Among the activities in requirements engineering (RE), requirements management ensures that requirements are tracked throughout their life cycle, changes are controlled, and inconsistencies are corrected. Requirements management has become increasingly critical in new ways of developing software and emerging contexts such as software ecosystems (SECO). The changing nature of the SECO introduces complexity in requirements management and results in varied flows of emergent requirements, making managing requirements in SECO challenging. Hence, understanding how requirements management is performed in SECO can help requirements managers improve their practices. This work aims to characterize requirements management in SECO. We have conducted a systematic mapping study (SMS) to achieve this goal. We selected 29 studies using a hybrid search strategy (database search and snowballing). We defined nine characteristics of requirements management in SECO that differentiate it from requirements management in traditional software development. We identified four types of approaches to support requirements management in SECO: tool, method, model, and practice. We found that only three selected studies present an assessment of their approaches. Finally, we characterize requirements management in SECO as an open, informal, collaborative, and decentralized process involving multi-party actors susceptible to power relations.

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The datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are available in the ZENODO repository, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8131745.
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This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001. The authors thank UNIRIO (PPQ 03/2022 and 03/2023) and FAPERJ (Proc. 211.583/2019) for partial support to the work. The third author would like to thank the FAPEMA (Process BEPP-01608/21; UNIVERSAL00745/19).
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Appendix A: List of selected studies
Appendix A: List of selected studies
ID | Title | References |
S1 | ‘State of the Art’ in Using Agile Methods for Embedded Systems Development | Srinivasan et al. [89] |
S2 | Specification and Analysis of Requirements Negotiation Strategy in Software Ecosystems | Fricker [32] |
S3 | The metropolis model and its implications for the engineering of software ecosystems | Kazman and Chen [49] |
S4 | Towards Understanding Requirements Engineering in IT Ecosystems | Knauss et al. [52] |
S5 | Analysing Requirements Negotiation in Software Ecosystems with Multi-Agent Systems Techniques | Valença et al. [92] |
S6 | On the Impact of Software Ecosystems in Requirements Communication and Management | Santos and Werner [80] |
S7 | Requirements Negotiation Model: A Social Oriented Approach for Software Ecosystems Evolution | Valença [94] |
S8 | Software Ecosystems: From Software Product Management to Software Platform Management | Jansen et al. [45] |
S9 | Competition and Collaboration in Requirements Engineering: A Case Study of an Emerging Software Ecosystem | Valença et al. [95] |
S10 | Innovation Processes in Business Ecosystems Creating a Common Understanding by Requirements | Harland et al. [39] |
S11 | Using Social Networks to Support Software Ecosystems Comprehension and Evolution | Santos et al. [77] |
S12 | Cross-Organizational Challenges of Requirements Engineering in the AUTOSAR Ecosystem: An Exploratory Case Study | Soltani and Knauss [87] |
S13 | How Firms Adapt and Interact in Open Source Ecosystems: Analyzing Stakeholder Influence and Collaboration Patterns | Linåker et al. [58] |
S14 | Requirements Analysis and Management for Benefiting Openness | Linåker and Wnuk [62] |
S15 | Understanding How Power Influences Business and Requirements Decisions in Software Ecosystems | Valença and Alves [93] |
S16 | A Survey of Practitioners Use of Open Innovation | Fernandez and Svensson [28] |
S17 | Continuous clarification and emergent requirements flows in open-commercial software ecosystems | Knauss et al. [53] |
S18 | Ecosystems effects on software-consuming organizations an experience report on two observational studies | Santos et al. [81] |
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Malcher, P., Silva, E., Viana, D. et al. What do we know about requirements management in software ecosystems?. Requirements Eng 28, 567–593 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00766-023-00407-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00766-023-00407-w