This paper presents a new approach for text-line segmentation based on Block Covering which solves the problem of overlapping and multi-touching components. Block Covering is the core of a system which processes a set of ancient Arabic documents from historical archives. The system is designed for separating text-lines even if they are overlapping and multi-touching. We exploit the Block Covering technique in three steps: a new fractal analysis (Block Counting) for document classification, a statistical analysis of block heights for block classification and a neighboring analysis for building text-lines. The Block Counting fractal analysis, associated with a fuzzy C-means scheme, is performed on document images in order to classify them according to their complexity: tightly (closely) spaced documents (TSD) or widely spaced documents (WSD). An optimal Block Covering is applied on TSD documents which include overlapping and multi-touching lines. The large blocks generated by the covering are then segmented by relying on the statistical analysis of block heights. The final labeling into text-lines is based on a block neighboring analysis. Experimental results provided on images of the Tunisian Historical Archives reveal the feasibility of the Block Covering technique for segmenting ancient Arabic documents.

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Appendix 1. Composing density between and with clusters (CDbw) criterion
Appendix 1. Composing density between and with clusters (CDbw) criterion
CDbw is defined as the product:
intra_den expresses the quality of intra-class clustering. sep is the cluster separation measure.
We calculate now the terms of the product:
For a given number of vertical strips vsn = 1/r, let \( V_{i} \; = \;\left\{ {v_{{i1}} ,v_{{i2}} , \cdots ,v_{{in_{i} }} } \right\} \) be the set of blocks of the ith class, and n i be the number of blocks in this class. The standard deviation stddev (i) of the ith class is defined as:
with h ik being the height of the kth block of the ith class and m i being the average height of the blocks of the ith class.
The average stddev is:
The quality of intra-class clustering, denoted by intra_den is defined as:
with density(v ij ) defined as:
and f (v il ,v ij ) defined as:
The interclass density Inter_den is defined as the number of blocks being in the close neighborhood of several classes. This density should be very low. It is defined as:
u ij is a virtual block of height h ij = (m i +m j )/2
density (u ij ) is defined as:
with v k belonging to the union set of blocks of classes i and j.
f (v k ,u ij ) is defined as:
The cluster separation measure is defined as:
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Zahour, A., Taconet, B., Likforman-Sulem, L. et al. Overlapping and multi-touching text-line segmentation by Block Covering analysis. Pattern Anal Applic 12, 335–351 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10044-008-0127-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10044-008-0127-9