In this paper, we focus on Gossamer, a well-known ultralightweight authentication protocol, introduced in 2008. Our contributions are the following:
we analyze the structure of the MixBits function, a key component of the protocol, and show that it does not realize a pseudorandom function, not even in a weak form;
we show, by employing artificial intelligence techniques, that tags are distinguishable;
finally, we study the performance of Gossamer and show that it does not provide a substantial saving, compared to a standard three-round mutual authentication protocol, implemented with lightweight primitives.
We close the paper with further comments and remarks.

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For readers interested in the details and with background in the area, each sub-network consists of a sequence of convolutional layers, each of which uses a single channel, with filters and kernels of varying size. The number of convolutional filters is specified as a multiple of 16, to get advantage of the GPU capabilities. The network applies a ReLU activation function to the output feature maps, optionally followed by a one-dimensional max-pooling layer. The units in the final convolutional layer are flattened into a single vector. This convolutional layer is followed by a fully-connected layer and, then, one more layer, computing the induced distance metric between each siamese sub-network, which is given to a single sigmoidal output unit.
Such a standard modeling is, of course, highly demanding, and in some applications it might be more than strictly needed. But, as widely agreed within the community, achieving such a notion, enables a safe use of the protocol in any application.
We point out that we tried also with standard classifiers obtaining results supersided by the Siamese network.
Notice that even percentages close to 0.5 could yield some advantages to a distinguisher. However, the bigger the accuracy the stronger is the attack.
Notice that, we are assuming implicitly that \({\mathcal {A}}\) can send an oracle query in each execution step. Perhaps, we could be successful also with a smaller number of oracle queries, but we did not care about possible optimizations, since our goal was only to show that the approach works.
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We would like to thank Dr. Laura Zollo for helping us, in a preliminary version of this work, during her final-degree project for the Master Program in Computer Science (Laurea Magistrale in Informatica). Moreover, we are grateful to two anonymous referees for comments and suggestions, which helped us to significantly improve the quality of the paper.
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D’Arco, P., De Prisco, R., Ansaroudi, Z.E. et al. Gossamer: weaknesses and performance. Int. J. Inf. Secur. 21, 669–687 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10207-021-00575-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10207-021-00575-2