During the software development process and throughout the software lifecycle, organizations must guarantee users’ privacy by protecting personal data. There are several studies in the literature proposing methodologies, techniques, and tools for privacy requirements elicitation. These studies report that practitioners must use systematic approaches to specify these requirements during initial software development activities to avoid users’ data privacy breaches. The main goal of this study is to identify which methodologies, techniques, and tools are used in privacy requirements elicitation in the literature. We have also investigated Information Technology (IT) practitioners’ perceptions regarding the methodologies, techniques, and tools identified in the literature. We have carried out a systematic literature review (SLR) to identify the methodologies, techniques, and tools used for privacy requirements elicitation. Besides, we have surveyed IT practitioners to understand their perception of using these techniques and tools in the software development process. We have found several methodologies, techniques, and tools proposed in the literature to carry out privacy requirements elicitation. Out of 78 studies cataloged within the SLR, most of them did not verify their methodologies and techniques in a practical case study or illustrative contexts (38 studies), and less than 35% of them (26 studies) experimented with their propositions within an industry context. The Privacy Safeguard method (PriS) is the best known among the 198 practitioners in the industry who participated in the survey. Moreover, use cases and user story are their most-used techniques. This qualitative and quantitative study shows a perception of IT practitioners different from those presented in other research papers and suggests that methodologies, techniques, and tools play an important role in IT practitioners’ perceptions about privacy requirements elicitation.

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We want to thank all survey participants and the National Council of Justice for supporting this research. This work has been partially supported by FAP-DF (the Brazilian Federal District Research Foundation).
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Canedo, E.D., Bandeira, I.N., Calazans, A.T. et al. Privacy requirements elicitation: a systematic literature review and perception analysis of IT practitioners. Requirements Eng 28, 177–194 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00766-022-00382-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00766-022-00382-8