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Multidimensional data modeling for location-based services

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With the recent and continuing advances in areas such as wireless communications and positioning technologies, mobile, location-based services are becoming possible.

Such services deliver location-dependent content to their users. More specifically, these services may capture the movements and requests of their users in multidimensional databases, i.e., data warehouses, and content delivery may be based on the results of complex queries on these data warehouses. Such queries aggregate detailed data in order to find useful patterns, e.g., in the interaction of a particular user with the services.

The application of multidimensional technology in this context poses a range of new challenges. The specific challenge addressed here concerns the provision of an appropriate multidimensional data model. In particular, the paper extends an existing multidimensional data model and algebraic query language to accommodate spatial values that exhibit partial containment relationships instead of the total containment relationships normally assumed in multidimensional data models. Partial containment introduces imprecision in aggregation paths. The paper proposes a method for evaluating the imprecision of such paths. The paper also offers transformations of dimension hierarchies with partial containment relationships to simple hierarchies, to which existing precomputation techniques are applicable.

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Correspondence to Christian S. Jensen.

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Received: 28 September 2002, Accepted: 5 April 2003, Published online: 12 August 2003

Edited by: J. Veijalainen

Correspondence to: I. Timko

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Jensen, C.S., Kligys, A., Pedersen, T.B. et al. Multidimensional data modeling for location-based services. VLDB 13, 1–21 (2004).

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