Recommender systems for requirements are typically built on the assumption that similar requirements can be used as proxies to retrieve similar software. When a stakeholder proposes a new requirement, natural language processing (NLP)-based similarity metrics can be exploited to retrieve existing requirements, and in turn, identify previously developed code. Several NLP approaches for similarity computation between requirements are available. However, there is little empirical evidence on their effectiveness for code retrieval. This study compares different NLP approaches, from lexical ones to semantic, deep-learning techniques, and correlates the similarity among requirements with the similarity of their associated software. The evaluation is conducted on real-world requirements from two industrial projects from a railway company. Specifically, the most similar pairs of requirements across two industrial projects are automatically identified using six language models. Then, the trace links between requirements and software are used to identify the software pairs associated with each requirements pair. The software similarity between pairs is then automatically computed with JPLag. Finally, the correlation between requirements similarity and software similarity is evaluated to see which language model shows the highest correlation and is thus more appropriate for code retrieval. In addition, we perform a focus group with members of the company to collect qualitative data. Results show a moderately positive correlation between requirements similarity and software similarity, with the pre-trained deep learning-based BERT language model with preprocessing outperforming the other models. Practitioners confirm that requirements similarity is generally regarded as a proxy for software similarity. However, they also highlight that additional aspect comes into play when deciding software reuse, e.g., domain/project knowledge, information coming from test cases, and trace links. Our work is among the first ones to explore the relationship between requirements and software similarity from a quantitative and qualitative standpoint. This can be useful not only in recommender systems but also in other requirements engineering tasks in which similarity computation is relevant, such as tracing and change impact analysis.
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1 Introduction
Recommender systems have been widely studied in requirements engineering (RE) [34, 46, 69], and several diverse applications of this paradigm have been proposed in the literature. These include stakeholder recommendation for requirements discussions [19], refactoring recommendation based on feature requests [67] and bid management [34]. One typical application scenario of recommender systems in RE is related to requirements retrieval [23, 50]. Specifically, when a new requirement is proposed, the requirements analyst looks for reuse opportunities and compares the new proposal with existing requirements in order to adapt their previously developed models and implementations [56, 83]. This can be supported by content-based recommender systems [60], which, given a new requirement, return the most similar ones in a historical database of product releases, together with the associated artifacts. The rationale of the approach is that similar requirements can be used as proxies to retrieve similar software, i.e., code that can be adapted with little effort to address the new needs.
Different NLP techniques exist to compute requirements similarity, and the recent emergence of novel NLP language models provides promising options [94]. In the field of content-based recommender systems, widely used approaches are the traditional algebraic models, including vector space with tf-idf and latent semantic indexing (LSI) [16]. Recent works have also experimented with more advanced strategies, exploiting neural networks [45, 91], and using transformers for language representation, as, e.g., BERT [59]. However, none of the works studies the fundamental assumption of content-based recommender systems, which is that highly similar requirements are linked to similar implementations. Furthermore, none of the works systematically compares the different available techniques to compute requirements similarity in the context of code retrieval. Therefore, it is unclear (1) to which extent automatically computed requirements similarity correlates with software similarity and (2) what are the most effective techniques to support requirements similarity computation in a way that is optimized for code retrieval. Furthermore, (3) little is known about the viewpoint of practitioners on this matter, as most of the works focus on experimenting with automatic solutions, rather than investigating real-world practices [15, 94].
This paper aims to empirically study the problem in the context of the requirements of Alstom Transport AB (Alstom), a world-leading railway company, which aims to improve its code reuse process by means of requirement-based software retrieval. To study the relationship between requirements similarity and software similarity in this setting, we consider 254 real-world requirements related to two power propulsion control (PPC) projects. We consider different state-of-the-art language models to semantically represent the requirements and support similarity computation, namely the traditional tf-idf, the Jaccard Similarity Index (JSI) [61], and the more advanced Doc2Vec [58], FastText [14], Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) [30], and the Universal Sentence Encoder (USE) [20]. Our choice of language models covers representative seminal models from lexical approaches (JSI) to information retrieval (tf-idf), and to word2vec-based (Doc2Vec, FastText) and Deep Learning (DL)-based models (BERT, and USE). We complement this quantitative analysis with a focus group involving participants from two teams at the company, i.e., the PPC team and the Train Control and Management System (TCMS) team. Specifically, the data from the quantitative analysis are used to trigger discussion around the topic of requirements-based software reuse.
Our results show that, in our context, on average, the deep learning-based BERT model with pre-processing is the one that leads to the highest correlation with the software similarity, computed with JPLag [75]. Furthermore, we show that the correlation between requirements similarity and code similarity is moderately high for BERT and tf-idf with pre-processing. FastText, USE and JSI without pre-processing also show a moderately high correlation. This provides some evidence that similar implementations realize similar requirements in the context of the considered case study. On the other hand, it also suggests that there is further space for research about novel methods to retrieve similar software that goes beyond requirements similarity. The evidence is confirmed by the viewpoint of practitioners, who clearly state that similar requirements must be related to similar software; otherwise, something might have gone wrong in the development process. On the other hand, they also notice that requirements are only the starting point for code reuse. Domain/project knowledge, conversations involving different profiles, analysis of trace links, inspection of test cases, and other aspects play a crucial role in deciding reuse opportunities.
The work presented in this paper is an extension of an earlier conference contribution [1]. With respect to the previous work, we made the following extensions: (i) we performed a focus group to collect rich qualitative data on the topic of the research, and we thus provide evidence from the voice of practitioners about requirements-based code reuse; (ii) we added two more NLP metrics to measure requirements similarity, a lexical one (JSI) and a deep learning-based one (USE), so as to cover a wider range of types of techniques used in the literature [25, 29]; (iii) we extended the analysis of the related works to position our contribution in RE considering other tasks in which similarity computation is essential, including traceability, and change impact analysis.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses related work. Section 3 presents the background of the requirements similarity approaches used in this paper. Section 4 discusses the research design, with context, research questions, and procedures. In Sect. 5, we present the results, and in Sect. 6 we discuss the main takeaway messages. Threats to validity are presented in Sect. 7. We conclude the paper and draw future directions in Sect. 8.
2 Related work
In software engineering, several approaches rely on similarity measurements to analyze relationships between different software artifacts. Typical goals include feature identification [95], feature location [32], architecture recovery [83], reusable service identification [82] and clone detection [92].
In the RE field, similarity computation normally involves the usage of NLP techniques to represent the requirements [94], as these are typically written in Natural Language (NL) [36, 37, 54]. Similarity computation is key for many typical requirements management tasks, including traceability [15, 22, 42, 45], identification of equivalent requirements [33], change impact analysis [9, 16], glossary terms extraction and grouping [7], and artifact retrieval through automatic recommender systems [3, 19, 23, 31, 34, 46, 67, 69, 78]. In the following, we compare our research with representative works in RE, focusing in particular on the topics of traceability, change impact analysis, and recommender systems, which are closely related to our work, as they deal with both requirements and software similarity. Also, we give attention to the code clone detection topic due to its relation with the source code similarly measurement used in our study.
Traceability Requirements tracing consists in linking related artifacts of the software process, such as requirements, models, code, tests, to facilitate reuse, external assessment and other management activities. Keeping trace links aligned during software evolution is particularly challenging, and information retrieval (IR) approaches have been experimented with to support this task [22, 89]. In this regard, Borg et al. [16] performed a systematic mapping of IR approaches to software traceability. The study considers 79 publications. The majority of them are concerned with tracing requirements to requirements (37, 47%) and requirements to code (32, 41%). The study shows that works typically use algebraic models—i.e., the vector space model and latent semantic indexing (LSI)—to support artifact representation and similarity computation between artifacts. The tf-idf index is by far the most common weighting scheme. Less common is experimentation with probabilistic and language-based models. The study also observes the need for more industrial case studies on the topic.
Recently, other traceability studies focus on more advanced strategies for similarity computation. Among others, Guo et al. [45] experiment with deep learning techniques through the usage of word embedding and recurrent neural network (RNN). Their results show that these semantic-laden techniques outperform classical vector space and LSI models. Another research in this direction is performed by Wang et al. [91], who use artificial neural networks (multilayer perceptron, MLP) to overcome the problem of polysemy that affects classical lexical techniques for similarity computation [26]. Further enhancement in the accuracy of similarity computation for tracing is shown by Lin et al. [59], who use Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) language models to trace between GIT issues—which can be regarded as forms of requirements—and commits in open-source projects. Their work shows that BERT appears to rule out traditional techniques in terms of performance (over 60% with respect to the vector space model). In addition, it also addresses the problem of limited annotated data that affect the performance of RNNs used by Guo et al. [45], thanks to the transfer learning paradigm [70].
Change Impact Analysis. Change impact analysis (CIA) consists in estimating the consequences of a certain change in one or more artifacts produced during the software process, including requirements, in terms of refactoring effort for other artifacts. This can be based on novel requirements, identified bugs, or other sources of change [13]. Representative works in this field are those by Arora et al. [9] and Borg et al. [16]. Arora et al. [9] use the SEMILAR (SEMantic simILARity) toolkit [80] to experiment with different similarity metrics and select the best combinations to support inter-requirements CIA. Their work suggests that the best metrics are the Levhenstein distance [61], a syntactic metric, combined with Path [80], a semantic one. Borg et al. [16] reuse previous CIA information coming from an issue tracking system. This is used to build a graph that links artifacts—e.g., requirements, test cases—based on their previous changes identified by the issue tracking system. Given a novel issue, similar issues are detected in the knowledge base, and artifacts potentially impacted by the change are retrieved. Issue similarity is evaluated by means of the Lucene library [47] with the traditional LSI, which was used also by previous studies in the field (e.g., ImpactMiner from Gethers et al. [43]).
CIA is a task that heavily relies on trace links, as one change in a software artifact needs to be propagated on the related ones, and trace links can be a relevant source to channel the ripple-effect [13]. Aung et al. [10] present a recent literature review on automatic trace links recovery for the purpose of CIA. In line with works focused on traceability previously surveyed by Borg et al. [15], the authors confirm that the most common language models to support similarity computation are vector space with tf-idf and LSI, Jensen & Shannon models (JSMs) [5], and Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) [52, 71]. The study also shows that CIA mostly focuses on relations between textual artifacts (e.g., requirements, issues, features) and source code, followed by inter-requirements relations.
Recommender Systems. One of the seminal contributions on recommender systems in RE is the work by Natt och Dag et al. [23], where the tf-idf language model and cosine similarity are used to support retrieval of previous requirements on a large industrial dataset. The authors developed a tool called ReqSimile, which reaches a recall of around 50% for the top-10 requirements. This is estimated to save considerable time in the given industrial context when compared to keyword-based search. Dumitru et al. [31] describe an approach for feature recommendation based on online product descriptions. With the support of association rule mining and kNN (nearest neighbor) clustering, they use vector-based representation with tf-idf. Given a novel product description, the approach mines Softpedia.com, and proposes possible features based on similar products in the market. A combination of kNN clustering and tf-idf is also used by Castro-Herrera et al. [19] to recommend relevant stakeholders to requirements discussion forums based on their expertise. Similarity measures are computed based on expressed stakeholder needs and different stakeholder preferences.
The OpenReq EU project [34, 69] aims to take a more holistic perspective, with recommendations in elicitation, specification, and analysis, and also includes a proposal for bid management. The researchers plan to use content-based recommender systems for requirements and adopt vector-space language models to support similarity computation. The project has released a specific service for similarity computation among requirements, which is based on the tf-idf metrics. The service is made available on GitHubFootnote 1.
On a different note, Nyamawe et. al. [67, 68] recommend refactorings based on new feature requests. The recommended refactorings are based on the history of the previously requested features, applied refactorings, and code smells information. The approach is applied to issue tracking systems, and, as in previous works, the tf-idf vector-space model is used to compute the similarity between feature requests.
With a focus on requirements dependencies, Samer et al. [81] compare different approaches to detect whether two requirements have a dependency relationship or not. The authors use tf-idf and Pointwise Mutual Information (PMI) to support similarity computation, aided with machine learning algorithms. The best performance in this context is achieved with PMI and Random Forest classification. Still on recommendation systems for requirements dependencies, Ninaus et al. [66] developed Intellireq, an interactive platform that uses OpenThesaurus to improve the measurement of semantic similarity.
Finally, in a recent contribution [3], we used requirements descriptions to recommend the reuse of their implementation for new requirements. Compared to our previous work [3], which was dedicated to the whole task of software reuse, the current investigation is explicitly focusing on exploring the relationship between requirements similarity and the actual software similarity.
Clone Detection. Clone detection techniques (CDTs) aim to identify code clones, i.e., identical or similar code pieces that are reused within the same application or across different ones. To measure the similarity between code pieces, CDTs rely on several similarity metrics that can be calculated based on their textual, syntactical, or semantic information [88]. Ragkhitwetsagul et al. [76] perform a comparison between 30 code similarity approaches used to identify code clones. The textual similarity is measured by comparing code pieces in terms of text and string. Normally, they are identified as code clones if they have identical textual content [86], i.e., Type 1 of code cloning. Ito et al. [51] develop a web-based application of their approach that measures the code similarity based on the hash signatures identified from the code using the b-bit min-wise hashing algorithm. The syntactical similarity is calculated based on sub-tree comparison techniques between the Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs) extracted from code pieces. Narasimhan et al. [65] use the CDT Eclipse plugin to extract ASTs from the C/C++ source code. Then, they rely on the robust tree edit distance algorithm (RTED) proposed by Pawlik et al. [72] to identify syntactical similar code clones that can be merged into a more reusable piece of code using the abstraction pattern. To understand variability in android families, Shatnawi et al. [84] rely on ASTs to identify code clones allowing to analyze the commonality and variability between android applications of the same family. Based on their approach, a parameterized tool is provided to identify code clones at different levels of abstraction in which practitioners can configure different software similarity metrics. The semantic similarity is used to identify code clones that have different textual and syntactical representations but have similar behavior when the corresponding programs are executed, i.e., Type 4 code cloning. Statically, this type of similarity can be calculated using the control and data-flow analysis of program dependency graph reverse-engineered from code pieces [90]. In our empirical study, to measure the software similarity between the code pieces implementing similar requirements, we rely on JPLag [75] because it is based on a syntactical-based similarity metric that is compatible with the type of similarity realized in our case studies, it is freely and publicly available and can be executed on local machines which allow us to comply with our confidentiality agreement with the company.
Contribution. To the best of our knowledge, the work presented in this paper is the first one that compares the most recent state-of-the-art NLP techniques for requirements similarity computation in terms of their correlation with software similarity. The usage of advanced techniques based on deep learning and transfer learning follows the developments from Guo et al. [45] and Lin et al. [59]. In addition, we address the need for case studies observed, among others, by the survey of Borg et al. [15] in the field of traceability. Our work can be useful also for the CIA area since Aung et al. [10] observed that most works rely on relationships between textual artifacts and source code, as in our case. Furthermore, works on the analysis of requirements dependencies can also benefit from our work, as the similarity is one of the most common dependencies identified in the empirical study by Deshpande et al. [27]. These contributions are particularly relevant also for the whole NLP for the RE area, as the recent survey of Zhao et al. [94] clearly highlights the limited experimentation with advanced NLP techniques in RE research, as well as the limited set of industrial studies.
3 Background: measuring requirements similarity
Several metrics exist for measuring similarity between natural language artifacts in general and requirements in the specific [61]. Some metrics are purely lexical because they measure the term-based surface similarity between requirements. Others are more semantic-laden and aim to measure the similarity of the meaning of the requirements. In general, before measuring requirements similarity, one needs to define or learn a language model, which can be regarded as a statistical representation of the frequency and relationship between words in a language [12, 73]. Given the text of a requirement, a language model can be used to map it into a numerical vector. Similarity among requirements boils down to measuring distance among vectors, and this is typically performed using the cosine similarity [61], which measures the cosine of the angle between the vectors. The effectiveness of the similarity computed with cosine is heavily dependent on the choice of the language model used for computing feature vectors.
In this paper, we use six language models for similarity computation among requirements. The selected language models are Jaccard Similarity Index (JSI), Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency (tf-idf), Doc2Vec, FastText, Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT), and Universal Sentence Encoder (USE). Note that JSI is not a language model but rather a string-level similarity metric. However, we refer to it as a language model in the remainder of this paper for the simplicity of reporting.
These six language models are selected as representative models from the following seminal categories.
Lexical. This is a basic category, which considers the terms solely as they appear in the text of the sentences (i.e., requirements in our case). To include a representative lexical similarity metric, we include JSI due to its promising performance in software clustering [25].
IR-based language models. This category includes measures that consider lexical aspects of requirements in relation to the lexical aspects of other requirements in a repository, as typical in an IR scenario. We include the traditional tf-idf as it is the most widely used IR-based language model in RE [94].
word2vec-based language models. This category includes all language models that enrich terms representation with semantics based on techniques inspired by the word2vec algorithm. To represent the prominent word2vec-based language models, we include the widely used Doc2Vec and FastText.
DL-based language models. DL-based language models provide a contextual representation of expressions utilizing deep learning architectures. DL-based language models are emerging in software engineering and are the de-facto standards in NLP. To represent the DL-based language models in our study, we include the emerging BERT and USE language models. BERT and USE have been chosen as they have shown promising results in different software engineering tasks (e.g., [44, 59]).
In the following, we briefly describe the six language models used in our paper.
Jaccard Similarity Index (JSI) is a numerical measurement of the intersection of common terms between two requirements divided by the union of the terms. More formally, given two requirements r and q, their JSI is computed as:
where T(r) and T(q) represent the set of terms in r and q, respectively.
Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency is based on the tf-idf score from IR. This language model extracts term-matrix from the input requirements where the terms are treated as features, and their frequencies represent the weights of these features. Minimum and maximum term frequencies can be defined to drop irrelevant features such as potential stop-words. The term-matrix also considers the co-occurring terms (n-grams) as features. The term matrix is usually of very high dimensions, and thus, dimensionality reduction techniques are used to select the top features from the matrix. Such an approach is useful when requirements share common terms.
Doc2Vec is based on the word2vec approach, where every word in a document is mapped to a vector of real numbers using a neural network. The vectors are concatenated to get vectors for the entire document, preserving the contextual and semantic information. For example, words like “simple" and “easy" would result in similar vectors. This helps in inferring feature vectors of fixed length for a variable length of requirements.
FastText is another model based on word2vec, where instead of learning word vectors directly, it utilizes the character level n-grams. For example, the word “run" would be divided into n-grams such as “ru," “run," “un". Such a model is useful for cases where shorter words are used. In addition, FastText also understands suffixes (such as verb ending) and prefixes (such as unhappy, where un is the prefix) better because it utilizes character-level information.
Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) is a recent breakthrough in language understanding researches. It is a bi-directional model based on the Transformer encoder architecture that also considers positional and contextual information of words. BERT is known for the so-called contextual embedding and is trained on BooksCorpus and the English Wikipedia with 2500M words. Such a model could be handy for capturing the semantic of the requirements.
Universal Sentence Encoder (USE) uses the Deep Averaging Network (DAN)-based encoder for learning the representation of text. USE is optimized for learning phrase and sentence-level representation for the tasks of text classification and semantic similarity. Therefore, USE is an ideal option for semantic similarity computation in short paragraphs of text, such as requirements.
4 Study design
This section outlines the research method used to obtain the results. This work can be regarded as an exploratory case study [79], oriented to understand the relationship between requirements and their associated software in the specific context of a railway company.
We designed this study following the guidelines of Runeson et al. [79] for conducting and reporting case studies. The study is designed to collect both quantitative and qualitative data to answer the research questions. Quantitative data are collected from two safety-critical projects at Alstom. To collect qualitative insights, we designed a focus group session involving Alstom engineers.
4.1 Objectives and research questions
Our main goal is to study the relationship between requirements similarity and software similarity in the context of requirements-based code reuse. To this end, we want to use quantitative and qualitative lenses to understand if an association can be identified between requirements similarity and software similarity so that similar requirements can be assumed to be realized by similar software. To achieve this objective, we define the following research questions (RQs).
- RQ1::
To what extent is requirements similarity correlated to the similarity of their linked software in the context of requirements-based software reuse?
- RQ2::
How do practitioners in the studied setting perceive the association between similar requirements and their software in the context of requirements-based code reuse?
In RQ1, we focus on the association between automatically computed similarity for both the requirements and the software. Furthermore, since the focus is on requirements-based software reuse, we limit the analysis to similar requirements, as non-similar requirements are of less interest in requirements-based software reuse. RQ1 addresses the problem from a quantitative standpoint. To answer RQ1, we first measure requirements similarity between two projects with six different language models. We consider Jaccard Similarity Index (JSI), tf-idf (TF), Doc2Vec (DW), FastText (FT), BERT, and USE for computing requirements similarity. Then, we consider the software that implements similar requirements by means of explicit trace links, and we use JPLag to measure the similarity between the software. Finally, we compute the correlation between the different requirements similarity measures and the software similarity.
It is worth noting that no data about the actual similarity between requirements and software pairs, as evaluated by humans, were available beforehand as ground truth. The only data available in our dataset are the requirements, the software realizing those requirements, and the trace links between requirements and their implementation. We use the trace links to identify if, given two highly similar requirements pairs, the software linked to the requirements is also similar. For both requirements and software, the similarity is always automatically computed. More formally, given two highly similar requirements \(r_1, r_2\), according to a language model, and given \(s_1, s_2\) as the software modules implementing \(r_1\) and \(r_2\), respectively, we want to understand if \(s_1\) and \(s_2\) are also highly similar, according to some automatic similarity metric.
RQ2 addresses the problem from a qualitative standpoint and also aims to collect data about current practices and challenges in requirements-based software reuse. To answer RQ2, we organize a focus group with five practitioners from the company belonging to two different teams. The two teams work on different types of projects and have different requirements engineering practices. Thus, they are expected to provide different perspectives on the topic. Focus group research is a well-accepted method in software engineering research for the collection of qualitative insights [55]. The focus group research experiences shared by Kontio et al. [55] suggest having participants between 3 to 12. Due to limited resources provided by the company, we conducted our study using one focus group with five experts and limited the time to one and a half hours. The discussion in the focus group is triggered by nine examples of pairs of similar requirements—identified by the language models—and their corresponding software. The focus group results are analyzed by means of thematic analysis, and main themes are identified concerning the current vision, common practices, and challenges in requirements-based code reuse. It should be noted that RQ2 was informally considered already in initial communications with the company in general. These preliminary interactions lead to RQ1 and previous work of part of the authors on software reuse within the company [3]. However, in this work, we want to treat the topic in a more rigorous way, possibly identifying some indications to combine automatic similarity measurements with heuristics derived from practitioners’ practice.
4.2 Study context
The case study is carried out within Alstom, a railway manufacturer. More specifically, the PPC software development team of the company is considered for quantitative data collection. We consider both the PPC team and TCMS software team for qualitative data collection. In the following, we describe the main characteristics of the two teams.
In the PPC team, the software is typically developed by reusing and adapting existing components from an assets base [2]. The development of a new product starts after receiving customer requirements either from different teams at the company or from customers directly. Since the system is a safety-critical software-intensive system, the requirements for all existing products can be traced to the source code. The team consists of more than 140 employees, developing safety-critical products. Due to the safety-critical nature of the products, requirements are at the center of the development process. Therefore, all the team members participate in the requirements engineering activities. As shown in Fig. 1, requirement analysis and elicitation activities are performed on tender documents to extract the customer requirements. The PPC team receives the customer requirements relevant to the propulsion system. The input requirements (shown as “PPC reqs." in Fig. 1) are internalized by reusing standard internal domain requirements (shown as “Internal Standard Reqs." in Fig. 1)and existing requirements from other projects. This results in project-specific internal requirements to be implemented, shown as “Project-Specific Reqs." in Fig. 1.
To support reuse, the engineers also conduct manual reuse analysis to identify existing similar customer requirements, shown as “Reqs. Reuse" in Fig. 1. Traceability between the requirements and their implementation is maintained to comply with safety standards. The team exploits existing traceability links of similar customer requirements to identify existing software components that could be reused to realize the new requirements. Note that the identification of similar requirements is manual and is based on the experience of the engineer. The decisions on the identification of similar requirements in the manual reuse analysis process are not explicitly documented. Therefore, we do not have any historical record of requirements that have been considered to be similar by engineers. Furthermore, this manual reuse analysis process is also heavily dependent on the experience of engineers and is time-consuming. Currently, the process is being automated with a recommender system called VARA [3]. Like most RE recommender systems, VARA is also based on the assumption that similar requirements can be used as proxies to retrieve similar software.
The TCMS team is responsible for developing the execution platform for the train applications. In the TCMS team, the requirements for the system come from different teams at the company. Unlike the PPC team, the TCMS team does not typically reuse software but instead focuses on evolving the existing system developed by them. Indeed, this represents a lower-level platform to support different applications, and can be regarded as a cyber-physical operating system (an enhanced firmware) specific for trains. As such, it is reused as a whole across different projects and needs to support different application-specific requirements without the need to be changed. In this team, the requirements are typically well defined, following a structure of Given (a statement that specifies the current system state), When (a statement indicating the occurrence of a certain trigger), and Then (an action that is expected to be performed by the system based on the trigger).
By involving the two teams in the focus group session, we aim to collect diverse views from subjects with varying requirements engineering and software reuse practices.
4.3 Data collection procedure (RQ1)
Figure 2 shows a high-level view of the procedure followed for data collection. One project manager from the company was involved in validating our procedure. Two requirements documents belonging to two projects (shown in Fig. 2, project A and B, in the following) of the PPC team were considered for this study. The projects were selected based on convenience of the project manager to represent a potential scenario of requirements-based software reuse. The requirement documents of the two projects were exported from a requirements management tool, and therefore, non-requirement-related information, such as headings and definitions, were also included. As shown in Fig. 2, the documents were subjected to cleaning to remove entries that are not requirements but are additional supporting information, such as headings and definitions. As a result, we consider all of the 254 requirements—112 from project A and 142 from project B—selected out of 265 entries. Table 1 outlines the data about the two projects with information on requirements and lines of code. As shown in Fig. 2, the requirements were used as an input to the language models for similarity computation with and without pre-processing.
Pre-Processing. The pre-process pipeline takes the requirements text and removes English stop-words from it. After the removal of the stop-words, each token of the requirement text is tagged with Part-of-speech (POS) tags to guide the lemmatization. The pre-trained spaCy modelFootnote 2 is used to lemmatize the text of the requirement. The output of this pipeline is the pre-processed text of the requirement. The dataset before and after pre-processing is shown in Table 1, with the number of Software Lines of Code (SLOC) implementing these requirements shown in the SLOC column. The considered requirements are relatively long in terms of words—about 64 words, on average. They are indeed composed of more than one sentence, and they can be considered to have a medium degree of abstraction. They are technical requirements, so more low-level compared to business requirements. At the same time, they are still at the system level of abstraction, and they are not broken down yet into module-level requirements, which have a closer relation with the code. We consider these requirements because they are the ones that the engineers of the PPC team typically use for identifying software reuse opportunities. A real requirement from the dataset before and after pre-processing is shown below.
Before Pre-Processing. The sign of the tractive/braking effort and the motor speed shall correspond to the selected direction. A positive effort reference shall indicate tractive effort and vehicle movement in the required direction. A negative sign shall indicate electrodynamic braking effort and vehicle movement against the required direction.
After Pre-Processing. sign tractive brake effort motor speed correspond select direction positive effort reference indicate tractive effort vehicle movement require direction negative sign indicate electrodynamic brake effort vehicle movement require direction
In the remainder of this paper, the language model’s variants where pre-processing is applied are referred to as “p" followed by the name of the language model.
Language Models In the following, we report the settings for the language models applied in our study and the specific implementations adopted in the case of pre-trained models.
JSI The computation of the index has been implemented by the authors.
TF The model is configured to build the term-document matrix on project B and then uses principal component analysis (PCA) [53] to select the top features based on the explained variance of 95% from the matrix. The minimum and maximum document frequencies are set to 6 and 0.5, respectively. We consider n-grams ranging from 1 to 8.
DW the pre-trained Doc2Vec model available in Gensim dataFootnote 3. is used. The model has a vector size of 300, with a minimum frequency set to 2. The model is trained on the English Wikipedia documents resulting in a vocabulary size of 35,556,952.
FT we use the pre-trained FT model available in Gensim data. The model has a vector size of 100 with a minimum frequency set to 1. The model is trained on the English Wikipedia documents on the sub-word level. This results in a vocabulary size of 2,519,370. Both FT and DW are based on the skip-gram neural network architecture [64], known for contextual word prediction.
BERT we use the uncased pre-trained BERT model by Google Research [30]. The model has 12 layers and a vector size of 768. We use the BERT implementation available in BERT-as-a-serviceFootnote 4.
USE we use the English pre-trained model available in the TensorFlow hub Footnote 5. The model is trained on a variety of data sources and produces a feature vector of 512 dimensions. The model does not require the input text to be pre-processed. However, to make a fair comparison, we consider the results with and without pre-processing.
Requirements Similarity Computation We compute the similarity and identify similar requirements based on the different language models with and without pre-processing. Note that for DW, FT, USE, and BERT, the hyper-parameters are not in our control and come from the original pre-trained models. The input to each language model is a requirement, and the output is a vector. The similarity between each pair of requirements’ vectors is calculated using the cosine similarity metric with the scipy implementation available in the library scipy [77]. This procedure applies to all language models, except JSI. For JSI, a pair is created by computing the index directly on the text of the requirements.
A pair of requirements is created by retrieving the most similar requirement from project B for each requirement in project A, as shown in Fig. 2 as Similar Pairs of Reqs. We have chosen this approach as project B was developed before project A. Therefore, this setting mimics a software retrieval scenario in which requirements from project A are regarded as queries, and those from project B are database items to be retrieved. It should be noted that, as in a real retrieval scenario, requirements considered as “most similar" according to a particular metric may not actually be similar in practice from the user’s viewpoint. As in this study, we are concerned with automatic requirements similarity; this aspect is not currently addressed. Given the total number of requirements, we select the top-50 similar pairs using cosine similarity. We choose the top-50 pairs because it is a suitable number for a sample size on which to apply statistical tests, and, at the same time, does not cover all possible, likely unrelated, requirements pairs which would not be relevant in a retrieval scenario, (see Sect. 5.1 for a more detailed explanation).
Code Generation. In the studied projects, the requirements are realized in Simulink models, and code is generated from the models for deployment. In our setting, we compute software similarity on the generated code. Computing software similarity directly on the Simulink models might lead to interesting results and possibly different results. However, the tool support for computing Simulink model similarity is limited. In addition, in many scenarios such as safety certification and deployment, the central artifact is the generated source code, as this will be the one that will actually run on the system. Furthermore, in the studied settings, engineers use Simulink Embedded Coder with the MinGW64 gmake tool-chain to generate code from the models for deployment and testing. Therefore, as shown in Fig. 2, we mimic the same setup and generated codeFootnote 6 from the Simulink model to be considered for software similarity computation.. The related code realizing each requirement was traced and moved to directories tagged with the requirement’s identifiers to ease the Source Code Similarity computation (shown in Fig. 2). In the future, we also aim to extend this analysis to the similarity computed on Simulink models.
Source Code Similarity Computation. Our software similarity pipeline takes pairs of requirement identifiers as input and copies each pair’s code to separate foldersFootnote 7. The pipeline then uses JPLag to compute the similarity between the pair of source codes. To compute the similarity between the source code of the two requirements, we use the JPLag’s Java ARchive (JAR) with C/C++ as a language parameter [75]. JPLag was originally designed to detect plagiarism in students’ assignments and thus is able to detect semantically similar code. Note that JPLag ignores code comments and white spaces and scans and parses the input programs to convert the programs into string tokens. JPLag then uses a greedy version of the string tiling algorithm to compute the similarity between the tokens of the source code. The similarity number is basically the percentage of similar tokens in the pairs of source codes. The output of this pipeline is the software similarity values between 0 and 100, later converted to a range between 0 and 1 for the input pairs.
The requirements similarity between pairs of requirements and the software similarity for the corresponding software modules act as the quantitative data collected to answer RQ1.
4.4 Data analysis procedure (RQ1)
First, we visualize the data in bar and scatter plots to provide descriptive statistics on the software similarity percentages among the identified pairs. Then, we apply correlation analysis to quantify the relationship between the two variables using R StudioFootnote 8. As our data are not normally distributed and we do not assume any linear correlation between the variables, we use Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient test. We compute the correlation from top-30 to top-50 requirement pairs to see how the value of the correlation coefficient varies as the similarity of the requirement pairs decreases. We start from top-30 to have sufficient data to evaluate the significance and stop at top-50 to avoid considering requirements that are likely to be non-similar and thus not relevant in a retrieval scenario.
4.5 Data collection procedure (RQ2)
A focus group session was planned to gather practitioners’ perceptions on the association between similar requirements and similar software. The session was conducted with five practitioners (engineers and architects), selected based on convenience. Two days before the actual session, the practitioners were asked to have a look at a document containing nine pairs of similar requirements and their software. The nine representative pairs (18 requirements and their software) were manually hand-picked as a subset from the top-50 pairs produced in the previous experiments. Specifically, we selected representative pairs over the spectrum of similarities from a lexical and semantic standpoint, e.g., pairs with high/low requirement similarity values associated with the software of high/low and low/high software similarity values. The goal of the selection was not to validate the measures but rather to have a sufficient variety of cases to trigger discussion on the topic of the association between similar requirements and similar software.
The focus group session was conducted following the guidelines proposed by Breen [18]. In the remainder of this subsection, we report our focus group protocol and the thematic analysis process, also presented in Fig. 3.
4.5.1 Planning of the session
Focus Group Instrument. To ensure smooth execution of the session, a study plan was developed by all the authors. The plan contained an initial instrument with series of questions to be asked to the participants to trigger discussions. In an online session, all the authors reviewed and logically ordered the questions (see step \(\textcircled {1}\) of Fig. 3). Based on the refined instrument, the authors executed a pilot focus group session, as shown in step \(\textcircled {2}\) of Fig. 3. After the pilot session, some questions were re-ordered, and some questions were marked optional due to time limitations. The final instrument contained six questions targeted toward RQ2, presented as follows.
Viewpoint on Similarity
In a software reuse context, when do you consider two requirements to be similar, and how do you evaluate them?
In a software reuse context, when do you consider two software to be similar, and how do you evaluate that?
After the above questions, we show the selected pairs and ask the following questions.
Do you consider these software modules to be similar? Also, how much refactoring is needed for this software to satisfy the new requirement?
Are similar requirements representative of similar software?
Reuse Practices, Challenges, and Opportunities
How do you identify reuse opportunities based on requirements?
What challenges do you face in manual/automated requirements-based software reuse?
Confidentiality. Three authors of this paper (first, fourth and fifth) have a non-disclosure confidentiality agreement with the company. Two of these authors (first and fourth) recorded the session. At the start of the session, consent was obtained from the participants for audio recording. The audio recordings were transcribed, anonymized, and subsequently deleted after the analysis. The participants were made anonymous, quotes were made untraceable to the participants, but names of tools and RE practices were kept un-anonymized due to their relevance to the findings. The final report was shared with a manager of the company to ensure that the findings did not reveal any confidential information.
4.5.2 Session and transcription
Selected Participants. Five experts from the PPC and TCMS teams were selected to participate in the session. There was a diversity in the participants’ background, gender, and role. The participants’ roles vary between requirements engineering, development and testing, and project managers. All the participants have at least ten years of working experience in different software engineering and development domains.
Session. The session was conducted as an online meeting, which refers to step \(\textcircled {3}\) of Fig. 3. The fourth author moderated the session, while the first and fifth authors were tasked to ask follow-up questions. The session started with an introduction to the objectives of the study and the context of requirements-driven software reuse. The session was planned to be one hour and 15 minutes, and a total of one hour of audio recording was obtained after the presentation.
Transcription. The audio recording was transcribed by the first author in a document containing more than five thousand words on nine pages. This activity is represented by step \(\textcircled {4}\) of Fig. 3. During the transcription process, we also anonymized personal and confidential information. The transcript was also reviewed by the moderator of the session.
4.6 Data analysis procedure (RQ2)
Qualitative data can be analyzed following a variety of approaches. One commonly applied approach for qualitative data analysis is thematic analysis. In our case, we applied thematic analysis on the transcript of our focus group, following standard guidelines by Braun and Clarke [17]. Here, we present the commonly used terminology, followed by an overview of the thematic analysis process used in this paper:
Theme is an abstraction of a commonly occurring pattern within the qualitative data.
Sub-Theme is an abstraction of a sub-pattern within a theme.
Codes acts as labels assigned to chunks of qualitative data (such as sentences) for indexing.
Thematic Map is a visual or tabular representation of the extracted themes, sub-theme, and codes.
The thematic analysis was performed by the first author. Following the guidelines, the author first read the transcript to get more familiar with the data. Then coding on transcript was performed, and codes were also linked to the themes and sub-themes identified during the process. As shown in step \(\textcircled {5}\) of Fig. 3, the fourth author reviewed and refined the final thematic map. The refined thematic map was subjected to a final review from all authors (step \(\textcircled {6}\)). Finally, the results were compiled in a report (see Sect. 5).
5 Results
5.1 Quantitative results (RQ1)
In this section, we present the quantitative data to answer RQ1. First, we present the descriptive statistics, and then we present the correlation analysis.
Descriptive Statistics. Figure 4 shows the distribution of software similarity among the top-50 similar pairs of requirements, based on each language model. To understand the results, for each language model, we divided the selected pairs of requirements into three classes based on the actual software similarity. The first class represents the cases in which the retrieved software shares less similarity (\(<60\%\) software similarity, A). The second class represents cases in which the retrieved software share moderate similarity (between 60 and 80% between the software of the pairs, B), finally, the third class represents cases in which the retrieved software shares high similarity (\(>80\%\) similarity between the software of the pairs, C). The above classes are defined to show the extent to which requirements similarity can be used to recommend requirements-based software reuse, and their definition is based on authors’ own interpretation.
As shown in Fig. 4, in all cases, in at least 60 percent of the pairs, the software similarity stays above 80 percent (i.e., class C). The USE language model retrieved no pairs with software similarity of less than 60%. In addition, the pUSE language model retrieved the highest number of pairs in class C, with more than 80% of software similarity. On the other hand, the string-level lexical similarity approach, JSI, retrieved only one pair with software similarity of less than 60%.
Figure 5 presents a view of the association between the requirements similarity and software similarity for each language model. The requirements similarity is reported on the X-axis, while the software similarity is plotted on Y-axis and is calculated using JPLag. The blue line is the trendline between the two variables, giving insights into the relationship between them. In all cases, as can be seen from the trendlines, there could be a positive association between the two variables. However, for some language models such as BERT, and FT, the variation between its similarity and software similarity is very high. For example, many pairs with varying software similarities can be seen with a requirements similarity of 0.97 in FT. The trend line for USE and pJSI seems to show more association compared to others.
In Fig. 6, we also visualize the interquartile range (IQR), mean, and outliers in our variables. The boxplot shows that the software similarity for most requirement pairs stays above 70%. The boxplot also gives an overview of the requirements similarity ranges (embedding space) for the different language models. For instance, BERT tends to produce a cosine similarity value between 90% and 100%, while for FastText (FT), the embedding space ranges between 75% to 100%. This indicates that for some metrics, and especially DW and BERT, one may need to apply some scaling on the similarity values, if they want to use them to clearly distinguish between similar and non-similar requirements. On the contrary, for JSI and pJSI, requirements similarity is particularly low and shows a wider range (between 0.3 and 0.6). This measure captures exclusively the lexical similarity in terms of word overlaps, but this is nevertheless sufficient to identify similar software, as software similarity is still in the high ranges.
Correlation Analysis. We applied correlation analysis to quantify the relationship between requirements and software similarity. We measure the correlation across top-30 to top-50 most similar pairs of the requirements and their source code similarity with a confidence level of 95%, as shown in Fig. 7.
As apparent from Fig. 7, for topmost similar pairs between 30 and 50, for all the language models, the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient (rho)Footnote 9 is positive. As it can be seen in Fig. 7, the correlation coefficient varies across the top-30 to top-50 pairs. We, therefore, consider the average \(\rho\) for each language model across the top-30 to top-50 pairs. Table 2 shows the results of average Spearman’s rank correlation. The Average p-value indicates the average significance of the obtained results. The Average rho column is the average correlation coefficient for the top-30 to top-50 pairs, which ranges from −1 to 1. As it can be observed, there is a positive association between the requirements similarity and software similarity for all the language models, and the results are significant for \(\alpha = 0.05\). Furthermore, for JSI, pTF, FT, pBERT, and USE, the correlation is moderately high (i.e., between 0.5 and 0.7) [49]. The highest average correlation (\(\rho =0.60\)) is achieved with pBERT, the transformer-based BERT model with pre-processing, followed by word2vec-based FT (with average \(\rho =0.59\)), and then the traditional tf-idf with pre-processing (with average \(\rho =0.58\)), USE (0.522), and JSI (0.521). As anticipated by the analysis of the descriptive statistics, DW shows the lowest correlation (\(\rho = 0.35\)). Pre-processing appears to have different impact, depending on the language model used, and we cannot identify a general rule, as, e.g. TF, DW and BERT are enhanced by pre-processing, while FT and USE are not. This is because some language models may utilize stop-words and case information for learning. For example, USE is designed to utilize un-processed text and is intended to be used as-isFootnote 10. On the other hand, FT is a character-level model, and therefore, stop-words and punctuation might provide additional data for learning and inference.
We report the results for up to the top-50 most similar pairs of requirements and their software; as for a significant correlation coefficient calculation, data points of more than 30 are recommended. In contrast, selecting a higher number of top-n pairs might include likely non-similar requirement pairs. As shown in Fig. 8, the collective average of the correlation coefficient between requirements similarity and its software similarity across the selected language models follows a trend of decrease as the number of selected top pairs increases. This suggests that selecting a larger number would lead to the inclusion of non-similar requirement pairs (this was verified through informal manual inspection of the results), which would not be relevant in a context of requirements retrieval such as the one understudy, as the focus is on similar requirements (see RQs). The selection of top-n pairs is also common in other requirements retrieval studies [23].
5.2 Qualitative results (RQ2)
This section presents the findings from the focus group, aiming to provide an answer to RQ2. Three main discussion topics, and associated themes, were identified based on the transcript, namely:
Viewpoint on Similarity: the topic collects themes around the perception of similar requirements, similar software, and their association. The themes are reported in Table 3;
Reuse practices and challenges: the topic collects themes about common practices adopted by the practitioners and challenges in requirements-driven software retrieval for reuse (Table 4).
In the following, we discuss the results according to the two main topics above. Quotes from the transcript are presented in boxes to provide evidence of the link between themes and data.
5.2.1 Viewpoint on similarity
Theme 1. Similar requirements identification and its challenges. During the focus group, participants agreed that two requirements are considered to be similar if they are using the same input for processing and produce more or less similar outputs, and have the same logical structure. However, other contextual information, such as the system’s features and interfaces, are also important to identify similar requirements. Thus, similarity evaluation between requirements, also for engineers, goes beyond the mere comparison of the surface meaning of the text.
Requirements are similar if they have the same logical structure, and matching conditions, while using the same inputs and provide the same outputs." (...) “We have to look at the similarities, but it is also on the conceptual level. For example, which features that they want, do they want to bypass some features in this project? (...) these kinds of things we also consider.
Content-based recommender systems ease the task of identification of similar requirements using automatically computed similarity. Therefore, there are also some challenges in the automated identification of similar requirements (sub-themes 1.2 and 1.3).
Specifically, the participants observed that the quality of requirements directly affects similarity evaluation. Requirements that are non-atomic—i.e., requirements that discuss more than one topic—may be identified as similar to multiple requirements. In addition, too many details in the requirements text might also affect the identification of similar requirements. Identifying similar requirements when the input requirements are concise and describe only one topic is considered less challenging.
A requirement may contain much information. While some might really describe a whole function. (...) The challenge is less in the latter case, perhaps.
Approaches that automatically detect the non-atomic requirements are of high interest in the context of requirements-driven software reuse.
Synonyms are considered to affect the quality of requirements and, therefore, also affect the identification of similar requirements. Requirements might be coming from different teams, written by engineers with different backgrounds and choices of terms. For example, an engineer may write “Overvoltage” or “Excessive voltage", when referring to the same concept.
We have seven or eight different sources that write requirements, all from different backgrounds and at different levels of language quality. Therefore, there is a huge variability of terms in the requirements, while they are referring to the same thing.
The use of domain-specific synonyms is considered to be common in the requirement documents of the company, especially when requirements originate from different teams. Participants also suggest a way to address this, by including the synonyms in a mapping table for resolution.
Imagine you have one component that is used across 50 projects. (...)" In all 50 projects, different “terminologies have been used for that component. For example, in one document, it is called excessive voltage protection, and in another project, overvoltage protection, so you will start to see the accumulation of terminologies that are used for this component. However, we are not manually creating this terminology list.
In some cases, the requirement text alone might not represent the whole context according to the participants. A requirement could be a derived one and may have dependencies with many other requirements, for example, when it helps to realize a larger system feature. Such a requirement might end up being similar to a new requirement but would not be a good candidate for reuse in the context of the new project, as reusing it would imply reusing several other project-dependent requirements that may not apply to the new project.
Some requirements which might be very similar but in the context they are used, might be a small part of a function with many other different requirements affecting the implementation.
Theme 2. Perception of similar software. All participants agree that software modules are perceived to be similar if they have identical inputs/interfaces, do analogous processing on the inputs, and provide similar outputs. As for analogous processing, it was clarified that they intend that the Simulink models appear to perform the same manipulation on the data, regardless of the type of representation (e.g., state machines vs. Simulink block diagrams).
We look for the identical input signals, the same description of processing and output, if so, then probably the software are very similar.
Theme 3. Association between similar requirements and similar software. Experts perceive the association between similar requirements and similar software as a ground truth. As pointed out by one of the focus group participants, if there is a low or no association between similar requirements and similar software, it might be a problem of missing trace links or poor traceability in general.
Same requirements, same software. Slightly different requirements, probably slightly different software. (...) When you have small atomic requirements, which really define the input signal with no other complexity, (...) then you can actually see the similarity in software. (...) There is a correlation between requirement similarity and its implementation. If not, we have got a bit of a problem with that traceability.
In addition, the participants observed that the more structured and formal the similar requirements are, the more likely it is to have a high association between their similarity and the corresponding software similarity. Requirements written in a structured natural language are considered to better resemble the software behavior (subtheme 3.2), thus tightening the relationship between requirements and code, and in turn, facilitating reuse.
How the requirements are expressed is also a bit of interest here; if you can express it in a very clear manner, with the prerequisites and the triggering conditions that might ease reuse.
Nevertheless, we found conflicting views on how requirements should be written. On the one hand, structuring the requirements into inputs, perquisites, and conditions (Given, When, Then structure) is perceived to be strengthening the association between similar requirements and similar software. On the other hand, some experts believe that requirements should be written in the form of free text. Because, in their view, anything in between NL requirements and software is pseudo-code.
The Given, When, Then structure is an indication of pseudo code (...) It is not a true representation of natural language requirements (...) The software itself can give you all these Given, When, Then. They are interchangeable.
5.2.2 Reuse challenges and practices
Theme 4. Relevance and benefits of reuse. Software reuse across different projects is a common practice for the PPC team and for many other similar teams in the company. During the focus group, experts discussed various benefits of reuse. Reuse at the requirements level can avoid redundant development and testing efforts. In addition, reuse can help in avoiding safety re-certification and therefore would save time and resources. This is particularly important for safety-critical products as the railway ones, as these need to go through a structured process of verification and validation that has to be entirely repeated when the software is substantially changed.
If you have validated something safety-related, reusing that without having to re-do all verification, validation, and certification (...) would save a huge amount of time.
Identifying reuse opportunities based on requirements not only saves time but can also help the company in the bidding process of acquiring new projects. The risk of a new project can also be estimated based on the similar requirements already implemented by the companies in similar projects. In the studied setting, a manual reuse analysis is normally conducted to aid the bidding process.
Today, reuse analysis is also done during the bid phase already on the higher level of requirements. We get complex hundreds of pages of technical documents, and any type of support there would be useful.
Participants also observed that reuse is not always relevant. Specifically, this practice is not typical in those cases where one single product is developed in evolution, without multiple deliveries or versions to address diverse customer needs. For example, some participants in the focus group from the TCMS team do not reuse software in their daily work, as the team is responsible for developing a platform for the execution of other train applications. Somehow, the platform should be reused by construction as a whole, and the problem of reusing pieces of software is shifted at the application level.
Our team provides a compute platform for the applications. So, we normally have a typical scenario of defining new functionality or providing support for new hardware (...) I think reuse is more relevant at the application level.
Theme 5. Practices of requirements-driven software reuse. Identifying reuse based on input requirements can be a challenging task. When done manually, the engineer is required to have knowledge of the past projects that the company has done. This makes the process of reuse analysis dependent on the experience of the engineer. In the studied setting, three different approaches are combined for identifying reuse opportunities, as follows. The experience of the engineer is used to recall existing similar requirements to the input requirements. In addition, the engineer arranges an informal meeting over coffee with other engineers and discusses the input requirements. Finally, the engineer might also have meetings with the domain expert in the company. The domain team maintains a list of common requirements that may help realize some of the new requirements in new projects.
We are usually at the coffee table with a bunch of architects looking at the requirements. (...) So, we have this coffee discussion which is one method. The second one is Déjà vu; the engineer might have worked with similar requirements before, so that is the knowledge of the engineer herself. The third way is the involvement of the domain architect for the standard product (...)
Experts also suggest looking into the natural language test specifications linked to the requirements. A tester mainly writes test specifications, and functionally similar requirements might have similar test specifications.
Does requirements similarity result in test cases being similar? Because a requirement has to be verified, and the verification methodology is similar. (...) The variable part does not matter so much anymore because you are going to verify it in the same way.
However, for new input requirements, the test specification might not be available to be used for identifying similar requirements. Nevertheless, such an approach could be very useful in a test-driven development setting.
Theme 6. Challenges of requirements-driven software reuse. Reuse of existing software may reduce time-to-market and safety certification efforts, but there are some challenges and prerequisites to reuse. Requirements along their software might be slightly adapted to new project’s needs, and therefore, variant management is essential for future reuse. In addition, the requirements adaptations in some cases result in changing just the value of some parameters. In such cases, requirements parameterization has to be done.
The variability in the projects should be somehow taken into account(...) The standardization of the interfaces is the key to reuse.
An input requirement might be implemented before, but reuse might not be possible. For example, some requirements might be part of a bigger requirement and might be implemented deep inside a bigger system function in the software. Reusing such a requirement in isolation might not be feasible without taking the dependencies into account.
You might have a requirement that is very similar to the new one, but it might be a small part of a function with many different requirements affecting the software.
It is important to note that the requirements-driven software reuse activities make use of traceability links. In many cases, companies might not maintain traceability links, and if traceability is maintained, it is mainly manual. This is also what happens at Alstom.
We manually generate the traceability matrix. So, we get requirements from the requirements management tool, we then import it into Simulink and create a link with different model elements.
Maintaining traceability between software and requirements at the right level of granularity is essential and a prerequisite to reuse. Requirements can be linked at varying granularity to the software, such as to classes, functions, and conditions. In the studied setting, the traceability links are maintained manually, and experts recommend the link to be created with testable pieces of software.
You got to have that linking structure (...) We had a look at linking requirements within the functions, but if you start linking within functions, you are breaking down the testable sections of it. You cannot easily go into that function and test that little area. So, we link requirements to the functions because that is the lowest level of testing.
6 Discussion
RQ1. To what extent is requirements similarity correlated to the similarity of their linked software in the context of requirements-based software reuse?
The correlation analysis (presented in Table 2) shows that for all language models, we were able to find a positive correlation between requirements similarity and software similarity. In particular, the average \(\rho\) across the top-30 to top-50 pairs shows a moderately positive correlation between the two variables for JSI, pTF, FT, USE, and pBERT (shown in bold text in Table 2). Results also show that pre-processing improves the correlation for some language models except JSI, DW, FastText and USE.
Looking at the individual language models, we can make the following observations. The emerging pre-trained deep learning transformer-based language model pBERT outperforms other state-of-the-art language models in terms of average correlation coefficient, with an average \(\rho\) of 0.60 with respect to software similarity. It is followed closely by the word2vec-based pre-trained FastText language model with an average \(\rho\) of 0.59. This suggests that these semantic-rich language models are both appropriate for our context. On the other hand, the traditional term frequency-based IR approach tf-idf with pre-processing also shows a promising a correlation with an average \(\rho\) of 0.58. Surprisingly, the simple string-level JSI lexical similarity approach also shows a moderately positive correlation (with an average \(\rho\) of 0.52) with software similarity. The good performance of JSI and tf-idf can be explained by the limited vocabulary and limited terms used in the requirements of the two projects, as typical in the RE domain [41]. Also, the projects come from the same team, and the issues of synonyms previously observed may have less prominence in the considered documents. Therefore, lexical and IR metrics, which give relevance to single terms, can be effective in this context and might have performance that is only slightly lower compared to those of more semantically rich models. However, in tasks where requirements might be sharing fewer terms—e.g., in case of comparison between high-level customer requirements and low-level specifications—the benefit of language models capturing semantics could become more evident. The worst performance is obtained with Doc2Vec (DW and pDW). This language model works well with long documents and might not be a good candidate for RE tasks, as single requirements are typically short, but maybe beneficial in contexts where the comparison is performed between entire requirements documents. Overall, the observed performance of the BERT language model further justifies its increasing use in RE tasks [48, 59], and suggests that, together with FastText, it is an appropriate choice for requirements retrieval. At the same time, the effectiveness of light-weight metrics, such as JSI and tf-idf, confirms the choice of many works in recommender systems for RE, which, as observed in Sect. 2, use these metrics in the vast majority of the cases. Given these observations, we can provide a summary answer to RQ1, as follows.
RQ1. There is a positive correlation between automatically computed requirements similarity and software similarity measured with JPLag. On average, the BERT language model with preprocessing (pBERT) is the one that best represents software similarity in the considered context, followed by FastText and tf-idf with pre-processing (pTF).
Other observations in relation to RQ1 can be derived from the analysis of the descriptive statistics. The trendlines in Fig. 5 visually confirm that the results from all the language models could have a positive association with software similarity. Furthermore, from the results shown in Fig. 4, it can be seen that even in worst cases, requirements-based code retrieval would result in retrieving some code with a high software similarity (that is more than 80%), which can be therefore a good candidate for reuse.
Observation. In the studied setting, requirements similarity can be used as a proxy for retrieving relevant software (sharing at least 80% software similarity) for reuse in at least 60% of the cases.
Different behaviors can be observed across language models. Figure 6 shows that similarity ranges largely vary between language models (e.g., BERT and DW have a very limited range with respect to the others). This suggests that having a code-retrieval system that is based on thresholds over the similarity values (e.g., consider software with requirements similarity higher than 75%) may not be the most appropriate solution. Still looking at Fig. 6, we observe that the variation in the software similarity across the pairs is high in the case of FT and BERT (i.e., larger SS box plots). This suggests that these models tend to capture more nuanced semantic similarities in requirements, which may point to more fine-grained variations of the software. On the other hand, for these language models, the minimum software similarity can also be quite low, therefore indicating that the nuanced similarities in requirements can also lead to software that cannot be easily reused. These more semantically-laden representations may also be appropriate for tasks other than code retrieval, such as, e.g., requirements-to-requirements tracing, where dependencies tend to go far beyond lexical aspects. A final observation shall be made in relation to USE. Though the correlation between requirements similarity and software similarity is lower with respect to other metrics (\(\rho = 0.52\)), the top-50 similar requirements pairs are linked to highly similar software. Indeed, in the considered sample, no software pairs are retrieved with a similarity that is lower than 60%, as shown in Fig. 4. This suggests that, even in case of lower requirements similarity, a retrieval system based on USE may identify relevant software. Further research considering manual annotations is needed to further assess these results and understand how to better exploit this characteristic of USE.
Observation. Different language models tend to exhibit different behaviors when measuring requirements similarity and also when used to retrieve software. FT and pBERT appear to identify nuanced semantic requirements similarities, but could in principle, also retrieve software that is hard to reuse. USE is able to retrieve possibly relevant software, even in the presence of requirements that have more limited similarities.
RQ2. How do practitioners in the studied setting perceive the association between similar requirements and their software in the context of requirements-based code reuse?
From the results of the focus group session, a series of main lessons have been highlighted in relation to their vision around requirements and software similarity, and their practices of code reuse. In the following, we discuss the main take-away messages and illustrate possible developments also in relation with related works.
Similarity in Requirements-based Software Reuse. Practitioners highlight that requirements are perceived to be similar if they use similar inputs for processing and describe the production of similar outputs. Like similar requirements, two similar software are perceived to have similar inputs/interfaces, with similar processing actions on the inputs, and produce similar outputs. An association between similar requirements and similar software is regarded as a ground truth by the experts.
Many factors, however, are observed to affect the association between similar requirements and similar software. These factors are related (1) to the way requirements are expressed, and (2) to the relationship between requirements and conceptual features. More specifically, requirements that are expressed in an atomic way can be more easily compared with other requirements, and also be more clearly associated with software. Furthermore, despite the disagreement on the usage of controlled natural languages, requirements expressed with a clear structure in which it is easy to identify input, output and processing activity are also considered easier to compare. The usage of synonyms, generally discouraged in requirements, can also make requirements similarity evaluation harder. Finally, requirements similarity also depends on the relationship between the individual requirement and the system feature that is associated to it—i.e., requirements that are dissimilar in terms of surface text may be considered similar because they participate in the same feature.
When it comes to software reuse practices, the focus group participants also observed that requirements similarity is not the only aspect that comes into play when deciding reuse opportunities. In particular, at the PPC team, a recommender system is being developed for identification of reuse [3], but the participants also use other strategies. Specifically, they look into test specifications, and participate into discussions to collectively recall previous experiences, and retrieve reuse-relevant software. Therefore, identification of reuse is highly dependent on the experiences of the engineers and experts’ knowledge of the domain.
Based on these observations, we can provide a summary answer to RQ2, as follows.
RQ2. According to practitioners, requirements similarity must correspond to software similarity. Otherwise, this is regarded as a smell of poor tracing. Factors affecting the evaluation of similarity are the quality of the requirements (atomic and clear structure, absence of synonyms), and the relation between the individual requirement and the conceptual feature to which it belongs. Requirements similarity is also not sufficient to enable reuse; other processes- and knowledge-related aspects come into play when deciding software reuse.
Opportunities for Research in Similarity Computation. The observations raised in the focus group trigger a series of opportunities for further research. In particular, the association between similar requirements and similar software can be improved by enhancing the way similarity is computed among requirements.
More specifically, the similarity evaluation approaches that we considered in our evaluation compute requirements similarity on the whole text without looking for inputs, conditions, processing steps, and outputs. The conceptual-level details, such as features and structural information, are also ignored. According to our focus group participants, these are all elements that are considered by practitioners when comparing requirements for similarity. Therefore, to improve similarity computation, requirements should be tagged for inputs, outputs, and conditional statements, and should be enhanced with meta-data identifying, e.g., their feature or their category. For novel requirements, one could expect to perform this task manually. For existing requirements, the task should be addressed through automated means. This way, given a novel requirement, one can retrieve similar ones utilizing these automatically extracted tags and meta-data. In the following, we consider available solutions to support this goal.
In the literature, efforts have been made to extract entities from requirements’ text for model extraction. For example, actors, use-case names, post-condition [87], and domain entities [8] can be extracted based on heuristics. Such approaches can be adapted to extract input, outputs, and conditions from requirements for meaningful similarity computation. Furthermore, these approaches could also be extended for automated structuring requirements’ text into the Given, When, Then or the Easy Approach to Requirements Syntax (EARS) [63] template, as done, e.g., by Arora et al. [6]. Conceptual information such as the mapping between the system features and requirements could be considered for the identification of similar requirements in the context of reuse. In this sense, approaches for requirements classification [48, 57] can be used to automatically tag requirements based on their feature, and thus producing meta-data that can be used for similarity computation.
According to the focus group discussion, synonymy is another relevant issue to address to facilitate similarity computation. Previous work has been conducted on identifying ambiguity related to synonyms, e.g., by Dalpiaz et al. [24], who, in line with Shaw and Gaines [85], refer to the usage of synonyms as correspondence. The literature also includes the use of machine learning for synonym resolution in the context of trace link recovery [91].
Another observation from the focus group is that atomic and concise requirements are perceived to be easier to evaluate and associate with similar software. Non-atomic requirements might end up being similar to many input requirements and thus might affect the association between similar requirements and similar software in the context of requirements-based code reuse. Detecting non-atomic or compound requirements and breaking them down into multiple requirements can improve their quality, and in turn reinforce similarity computation in a code retrieval settings. Experiences with the IBM requirements quality assistant from the automotive domain show that non-atomic requirements can be detected with good accuracy [74].
As similar requirements must be associated with similar software, it is also important to devise strategies that incorporate software-related information within the representation of the requirements. The extraction of entities from software and other artifacts, as, e.g., test cases, can be exploited to train language models that not only account for requirements but also for their associated software as done for example with the novel CodeBERT language model [35].
Observation. Research on automated recognition of requirements entities (input, output, etc.), synonym detection, non-atomic requirements identification, and requirements classification can be used to enrich requirements with meta-data, and improve their quality. This will enhance requirements similarity measures to be used in the field of software reuse.
Opportunities for Research to Improve Reuse Practices. Reuse is recognized by practitioners as a fundamental practice to reduce development and verification time, and avoid safety re-certification. Based on the input from the focus group, here we consider possible opportunities for research that can improve reuse in practice.
Reuse analysis is often conducted in the company to support the bidding for acquiring new projects and assessing the risk associated with a new call for tenders. Call for tender documents are analyzed in relation to existing requirements to identify reuse opportunities across projects and compute the risk of a new project. Providing support to automate this process can make the difference in facilitating the adaptation of existing systems to the requirements of a call. Recent work in this sense uses machine learning to identify requirements within tender documents [4], and can be exploited together with similarity measures to enable reuse. Similarly, developments in the field of change impact analysis [16] can be particularly relevant to support the bidding process.
Some impediments to both manual and automated requirements-driven software reuse are also observed by the participants of our focus group. Specifically, adaptations to requirements and software are required to enable reuse across different projects. This results in many functional variants of software components and requirements. Variability management, requirement standardization, and parameterization is thus fundamental to manage reuse [21]. NLP approaches for mining commonalities and variabilities in software requirements [11, 40] can be pursued to address this goal.
The requirements’ implementation might be a small part of a larger system function, and reuse in isolation might not be possible due to project-specific dependencies. Automatic identification of requirements dependencies [28, 81] can help to understand which requirements can be easily reused and which ones have a too rich set of dependency links.
Traceability is also a prerequisite of requirements-driven software reuse. Many companies, including Alstom, maintain trace links manually, and this process is time consuming and error prone. Approaches for trace link recovery [22, 45, 59] between requirements and implementation models have been largely studied, and could facilitate also reuse. It is however important to notice that, if the traceability between requirements and their software is not maintained at the right level of granularity, the retrieved software might not be relevant for reuse. We therefore foresee that approaches for detecting inconsistencies in the granularity of trace links could improve the requirements-driven software reuse process.
Observation. The reuse process can be enhanced with improved requirements similarity computation, but also with other automated practices. These include requirements extraction from call for tenders, variability mining, extraction of requirements dependencies, and trace link recovery.
7 Threats to validity
In this section, we present validity threats according to Runeson et al. [79].
Construct Validity. We based the problem of software retrieval for reuse at the requirements level and provided empirical evidence on the association between requirements similarity and software similarity. In our procedure, we used pre-trained models that are heavily dependent on the quality of the training dataset. The quality of the results might differ if different pre-trained language models are considered. To mitigate potential threats to construct validity, we selected a diverse set of approaches (see Sect. 3) to represent the semantics of the requirements. Other construct validity threats might be relevant to the design of our focus group instrument. To mitigate potential threats to construct validity, we designed the focus instrument using terminologies known to the participant. The instrument was refined over several iterations and through a pilot focus group session. Furthermore, in our study, we mimic the original process at the company and generate code from Simulink models instead of using manually written code. Thus, when referring to software or code, we consider automatically generated one. Analyzing the relationship between requirements similarity and software similarity computed on manually written code might produce different results. Indeed, automatically generated code tends to appear as code always written by the same programmer [38], which can lead to a higher similarity between automatically generated software pairs than manually written ones. On the other hand, railway companies follow specific internal coding guidelines to ensure high-quality code. Therefore, the similarity of manually written code could also be higher with respect to other, less regulated contexts. Future research will clarify to what extent our results can be extended to manually written code.
Internal Validity. Internal validity threats affect the validity and credibility of our results. We followed standard procedure and open source implementations of the language models to mitigate potential internal validity threats. In addition, we also involved researchers from diverse backgrounds to validate the study design and execution. We also involved a technical project manager at the company in validating our quantitative data collection procedure. In the focus group, the presence of part of the authors could bias the audience. Though this could not be entirely avoided, the focus group was conducted with a pre-defined script, which was tested and reharsed among the authors. Finally, the results from the thematic analysis were verified by a manager at the company to ensure consistency.
External Validity. Our results are based on data provided by one company using a dataset of two projects developed by one team. The qualitative results are based on the perceptions of experts from two teams of the same company, and are limited to the viewpoint of five experts. Five participants are within the recommended number of participants for focus groups in software engineering, which is 3 to 12 participants [55]. Furthermore, the two teams considered for this study use different requirements engineering practices and therefore provided different perspectives concerning software reuse. As typical for case studies, we do not claim the generalizability of our results beyond this context. In addition, our results are only limited to one level of abstraction since we do not consider multiple levels of requirement refinement. In lights of the guidelines for case-based generalization [93], these results might be applicable to similar contexts, as e.g., railway, aerospace or other safety-critical domains, where similar RE practices are followed. The company follows a MATLAB/Simulink-based model-driven development process, similar to other companies and domains [39, 62], where the system is modeled, and code is generated automatically to reduce development efforts. We argue that similar results can be obtained in domains with highly structured and waterfall-like processes, as the railway one. Further studies are needed, considering other abstraction levels of requirements and in different companies and domains, to generalize the results.
Reliability. Finally, we address the threats to the reliability of our results by providing enough details on the experimental setup and implementation. We designed the study following well-established guidelines, involving authors from diverse backgrounds. In addition, we also provide the R script and the similarity values between the pairs for replication purposesFootnote 11.
8 Conclusion and future work
Content-based recommender systems for code retrieval typically use requirements as queries to identify previously developed requirements, and in turn, reuse their implementation. These systems take the operational assumption that similar requirements can be used as proxies to retrieve similar code that can be reused with limited adaptation. This paper presents an empirical investigation on the relationship between requirements similarity and code similarity in the context of a large railway company. The goal of the work is to explore to which extent similar requirements can be considered as a proxy to retrieve similar code. We consider two related projects in the company. We use different seminal NLP-based language models to represent the requirements and support similarity computation. Our choice of language models covers representative seminal models from lexical approaches to IR (tf-idf), word2vec-based and DL-based models. Given similar requirements, we identify the associated code, and we compute code similarity with JPLag. In addition, we conducted a focus group session to gather the perceptions of experts on the association between requirements similarity and software similarity. Our analysis shows that the correlation between requirements and source code similarity is positive, while the best case being moderately positive correlation. Results from the thematic analysis on the transcript shows that experts perceive an association between requirements similarity and software similarity. So, a relationship exists between the two, but there is also a need for further research on language models and similarity measurement approaches so that it can better reflect software similarity. In our specific case, the language model that reflects software similarity better is the transformer-based BERT language model with preprocessing.
Future work will consider a broader set of possible application scenarios of recommender systems for software reuse. Avenues that we plan to explore are as follows.
Using requirements similarity to predict software similarity for better ranking in retrieval tasks.
Considering terms from software and test specifications, such as function and variable names, and code comments for training language models. We believe that this can help in optimizing the correlation between requirements similarity and software similarity.
Considering demarcating the inputs, outputs and processing information within the requirement’s text
Considering the original tender requirements, and identify the relationship with existing requirements and associated software, to support early evaluation during bid proposal
Considering feature or refactoring requests as input queries, to support change impact analysis [9, 16]
Consider other companies and domains other than railways to increase external validity of the results
Identify when a specific language model is more appropriate to compute similarity, given the types of relationship between the format of the queries accepted by the recommender system, the characteristics of the requirements (e.g., high- vs low-level, functional vs quality), and the type of activity that is expected to be performed with the retrieved software, which can be reused, but also correct, remove, end even validate. Indeed, similarity measures and code retrieval can also be exploited to identify incorrectly traced software or missing trace links [42, 45], as well as potentially tacit requirements that are implemented in the software but are not specified.
Change history
26 February 2022
A Correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00766-022-00376-6
Available Online at https://spacy.io/.
Available at https://github.com/RaRe-Technologies/gensim-data.
Available Online at https://github.com/hanxiao/bert-as-service.
Available Online at https://tfhub.dev/google/universal-sentence-encoder/4.
The option “optimize for traceability” was selected in Embedded Coder.
In our case, each folder for a pair contains two sub-folders with code of each requirement.
RStudio, Available online, https://rstudio.com/.
Correlation coefficient (rho) is a value between -1 and 1, quantifying the association between two variables.
Pre-processing in USE https://github.com/tensorflow/hub/issues/209.
Replication package, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4916071.
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Abbas, M., Ferrari, A., Shatnawi, A. et al. On the relationship between similar requirements and similar software. Requirements Eng 28, 23–47 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00766-021-00370-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00766-021-00370-4