Current real-time embedded systems development frameworks lack support for the verification of properties using explicit time where counting time (i.e., durations) may play an important role in the development process. Focusing on the real-time constraints inherent to these systems, we present a framework that addresses the specification of duration properties for runtime verification by employing a fragment of metric temporal logic with durations. We also provide an overview of the framework, the synthesis tools, and the library to support monitoring properties for real-time systems developed in C++11. The results obtained provide clear evidence of the feasibility and advantages of employing a duration-sensitive formalism to increase the dependability of avionic controller systems such as the PX4 and the Ardupilot flight stacks.

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By constant time, we mean that a monitor executes the same number of CPU cycles at each invocation.
The instructions to generate the C++11 code files that are the output of the use case experiments are fully detailed in [29] .
Available at https://github.com/anmaped/rmtld3synth/tree/v0.3-alpha, version 0.3-alpha.
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A rmtld3synth tool User’s Guide
A rmtld3synth tool User’s Guide
The rmtld3synth synthesis tool is able to automatically generate monitors based on the formal specifications written in RMTL-\(\int _3\). Polynomial inequalities are supported by this formalism as well as the most common operators of temporal logics. Furthermore, quantification is also considered in the language of RMTL-\(\int _3\) as a means to facilitate the decomposition of the quantified formulas into several monitoring conditions.
We will now present an overview of the typical process for generating monitors for Ocaml and C++11 languages using this tool, together with a running example of a simple monitoring case generation. We begin by the running example, present the generated monitors, and show how to configure the RV monitoring model to couple with the system.
Consider the formula
that intuitively describes that given an event a, b occurs until c and, at the same time, the duration of b shall be less than four time units over the next 10 time units. For instance, a trace that satisfies this formula is
From rmtld3synth2ocaml tool, we have synthesized the formula’s example into the code of Listing 4. For that, we have used the command in Listing 2.

Next, we can also generate C++11 monitors by replacing –synth-ocaml with –synth-cpp11. The outcome is the monitor illustrated in Listing 5. To use those monitors, we need to define a trace for Ocaml reference as in Listing 3.

For the Ocaml language, experimental integration with RTMLib is available. However, we do not describe it here, but refer the reader for the examples in rmtld3synth’s repository Footnote 3. For C++11 we will now briefly describe how it is performed. Given the verbosity of the generated code, we have removed the conjunction including the duration inequality and used instead the simple formula

Now, we describe the settings for constructing the RV monitoring model.
Overview of the configuration settings. The settings for rmtld3synth tool are defined using the syntax

where | distinguishes between the supported types of arguments such as Boolean, integer or string, and setting_id is a string containing the name of the setting to which values are assigned. An example of a set of possible settings for the tool is given in the first five lines of Listing 6.
We now briefly describe the purpose of each of the setting entries present in Listing 6:
gen_tests sets the automatic generations of test cases (to be used as a demo for testing monitor’s execution).
gen_concurrency_tests constructs tests for testing lock- and wait-free monitors executing concurrently.
gen_unit_tests constructs tests for C++11 synthesis using the Ocaml source code as an oracle.
buffer_size sets the static size of the buffer to be used (rmtld3synth tool can change it if required by some constraints).
minimum_inter_arrival_time establishes the minimum inter-arrival time that the events can have. It is a very pessimistic setting but provides some information for static checking.
maximum_period sets the maximum interval between two consecutive releases of a task’s job. It has a correlation between the periodic monitor and the minimum inter-arrival time. It provides static checks according to the size of time stamps of events.
event_type provides the type for dealing with events (commonly is a class parameter).
event_subtype provides the type for the event data. In that case, it is an identifier that can distinct 255 events. However, if more events are required, the type should be modified to *uint32_t* or greater. The number of different events versus the available size for the identifier is also statically checked.
cluster_name identifies the set of monitors. It acts as a label for grouping monitor specifications.

Writing formulas in RMTLD3 The formulas “m_simple” and “m_morecomplex” follow the same syntax defined in this document. For setting a periodic monitor, we use . They are formatted as a symbolic expression. The type of monitors in Ocaml is according to Listing 7.
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de Matos Pedro, A., Pinto, J.S., Pereira, D. et al. Runtime verification of autopilot systems using a fragment of MTL-\({\int }\) . Int J Softw Tools Technol Transfer 20, 379–395 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10009-017-0470-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10009-017-0470-5