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Subtraction-Free Complexity, Cluster Transformations, and Spanning Trees

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Subtraction-free computational complexity is the version of arithmetic circuit complexity that allows only three operations: addition, multiplication, and division. We use cluster transformations to design efficient subtraction-free algorithms for computing Schur functions and their skew, double, and supersymmetric analogues, thereby generalizing earlier results by P. Koev. We develop such algorithms for computing generating functions of spanning trees, both directed and undirected. A comparison to the lower bound due to M. Jerrum and M. Snir shows that in subtraction-free computations, “division can be exponentially powerful.” Finally, we give a simple example where the gap between ordinary and subtraction-free complexity is exponential.

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We thank Leslie Valiant for bringing the paper [15] to our attention.

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Correspondence to Sergey Fomin.

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Communicated by Peter Bürgisser.

We thank the Max-Planck Institut für Mathematik for its hospitality during the writing of this paper. Partially supported by NSF Grant DMS-1101152 (S. F.), RFBR/CNRS Grant 10-01-9311-CNRSL-a, and MPIM (G. K.).

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Fomin, S., Grigoriev, D. & Koshevoy, G. Subtraction-Free Complexity, Cluster Transformations, and Spanning Trees. Found Comput Math 16, 1–31 (2016).

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