In this paper, we identify the problems of current semantic and hybrid search systems, which seek to bridge structure and unstructured data, and propose solutions. We introduce a novel input mechanism for hybrid semantic search that combines the clean and concise input mechanisms of keyword-based search engines with the expressiveness of the input mechanisms provided by semantic search engines. This interactive input mechanism can be used to formulate ontology-aware search queries without prior knowledge of the ontology. Furthermore, we propose a system architecture for automatically fetching relevant unstructured data, complementing structured data stored in a Knowledge Base, to create a combined index. This combined index can be used to conduct hybrid semantic searches which leverage information from structured and unstructured sources. We present the reference implementation Hybrid Semantic Search System (\(HS^3\)), which uses the combined index to put hybrid semantic search into practice and implements the interactive ontology-enhanced keyword-based input mechanism. For demonstration purpose, we apply \(HS^3\) to the tourism domain. We present performance test results and the results of a user evaluation. Finally, we provide instructions on how to apply \(HS^3\) to arbitrary domains.

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Gärtner, M., Rauber, A. & Berger, H. Bridging structured and unstructured data via hybrid semantic search and interactive ontology-enhanced query formulation. Knowl Inf Syst 41, 761–792 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10115-013-0678-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10115-013-0678-y