-weighted $$t$$ -factor analyzers for robust model-based clustering and dimension reduction | Statistical Methods & Applications Skip to main content
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Cluster-weighted \(t\)-factor analyzers for robust model-based clustering and dimension reduction

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Cluster-weighted models represent a convenient approach for model-based clustering, especially when the covariates contribute to defining the cluster-structure of the data. However, applicability may be limited when the number of covariates is high and performance may be affected by noise and outliers. To overcome these problems, common/uncommon \(t\)-factor analyzers for the covariates, and a \(t\)-distribution for the response variable, are here assumed in each mixture component. A family of twenty parsimonious variants of this model is also presented and the alternating expectation-conditional maximization algorithm, for maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of all models in the family, is described. Artificial and real data show that these models have very good clustering performance and that the algorithm is able to recover the parameters very well.

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Appendix 1: Estimation of the parameters for the linear \(t\) CWM with \(t\)-factor analyzers using the AECM algorithm

Let \({\mathcal {S}}=\{({\varvec{x}}_i',y_i)';i=1,\ldots ,n\}\) be a sample of size \(n\). In the EM framework (Dempster et al. 1977), the generic observation \(({\varvec{x}}_i',y_i)'\) is viewed as being incomplete and its complete counterpart is given by \(({\varvec{x}}_i',y_i,{\varvec{u}}_{ig}',w_{ig},\varvec{z}_i')',\) where \(\varvec{z}_i\) is the component-label vector such that \(z_{ig}=1\) if \(({\varvec{x}}_i',y_i)'\) comes from component \(g\) and \(z_{ig}=0\) otherwise. The idea of the AECM algorithm (Meng and van Dyk 1997) is to partition \({\varvec{\theta }}\), say \({\varvec{\theta }}=({\varvec{\theta }}'_1,{\varvec{\theta }}'_2)'\), in such a way that the likelihood is easy to maximize for \({\varvec{\theta }}_1\) given \({\varvec{\theta }}_2\) and vice versa. The AECM algorithm consists of two cycles, with an E-step and a CM-step for each cycle. The two CM-steps correspond to the partition of \({\varvec{\theta }}\) into \({\varvec{\theta }}_1\) and \({\varvec{\theta }}_2\). The algorithm is iterated until convergence.

1.1 First cycle

Here, \({\varvec{\theta }}_1=\{\pi _g,{\varvec{\mu }}_g,{\varvec{\beta }}_g,\sigma ^2_g,\nu _g;g=1, \ldots , G\}\), where the missing data are the unobserved group labels \(\varvec{z}_i\), \(i=1,\ldots ,n\), and \(w_{ig}\). The complete-data likelihood is

$$\begin{aligned} L_{c1}({\varvec{\theta }}_1)= & {} \prod _{i=1}^n\prod _{g=1}^G \Bigg [ \pi _g \phi \left( y_i|\varvec{x}_i,w_{ig};\mu (\varvec{x}_i;{\varvec{\beta }}_g),\displaystyle \frac{\sigma ^2_g}{w_{ig}}\right) \phi \left( \varvec{x}_i|w_{ig};{\varvec{\mu }}_g,\displaystyle \frac{{\varvec{\varSigma }}_g}{w_{ig}}\right) \\&\times \,\kappa \left( w_{ig};\frac{\nu _g}{2},\frac{\nu _g}{2}\right) \Bigg ]^{z_{ig}}. \end{aligned}$$

The E-step on the first cycle of the \((k+1)\)th iteration requires the calculation of \(Q_1({\varvec{\theta }}_1; {\varvec{\theta }}^{(k)}) = {\mathbb {E}}_{{\varvec{\theta }}^{(k)}}\left[ l_{c1} ({\varvec{\theta }}_1)|{\mathcal {S}}\right] \), the expected complete-data log-likelihood given the observed data and \({\varvec{\theta }}^{(k)}\). In practice, it requires calculating \({\mathbb {E}}_{{\varvec{\theta }}^{(k)}}\left[ Z_{ig}|{\mathcal {S}}\right] \) and \({\mathbb {E}}_{{\varvec{\theta }}^{(k)}}\left[ W_{ig}|{\mathcal {S}}\right] \); this step is achieved by respectively replacing each \(z_{ig}\) by \(z_{ig}^{(k+1)} = \frac{\tau _{ig}}{\sum _{j=1}^G\tau _{ij}},\) where

$$\begin{aligned} \tau _{ig}= & {} \pi _j^{(k)}\phi \left( y_i|{\varvec{x}}_i,w_{ig};\mu \left( \varvec{x}_i; {\varvec{\beta }}_g^{(k)}\right) ,\frac{\sigma _g^{2(k)}}{w_{ig}}\right) \phi \left( {\varvec{x}}_i|w_{ig};{\varvec{\mu }}_g^{(k)},\frac{{\varvec{\varSigma }}^{(k)}_g}{w_{ig}}\right) \\&\times \, \kappa \left( w_{ig};\frac{\nu _g^{(k)}}{2},\frac{\nu _g^{(k)}}{2}\right) \end{aligned}$$

and each \(w_{ig}\) by

$$\begin{aligned} w_{ig}^{(k+1)}=\frac{v_g^{(k)}+p+1}{v_g^{(k)}+\left( {\varvec{x}}-{\varvec{\mu }}_g^{(k)} \right) '\left( {\varvec{\varSigma }}^{(k)}_g\right) ^{-1} \left( {\varvec{x}}-{\varvec{\mu }}_g^{(k)}\right) + \displaystyle \frac{\left( y-\beta _{0g}^{(k)}-{\varvec{\beta }}_{1g}^{(k)'}{\varvec{x}}\right) ^2}{\sigma _g^{2(k)}}}, \end{aligned}$$

where \({\varvec{\varSigma }}^{(k)}_g={\varvec{\varLambda }}_g^{(k)}{\varvec{\varLambda }}_g^{(k)'}+{\varvec{\varPsi }}_g^{(k)}\). For the M-step, the maximization of \(L_{c1}({\varvec{\theta }}_1)\) yields

$$\begin{aligned}&\displaystyle \pi _g^{(k+1)} = \frac{1}{n}\sum _{i=1}^n z_{ig}^{(k+1)}\nonumber \\&\displaystyle {\varvec{\mu }}_g^{(k+1)} = \frac{\sum _{i=1}^n z_{ig}^{(k+1)}w_{ig}^{(k+1)}{\varvec{x}}_i }{\sum _{i=1}^n z_{ig}^{(k+1)}w_{ig}^{(k+1)} } \nonumber \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} {\varvec{\beta }}_{1g}^{(k+1)}&= \left[ \frac{1}{\sum _{i=1}^n z_{ig}^{(k+1)} w_{ig}^{(k+1)}} \sum _{i=1}^n z_{ig}^{(k+1)} w_{ig}^{(k+1)} y_i \left( {\varvec{x}}_i - {\varvec{\mu }}_g^{(k+1)} \right) \right] \\&\quad \times \left[ \frac{1}{\sum _{i=1}^n z_{ig}^{(k+1)} w_{ig}^{(k+1)}}\sum _{i=1}^n z_{ig}^{(k+1)} w_{ig}^{(k+1)} {\varvec{x}}'_i{\varvec{x}}_i - {\varvec{\mu }}_g^{(k+1)'}{\varvec{\mu }}_g^{(k+1)}\right] ^{-1}\\ \beta _{0g}^{(k+1)}&= \frac{1}{\sum _{i=1}^n z_{ig}^{(k+1)} w_{ig}^{(k+1)}}\displaystyle \sum _{i=1}^n z_{ig}^{(k+1)} w_{ig}^{(k+1)} y_i-{\varvec{\beta }}_{1g}^{(k+1)'}{\varvec{\mu }}_g^{(k+1)}\\ \sigma _g^{2(k+1)}&= \frac{1}{\sum _{i=1}^n z_{ig}^{(k+1)} w_{ig}^{(k+1)}} \sum _{i=1}^n z_{ig}^{(k+1)} w_{ig}^{(k+1)} \left[ y_i-\left( \beta _{0g}^{(k+1)}+{\varvec{\beta }}_{1g}^{(k+1)'}{\varvec{x}}_i \right) \right] ^2. \end{aligned}$$

With regard to updating for the degrees of freedom \(v_g\), their formulation does not exist in closed form. McLachlan et al. (2007) show that \(v_g^{(k+1)}\) is the solution of the equation

$$\begin{aligned}&\Bigg \{ -\psi \left( \displaystyle \frac{v_g}{2}\right) +\ln \left( \displaystyle \frac{v_g}{2} \right) +1+ \displaystyle \frac{1}{n_g^{(k+1)}}\displaystyle \sum _{i=1}^nz_{ig}^{(k+1)}\left[ \ln \left( w_{ig}^{(k+1)}\right) -w_{ig}^{(k+1)}\right]&\nonumber \\&\quad +\psi \left( \displaystyle \frac{v_g^{(k)}+p}{2} \right) -\ln \left( \displaystyle \frac{v_g^{(k)}+p}{2} \right) \Bigg \}=0,&\end{aligned}$$

where \(\psi (\cdot )\) denotes the digamma function and \(n_g^{(k+1)}=\sum _{i=1}^nz_{ig}^{(k+1)}\). Following the notation in McLachlan and Peel (2000), we set \({\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)}=\{{\varvec{\theta }}_1^{(k+1)},{\varvec{\theta }}_2^{(k)}\}\).

1.2 Second cycle

Here, \({\varvec{\theta }}_2=\left\{ {\varvec{\varSigma }}_g ; g=1, \ldots , G \right\} = \left\{ {\varvec{\varLambda }}_g,{\varvec{\varPsi }}_g;g=1, \ldots , G\right\} \), where the missing data are the unobserved group labels \(\varvec{z}_i\) and the latent factors \(\varvec{u}_{ig}\), \(i=1,\ldots ,n\) and \(g=1,\ldots ,G\). Therefore, the complete-data likelihood is

$$\begin{aligned} L_{c2}({\varvec{\theta }}_2)&= \prod _{i=1}^n\prod _{g=1}^G \Bigg [\pi _g^{(k+1)} \phi \left( y_i|{\varvec{x}}_i,w_{ig}; \mu \left( {\varvec{x}}_i;{\varvec{\beta }}_g^{(k+1)}\right) ,\sigma _g^{2(k+1)}\right) \\&\times \,\phi \left( {\varvec{x}}_i|{\varvec{u}}_{ig},w_{ig};{\varvec{\mu }}_g^{(k+1)}+{\varvec{\varLambda }}_g {\varvec{u}}_{ig},\frac{{\varvec{\varPsi }}_g}{w_{ig}}\right) \\&\times \, \phi \left( {\varvec{u}}_{ig}|w_{ig};{\varvec{0}},\frac{{\varvec{I}}_q}{w_{ig}}\right) \kappa \left( w_{ig};\frac{\nu _g^{(k+1)}}{2},\frac{\nu _g^{(k+1)}}{2} \right) \Bigg ]^{z_{ig}}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(Y\) is conditionally independent of \({\varvec{U}}\) given \({\varvec{X}}={\varvec{x}}\).

The E-step on the second cycle of the \((k+1)\)th iteration requires the calculation of \(Q_2({\varvec{\theta }}_2; {\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)}) = {\mathbb {E}}_{{\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)}} \left[ l_{c2} ({\varvec{\theta }}_2)|{\mathcal {S}}\right] \). This involves calculating the following conditional expectations: \({\mathbb {E}}_{{\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)}}(Z_{ig}|{\mathcal {S}})\), \({\mathbb {E}}_{{\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)}}(W_{ig}|{\mathcal {S}})\), \({\mathbb {E}}_{{\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)}}(Z_{ig} W_{ig}{\varvec{U}}_{ig} | {\mathcal {S}})\), and \({\mathbb {E}}_{{\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)}} (Z_{ig}W_{ig}{\varvec{U}}_{ig} {\varvec{U}}'_{ig} |{\mathcal {S}})\). We have

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathbb {E}}_{{\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)}} (Z_{ig}W_{ig} {\varvec{U}}_{ig} | {\mathcal {S}}) =z_{ig}^{(k+1)}w_{ig}^{(k+1)}{\varvec{\gamma }}_g^{(k)}\left( {\varvec{x}}_i- {\varvec{\mu }}_g^{(k+1)}\right) \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} {\mathbb {E}}_{{\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)}} (Z_{ig}W_{ig}{\varvec{U}}_{ig} {\varvec{U}}'_{ig} | {\mathcal {S}}) = z_{ig}^{(k+1)} w_{ig}^{(k+1)}{\varvec{\varTheta }}^{(k)}_g, \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} {\varvec{S}}_g^{(k+1)}= & {} \frac{1}{n_g^{(k+1)}}\sum _{i=1}^n z_{ig}^{(k+1)} w_{ig}^{(k+1)} \left( {\varvec{x}}_i - {\varvec{\mu }}_g^{(k+1)} \right) \left( {\varvec{x}}_i - {\varvec{\mu }}_g^{(k+1)} \right) ' \nonumber \\ {\varvec{\gamma }}^{(k)}_g= & {} {\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)'}_g \left( {\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)}_g{\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)'}_g+{\varvec{\varPsi }}^{(k)}_g \right) ^{-1} \nonumber \\ {\varvec{\varTheta }}^{(k)}_g= & {} {\varvec{I}}_q-{\varvec{\gamma }}^{(k)}_g {\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)}_g+ {\varvec{\gamma }}^{(k)}_g {\varvec{S}}_g^{(k+1)} {\varvec{\gamma }}^{(k)'}_g. \end{aligned}$$

Hence, the \(g\)th term of the expected complete-data log-likelihood \(Q_2({\varvec{\theta }}_2; {\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)})\) is

$$\begin{aligned} Q_2({\varvec{\varLambda }}_g, {\varvec{\varPsi }}_g; {\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)})&= \text {C} \left( {\varvec{\theta }}_1^{(k+1)} \right) \!-\! \frac{1}{2} n_g^{(k+1)}\ln | {\varvec{\varPsi }}^{-1}_g| - \frac{1}{2} n_g^{(k+1)} \text {tr}\left( {\varvec{S}}_g^{(k+1)} {\varvec{\varPsi }}_g^{-1} \right) \nonumber \\&\quad + n_g^{(k+1)}\text {tr}\left( {\varvec{\varLambda }}_g {\varvec{\gamma }}_g^{(k)}{\varvec{S}}_g^{(k+1)} {\varvec{\varPsi }}^{-1}_g \right) \nonumber \\&\quad -\frac{1}{2} n_g^{(k+1)}\text {tr} \left( {\varvec{\varLambda }}_g'{\varvec{\varPsi }}_g^{-1} {\varvec{\varLambda }}_g {\varvec{\varTheta }}^{(k)}_g \right) , \end{aligned}$$

where \(\text {C}({\varvec{\theta }}_1^{(k+1)})\) includes the terms in the complete-data log-likelihood that do not depend on \({\varvec{\theta }}_2\). Then, maximization of (8) with respect to \({\varvec{\varLambda }}_g\) and \({\varvec{\varPsi }}_g\) means that they must satisfy

$$\begin{aligned}&\frac{\partial Q_2}{\partial {\varvec{\varLambda }}_g} = n_g^{(k+1)} {\varvec{\varPsi }}_g^{-1} {\varvec{S}}_g^{(k+1)} {\varvec{\gamma }}_g^{(k)'} - n_g^{(k+1)} {\varvec{\varPsi }}_g^{-1} {\varvec{\varLambda }}_g {\varvec{\varTheta }}^{(k)}_g = {\varvec{0}}\\ \frac{\partial Q_2}{\partial {\varvec{\varPsi }}^{-1}_g}&\!=\! \frac{1}{2}n_g^{(k+1)}{\varvec{\varPsi }}_g-\frac{1}{2}n_g^{(k+1)}{\varvec{S}}_g^{(k+1)} \!+\! n_g^{(k+1)} {\varvec{S}}_g^{(k+1)'} {\varvec{\gamma }}_g^{(k)'} {\varvec{\varLambda }}_g'\\&\quad -\frac{1}{2} n_g^{(k+1)}{\varvec{\varLambda }}_g{\varvec{\varTheta }}_g^{(k)}{\varvec{\varLambda }}_g'= {\varvec{0}}. \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned}&\displaystyle {\varvec{S}}_g^{(k+1)} {\varvec{\gamma }}_g^{(k)'} - {\varvec{\varLambda }}_g {\varvec{\varTheta }}^{(k)}_g = {\varvec{0}}\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&\displaystyle {\varvec{\varPsi }}_g-{\varvec{S}}_g^{(k+1)} +2{\varvec{S}}_g^{(k+1)'} {\varvec{\gamma }}_g^{(k)'} {\varvec{\varLambda }}_g'-{\varvec{\varLambda }}_g{\varvec{\varTheta }}_g^{(k)}{\varvec{\varLambda }}_g' = {\varvec{0}}. \end{aligned}$$

From (9), we get \({\varvec{\varLambda }}_g^{(k+1)} = {\varvec{S}}^{(k+1)}_g {\varvec{\gamma }}^{(k)'}_g\left( {\varvec{\varTheta }}_g^{(k)}\right) ^{-1}\) and, substituting in (10), we obtain

$$\begin{aligned}&{\varvec{\varPsi }}_g^{(k+1)} -{\varvec{S}}_g^{(k+1)}+2 {\varvec{S}}_g^{(k+1)} {\varvec{\gamma }}^{(k)'}_g \left( {\varvec{S}}_g^{(k+1)}{\varvec{\gamma }}^{(k)'}_g{\varvec{\varTheta }}_g^{(k)-1} \right) '\\&\quad -\left( \mathbf {S}_g^{(k+1)}{\varvec{\gamma }}^{(k)'}_g{\varvec{\varTheta }}_g^{(k)-1}\right) {\varvec{\varTheta }}_g^{(k)}\left( \mathbf {S}_g^{(k+1)}{\varvec{\gamma }}_g^{(k)}{\varvec{\varTheta }}_g^{(k)-1} \right) ' = {\varvec{0}}, \end{aligned}$$

which yields \( {\varvec{\varPsi }}_g^{(k+1)} =\text {diag} ( {\varvec{S}}^{(k+1)}_g- {\varvec{\varLambda }}_g^{(k+1)} {\varvec{\gamma }}^{(k)'}_g{\varvec{S}}^{(k+1)}_g ). \)

Appendix 2: Estimation of the parameters for the linear \(t\) CWM with common \(t\)-factor analyzers using the AECM algorithm

Analogous to “Appendix 1”, the AECM algorithm consists of two cycles, with an E-step and a CM-step for each cycle, which are iterated until convergence is achieved.

1.1 First cycle

Here, \({\varvec{\theta }}_1=\left\{ \pi _g,{\varvec{\xi }}_g,{\varvec{\beta }}_g,\sigma ^2_g,v_g;g=1, \ldots , G\right\} \), where the missing data are the unobserved group labels \(\varvec{z}_i\), \(i=1,\ldots ,n\). The complete-data likelihood is

$$\begin{aligned} L_{c1}({\varvec{\theta }}_1)= & {} \prod _{i=1}^n\prod _{g=1}^G \Bigg [ \pi _g \phi \left( y_i|\varvec{x}_i,w_{ig};\mu (\varvec{x}_i;{\varvec{\beta }}_g), \displaystyle \frac{\sigma ^2_g}{w_{ig}}\right) \phi \left( \varvec{x}_i|w_{ig};{\varvec{\varLambda }}{\varvec{\xi }}_g,\displaystyle \frac{{\varvec{\varSigma }}_g}{w_{ig}}\right) \\&\times \,\kappa \left( w_{ig};\frac{\nu _g}{2},\frac{\nu _g}{2}\right) \Bigg ]^{z_{ig}}, \end{aligned}$$

where \({\varvec{\varSigma }}_g={\varvec{\varLambda }}{\varvec{\varOmega }}_g{\varvec{\varLambda }}'+{\varvec{\varPsi }}\).

Similar to “First cycle” section of Appendix 1, \({\mathbb {E}}_{{\varvec{\theta }}^{(k)}}\left[ Z_{ig}|{\mathcal {S}}\right] \) is calculated by replacing each \(z_{ig}\) by \(z_{ig}=\frac{\tau _{ig}}{\sum _{j=1}^G\tau _{ij}}\) where

$$\begin{aligned} \tau _{ig}= & {} \pi _g^{(k)} \phi \left( y_i|{\varvec{x}}_i,w_{ig};\mu (\varvec{x}_i;{\varvec{\beta }}_g^{(k)}), \frac{\sigma _g^{2(k)}}{w_{ig}}\right) \phi \left( {\varvec{x}}_i|w_{ig}; {\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)}{\varvec{\xi }}_g^{(k)},\frac{{\varvec{\varSigma }}_g^{(k)}}{w_{ig}} \right) \\&\times \kappa \left( w_{ig};\frac{\nu _g^{(k)}}{2},\frac{\nu _g^{(k)}}{2} \right) \end{aligned}$$

and \({\mathbb {E}}\left[ W_{ig}|{\mathcal {S}}\right] \) is computed by replacing each \(w_{ig}\) by

$$\begin{aligned} w_{ig}^{(k+1)}&=(v_g^{(k)}+p+1)\Bigg [v_g^{(k)}+\left( {\varvec{x}}-{\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)} {\varvec{\xi }}_g^{(k)'}\right) \left( {\varvec{\varSigma }}_g^{(k)}\right) ^{-1} \left( {\varvec{x}}-{\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)}{\varvec{\xi }}_g^{(k)}\right) \\&\quad +\displaystyle \frac{\left( y-\beta _{0g}^{(k)}-{\varvec{\beta }}_{1g}^{(k)'}{\varvec{x}}\right) ^2}{\sigma _g^{2(k)}}\Bigg ]^{-1}, \end{aligned}$$

where \({\varvec{\varSigma }}_g^{(k)}={\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)}{\varvec{\varOmega }}_g^{(k)}{\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)'}+{\varvec{\varPsi }}^{(k)}\). For the M-step, the maximization of this complete-data log-likelihood yields

$$\begin{aligned} \pi _g^{(k+1)}&= \frac{1}{n}\displaystyle \sum _{i=1}^n z_{ig}^{(k+1)}, \qquad {\varvec{\xi }}_g^{(k+1)} = \frac{ \sum _{i=1}^n z_{ig}^{(k+1)}w_{ig}^{(k+1)}{\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)'}{\varvec{x}}_i }{\sum _{i=1}^n z_{ig}^{(k+1)}w_{ig}^{(k+1)} } \nonumber \\ {\varvec{\beta }}_{1g}^{(k+1)}&= \left[ \frac{1}{\sum _{i=1}^n z_{ig}^{(k+1)} w_{ig}^{(k+1)}} \sum _{i=1}^n z_{ig}^{(k+1)} w_{ig}^{(k+1)} y_i \left( {\varvec{x}}_i - {\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)}{\varvec{\xi }}_g^{(k+1)}\right) \right] \\&\quad \!\times \! \left[ \frac{1}{\sum _{i=1}^n z_{ig}^{(k+1)} w_{ig}^{(k+1)}}\sum _{i=1}^n z_{ig}^{(k+1)} w_{ig}^{(k+1)} {\varvec{x}}'_i{\varvec{x}}_i \!-\!( {\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)}{\varvec{\xi }}_g^{(k+1)})'\left( {\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)}{\varvec{\xi }}_g^{(k+1)}\right) \right] ^{-1}\\ \beta _{0g}^{(k+1)}&= \frac{1}{\sum _{i=1}^n z_{ig}^{(k+1)} w_{ig}^{(k+1)}}\displaystyle \sum _{i=1}^n z_{ig}^{(k+1)} w_{ig}^{(k+1)} y_i-{\varvec{\beta }}_{1g}^{(k+1)'}{\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)}{\varvec{\xi }}_g^{(k+1)}\\ \sigma _g^{2(k+1)}&= \frac{1}{\sum _{i=1}^n z_{ig}^{(k+1)} w_{ig}^{(k+1)}} \sum _{i=1}^n z_{ig}^{(k+1)} w_{ig}^{(k+1)}\left[ y_i-\left( \beta _{0g}^{(k+1)}+{\varvec{\beta }}_{1g}^{(k+1)'}{\varvec{x}}_i\right) \right] ^2. \end{aligned}$$

As in “First cycle” section of Appendix 1, the degrees of freedom \(v_g\) are updated according to (6), and we set \({\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)}=\left\{ {\varvec{\theta }}_1^{(k+1)},{\varvec{\theta }}_2^{(k)}\right\} \).

1.2 Second cycle

Here, \({\varvec{\theta }}_2=\left\{ {\varvec{\varSigma }}_g ; g=1, \ldots , G \right\} = \left\{ {\varvec{\varLambda }},{\varvec{\varOmega }}_g,{\varvec{\varPsi }};g=1, \ldots , G\right\} \), where the missing data are the unobserved group labels \(\varvec{z}_i\) and the latent factors \(\varvec{u}_{ig}\), \(i=1,\ldots ,n\) and \(g=1,\ldots ,G\). Therefore, the complete-data likelihood is

$$\begin{aligned} L_{c2}({\varvec{\theta }}_2)&= \prod _{i=1}^n\prod _{g=1}^G \Bigg [ \pi _g^{(k+1)} \phi \left( y_i|{\varvec{x}}_i,w_{ig};\mu ({\varvec{x}}_i;{\varvec{\beta }}_g^{(k+1)}),\frac{\sigma _g^{2(k+1)}}{w_{ig}}\right) \\&\times \, \phi \left( {\varvec{x}}_i|{\varvec{u}}_{ig},w_{ig};{\varvec{\varLambda }}{\varvec{u}}_{ig},\frac{{\varvec{\varPsi }}}{w_{ig}}\right) \phi \left( {\varvec{u}}_{ig}|w_{ig};{\varvec{\xi }}_g^{(k+1)},\frac{{\varvec{\varOmega }}_g}{w_{ig}} \right) \kappa \left( w_{ig};\frac{\nu _g^{(k)}}{2},\frac{\nu _g^{(k)}}{2} \right) \Bigg ]^{z_{ig}} \end{aligned}$$

because \(Y\) is conditionally independent of \({\varvec{U}}\) given \({\varvec{X}}={\varvec{x}}\). The E-step on the second cycle of the \((k+1)\)th iteration requires the calculation of \(Q_2({\varvec{\theta }}_2; {\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)})={\mathbb {E}}_{{\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)}}\left[ l_{c2}({\varvec{\theta }}_2)|{\mathcal {S}}\right] \). Based on (5), the expectations involved in calculating \(Q_2({\varvec{\theta }}_2; {\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)})\) are given by

$$\begin{aligned}&{\mathbb {E}}_{{\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)}} \left[ Z_{ig}W_{ig} ({\varvec{X}}_{ig}-{\varvec{\varLambda }}{\varvec{U}}_{ig})({\varvec{X}}_{ig}-{\varvec{\varLambda }}{\varvec{U}}_{ig})'| {\mathcal {S}}\right] = z_{ig}^{(k+1)}w_{ig}^{(k+1)}{\varvec{x}}_i{\varvec{x}}_i' \nonumber \\&\quad \quad -{\varvec{\varLambda }}{\mathbb {E}}_{{\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)}} (Z_{ig}W_{ig} {\varvec{U}}_{ig}|{\mathcal {S}}){\varvec{x}}'_i -{\varvec{x}}_i{\mathbb {E}}_{{\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)}} (Z_{ig}W_{ig}{\varvec{U}}_{ig}'|{\mathcal {S}}){\varvec{\varLambda }}' \nonumber \\&\quad \quad +{\varvec{\varLambda }}{\mathbb {E}}_{{\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)}} (Z_{ig}W_{ig}{\varvec{U}}_{ig}{\varvec{U}}'_{ig}|{\mathcal {S}}){\varvec{\varLambda }}', \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&{\mathbb {E}}_{{\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)}}(Z_{ig}W_{ig}{\varvec{U}}_{ig}|{\mathcal {S}}) = z_{ig}^{(k+1)}w_{ig}^{(k+1)}{\varvec{\eta }}_{ig}^{(k+1/2)}, \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&{\mathbb {E}}_{{\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)}}\left[ Z_{ig}W_{ig} ({\varvec{U}}_{ig}-{\varvec{\xi }}_g)|{\mathcal {S}}\right] = z_{ig}^{(k+1)}w_{ig}^{(k+1)}{\varvec{\gamma }}_g^{(k)'}{\varvec{\delta }}_{ig}^{(k+1/2)}, \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} {\mathbb {E}}_{{\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)}}(Z_{ig}W_{ig}{\varvec{U}}_{ig}{\varvec{U}}_{ig}'|{\mathcal {S}})= & {} z_{ig}^{(k+1)}w_{ig}^{(k+1)}{\varvec{\eta }}_{ig}^{(k+1/2)}{\varvec{\eta }}_{ig}^{(k+1/2)'} \nonumber \\&z_{ig}^{(k+1)} \left[ \left( {\varvec{I}}_q-{\varvec{\gamma }}_g^{(k)'}{\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)}\right) {\varvec{\varOmega }}_g^{(k)}\right] , \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} {\mathbb {E}}_{{\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)}}\left[ Z_{ig}W_{ig}({\varvec{U}}_{ig}-{\varvec{\xi }}_g)({\varvec{U}}_{ig}-{\varvec{\xi }}_g)'\big | {\mathcal {S}}\right]= & {} {\varvec{\gamma }}_g^{(k)'}\left[ z_{ig}^{(k+1)}w_{ig}^{(k+1)} {\varvec{\delta }}_{ig}^{(k+1/2)}{\varvec{\delta }}_{ig}^{(k+1/2)'}\right] {\varvec{\gamma }}_g^{(k)} \nonumber \\&+z_{ig}^{(k+1)}\left( {\varvec{I}}_q-{\varvec{\gamma }}_g^{(k)'}{\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)}\right) {\varvec{\varOmega }}_g^{(k)}, \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} {\varvec{\delta }}_{ig}^{(k+1/2)}= & {} {\varvec{x}}_i - {\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)}{\varvec{\xi }}_g^{(k+1)},\\ {\varvec{\eta }}_{ig}^{(k+1/2)}= & {} {\varvec{\gamma }}_g^{(k)'}{\varvec{\delta }}_{ig}^{(k+1/2)} +{\varvec{\xi }}_g^{(k+1)}, \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} {\varvec{\gamma }}^{(k)}_g = \left( {\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)}{\varvec{\varOmega }}_g^{(k)}{\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)'}+{\varvec{\varPsi }}^{(k)}\right) ^{-1} {\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)}{\varvec{\varOmega }}_g^{(k)}. \end{aligned}$$

Alternatively, the expectation in (11 12 13) can be written as

$$\begin{aligned}&{\mathbb {E}}_{{\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)}}\left\{ Z_{ig}W_{ig}\left[ {\varvec{X}}_{ig}-{\varvec{\varLambda }}{\varvec{\xi }}_g -({\varvec{\varLambda }}{\varvec{U}}_{ig}\!-\!{\varvec{\varLambda }}{\varvec{\xi }}_g)\right] \left[ {\varvec{X}}_{ig}\!-\!{\varvec{\varLambda }}{\varvec{\xi }}_g\!-\!({\varvec{\varLambda }}{\varvec{U}}_{ig}\!-\!{\varvec{\varLambda }}{\varvec{\xi }}_g)\right] ' \Big |{\mathcal {S}}\right\} \nonumber \\&\quad \!=\!+z_{ig}^{(k+1)}w_{ig}^{(k+1)}{\varvec{\delta }}_{ig}^{(k+1/2)}{\varvec{\delta }}_{ig}^{(k+1/2)'} -{\varvec{\delta }}_{ig}^{(k+1/2)} {\mathbb {E}}_{{\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)}} \left[ Z_{ig}W_{ig} ({\varvec{U}}_{ig}-{\varvec{\xi }}_g)\big | {\mathcal {S}} \right] {\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)'}\nonumber \\&\quad \quad -{\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)}{\mathbb {E}}_{{\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)}}\left[ Z_{ig}W_{ig} ({\varvec{U}}_{ig} -{\varvec{\xi }}_g)\big |{\mathcal {S}}\right] {\varvec{\delta }}_{ig}^{(k+1/2)'}\nonumber \\&\quad \quad +{\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)}{\mathbb {E}}_{{\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)}}\left[ Z_{ig}W_{ig} ({\varvec{U}}_{ig}-{\varvec{\xi }}_g)\big |{\mathcal {S}}\right] {\mathbb {E}}_{{\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)}}\left[ Z_{ig}W_{ig}({\varvec{U}}_{ig}-{\varvec{\xi }}_g)'\Big | {\mathcal {S}}\right] {\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)'}.\nonumber \\ \end{aligned}$$

Then, the \(g\)th term of the expected complete-data log-likelihood \(Q_2({\varvec{\theta }}_2; {\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)})\) becomes

$$\begin{aligned}&Q_2\left( {\varvec{\varLambda }},{\varvec{\varPsi }},{\varvec{\varOmega }}_g;{\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)}\right) = \text {C}\left( {\varvec{\theta }}_1^{(k+1)}\right) +\frac{1}{2} n_g^{(k+1)}\ln \left| {\varvec{\varPsi }}^{-1}\right| + \frac{1}{2}n_g^{(k+1)}\ln \left| {\varvec{\varOmega }}_g^{-1}\right| \nonumber \\&\quad -\frac{1}{2}\text {tr}\left\{ \sum _{g=1}^G\sum _{i=1}^n{\mathbb {E}}_{{\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)}} \left[ Z_{ig}W_{ig}({\varvec{X}}_{ig}-{\varvec{\varLambda }}{\varvec{U}}_{ig}) ({\varvec{X}}_{ig}-{\varvec{\varLambda }}{\varvec{U}}_{ig})'|{\mathcal {S}}\right] {\varvec{\varPsi }}^{-1}\right\} \nonumber \\&\quad -\frac{1}{2}\text {tr}\left\{ \sum _{i=1}^n {\mathbb {E}}_{{\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)}} \left[ Z_{ig}W_{ig}\left( {\varvec{U}}_{ig}-{\varvec{\xi }}_g^{(k+1)}\right) \left( {\varvec{U}}_{ig}-{\varvec{\xi }}_g^{(k+1)}\right) '\Big | {\mathcal {S}}\right] {\varvec{\varOmega }}_g^{-1}\right\} , \end{aligned}$$

where \(\text {C}({\varvec{\theta }}_1^{(k+1)})\) denotes the terms in the complete-data log-likelihood that do not depend on \({\varvec{\theta }}_2\). The expected complete-data log-likelihood from the second cycle is maximized for \({\varvec{\varOmega }}_g\) by satisfying

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{\partial Q_2}{\partial {\varvec{\varOmega }}_g^{-1}} \!=\! \frac{1}{2} n_g^{(k+1)} {\varvec{\varOmega }}_g \!-\!\frac{1}{2} n_g^{(k+1)} \left\{ {\mathbb {E}}_{{\varvec{\theta }}^{(k+1/2)}}\left[ Z_{ig}W_{ig}({\varvec{U}}_{ig}\!-\!{\varvec{\xi }}_g)({\varvec{U}}_{ig}\!-\!{\varvec{\xi }}_g)' \Big | {\mathcal {S}}\right] \right\} ' \!=\! {\varvec{0}},\nonumber \\ \end{aligned}$$

which yields

$$\begin{aligned} {\varvec{\varOmega }}_g^{(k+1)}={\varvec{\gamma }}_g^{(k)'}{\varvec{S}}_g^{(k+1)}{\varvec{\gamma }}_g^{(k)} +{\varvec{\varOmega }}_g^{(k)} \left( {\varvec{I}}_q-{\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)'}{\varvec{\gamma }}_g^{(k)} \right) , \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} {\varvec{S}}_g^{(k+1)} = \frac{1}{n_g^{(k+1)}}\sum _{i=1}^n z_{ig}^{(k+1)} w_{ig}^{(k+1)}{\varvec{\delta }}_{ig}^{(k+1/2)} {\varvec{\delta }}_{ig}^{(k+1/2)'}. \end{aligned}$$

The expected complete-data log-likelihood from the second cycle is maximized for \({\varvec{\varPsi }}\) using (16) and satisfies

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{\partial Q_2}{\partial {\varvec{\varPsi }}^{-1}}&= \sum _{g=1}^G \Bigg (\frac{1}{2}n_g^{(k+1)}{\varvec{\varPsi }}-\frac{1}{2}n_g^{(k+1)}{\varvec{S}}_g^{(k+1)} + \frac{1}{2}n_g^{(k+1)} {\varvec{S}}_g^{(k+1)} {\varvec{\gamma }}_g^{(k)} {\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)'}\\&\quad \quad +\frac{1}{2}n_g^{(k+1)} {\varvec{S}}_g^{(k+1)} {\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)}{\varvec{\gamma }}_g^{(k)'} \Bigg ) \\&= -\frac{1}{2}\sum _{g=1}^G n_g^{(k+1)}{\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)}\left[ {\varvec{\gamma }}_g^{(k)'}{\varvec{S}}_g^{(k+1)}{\varvec{\gamma }}_g^{(k)} +\left( {\varvec{I}}_q-{\varvec{\gamma }}_g^{(k)'}{\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)}\right) {\varvec{\varOmega }}_g^{(k)}\right] ' {\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)'} = {\varvec{0}}. \end{aligned}$$

This yields

$$\begin{aligned} {\varvec{\varPsi }}^{(k+1)}&=\text {diag}\Bigg (\frac{1}{n}\sum _{g=1}^G n_g^{(k+1)}\Bigg [ \left( {\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)}{\varvec{\gamma }}_g^{(k)'}-{\varvec{I}}_p\right) {\varvec{S}}_g^{(k+1)} \left( {\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)}{\varvec{\gamma }}_g^{(k)'}-{\varvec{I}}_p\right) '\\&+{\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)}{\varvec{\varOmega }}_g^{(k)} \left( {\varvec{I}}_q-{\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)'}{\varvec{\gamma }}_g^{(k)} \right) {\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)'}\Bigg ]\Bigg ) \end{aligned}$$

The expected complete-data log-likelihood from the second cycle is maximized for \({\varvec{\varLambda }}\) using (11 12 13) and satisfies

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{\partial Q_2}{\partial {\varvec{\varLambda }}}= & {} -\sum _{g=1}^G\sum _{i=1}^nz_{ig}^{(k+1)}w_{ig}^{(k+1)}{\varvec{x}}_i{\varvec{\eta }}_{ig}^{(k+1/2)'} +{\varvec{\varLambda }}\sum _{g=1}^G\sum _{i=1}^n z_{ig}^{(k+1)}w_{ig}^{(k+1)}{\varvec{\eta }}_{ig}^{(k+1/2)} {\varvec{\eta }}_{ig}^{(k+1/2)'}\\&+{\varvec{\varLambda }}\sum _{g=1}^G\sum _{i=1}^nz_{ig}^{(k+1)} \left[ \left( {\varvec{I}}_q-{\varvec{\gamma }}_g^{(k)'}{\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)}\right) {\varvec{\varOmega }}_g^{(k)} \right] = {\varvec{0}}, \end{aligned}$$

which yields

$$\begin{aligned} {\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k+1)}&= \left( \sum _{g=1}^G\sum _{i=1}^nz_{ig}^{(k+1)}w_{ig}^{(k+1)}{\varvec{x}}_i{\varvec{\eta }}_{ig}^{(k+1/2)'} \right) \\&\!\times \!\, \left( \sum _{g=1}^G\sum _{i=1}^n z_{ig}^{(k+1)}w_{ig}^{(k+1)}{\varvec{\eta }}_{ig}^{(k+1/2)} {\varvec{\eta }}_{ig}^{(k+1/2)'}+ \sum _{g=1}^Gn_g^{(k+1)} ({\varvec{I}}_q-{\varvec{\gamma }}_g^{(k)'}{\varvec{\varLambda }}^{(k)}){\varvec{\varOmega }}_g^{(k)} \right) ^{-1}. \end{aligned}$$

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Subedi, S., Punzo, A., Ingrassia, S. et al. Cluster-weighted \(t\)-factor analyzers for robust model-based clustering and dimension reduction. Stat Methods Appl 24, 623–649 (2015).

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