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A privacy threat analysis framework: supporting the elicitation and fulfillment of privacy requirements

  • Digital Privacy
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Ready or not, the digitalization of information has come, and privacy is standing out there, possibly at stake. Although digital privacy is an identified priority in our society, few systematic, effective methodologies exist that deal with privacy threats thoroughly. This paper presents a comprehensive framework to model privacy threats in software-based systems. First, this work provides a systematic methodology to model privacy-specific threats. Analogous to STRIDE, an information flow–oriented model of the system is leveraged to guide the analysis and to provide broad coverage. The methodology instructs the analyst on what issues should be investigated, and where in the model those issues could emerge. This is achieved by (i) defining a list of privacy threat types and (ii) providing the mappings between threat types and the elements in the system model. Second, this work provides an extensive catalog of privacy-specific threat tree patterns that can be used to detail the threat analysis outlined above. Finally, this work provides the means to map the existing privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) to the identified privacy threats. Therefore, the selection of sound privacy countermeasures is simplified.

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Fig. 10
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Fig. 12
Fig. 13
Fig. 14
Fig. 15
Fig. 16
Fig. 17
Fig. 18
Fig. 19
Fig. 20

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This research is partially funded by the Interuniversity Attraction Poles Programme Belgian State, Belgian Science Policy, and by the Research Fund K.U. Leuven.

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Correspondence to Mina Deng.

Appendix: A Misuse case examples

Appendix: A Misuse case examples

1.1 MUC 2: Linkability of the user-portal data stream (data flow)

Summary: Data flows can be linked to the same person (without necessarily revealing the persons identity)

Asset: PII of the user

  • The user:

    • data flow can be linked to each other which might reveal the persons identity

    • the attacker can build a profile of a user’s online activities (interests, active time, comments, updates, etc.)

Primary misactor: skilled insider/skilled outsider

Basic Flow:

  1. 1.

    The misactor intercepts/eavesdrops two or more data flows

  2. 2.

    The misactor can link the data flows to each other and possibly link them (by combining this information) to the user/data subject

Trigger: by misactor, can happen whenever data are communicated


  • No anonymous communication system used

  • Information disclosure of data flow possible

Prevention capture points:

  • Use strong anonymous communication techniques

  • Provide confidential channel

Prevention guarantee: Impossible to link data to each other

1.2 MUC 3: Linkability of the social network users (entity)

Summary: Entities (with different pseudonyms) can be linked to the same person (without necessarily revealing the persons identity)

Asset: PII of the user

  • The user:

    • data can be linked to each other, which might reveal the persons identity

    • attacker can build a profile of a user’s online activities (interests, actives time, comments, updates, etc.)

Primary misactor: skilled insider/skilled outsider Basic Flow:

  1. 1.

    The misactor intercepts or eavesdrops two or more pseudonyms

  2. 2.

    The misactor can link the pseudonyms to each other and possibly link (by combining this information) to the user/data subject

Trigger: by misactor, can happen whenever data are communicated


  • Information disclosure of the data flow possible

  • Different “pseudonyms” are linked to each other based on content of the data flow

Prevention capture points:

  • protection of information such as user temporary ID, IP address, time and location, session ID, identifier and biometrics, computer ID, communication content, e.g. apply data obfuscation to protection this information (security)

  • message and channel confidentiality provided

Prevention guarantee: Impossible to link data to each other

1.3 MUC 4: Identifiability at the social network database (data store)

Summary: The users identity is revealed

Asset: PII of the user

  • The user: revealed identity

Primary misactor: skilled insider/skilled outsider

Basic Flow:

  1. 1.

    The misactor gains access to the database

  2. 2.

    The data is linked to a pseudonym

  3. 3.

    The misactor can link the pseudonym to the actual identity (identifiability of entity)

  4. 4.

    The misactor can link the data to the actual user’s identity

Alternative Flow:

  1. 1.

    The misactor gains access to the database

  2. 2.

    This can link information from the database to other information (from another database or information which might be publicly accessible)

  3. 3.

    The misactor can re-identify the user based on the combined information

Trigger: by misactor, can always happen


  • no or insufficient protection of the data store

  • no data anonymization techniques used

Prevention capture points:

  • protection of the data store (security)

  • apply data anonymization techniques

Prevention guarantee: hard-impossible to link data to identity (depending on applied technique)

1.4 MUC 5: Identifiability of user-portal data stream (data flow)

Summary: The users identity is revealed

Asset: PII of the user

  • The user: revealed identity

Primary misactor: insider/outsider

Basic Flow:

  1. 1.

    The misactor gains access to the data flow

  2. 2.

    The data contains personal identifiable information about the user (user relationships, address, etc.)

  3. 3.

    The misactor is able to extract personal identifiable information from the user/data subject

Trigger: by misactor, can happen whenever data is communicated


  • no or weak anonymous communication system used

  • Information disclosure of data flow possible

Prevention capture points:

  • apply anonymous communication techniques

  • Use confidential channel

Prevention guarantee: hard-impossible to link data to identity (depending on applied technique)

1.5 MUC 6: Identifiability of users of the social network system (entity)

Summary: The users identity is revealed

Asset: PII of the user

  • The user: revealed identity

Primary misactor: skilled insider/skilled outsider

Basic Flow:

  1. 1.

    The misactor gains access to the data flow

  2. 2.

    The data contains the user’s password

  3. 3.

    The misactor has access to the identity management database

  4. 4.

    The misactor can link the password to the user

Alternative Flow:

  1. 1.

    The misactor gains access to the data flow

  2. 2.

    The data contains the user’s password

  3. 3.

    The misactor can link the user’s password to the user’s identity (password is initials followed by birthdate)

Trigger: by misactor, can happen whenever data are communicated and the user logs in using his “secret”


  • Insecure IDM system OR

  • weak passwords used and information disclosure of data flow possible

Prevention capture points:

  • Strong pseudonymity technique used (e.g. strong passwords)

  • privacy-enhancing IDM system

  • Data flow confidentiality

Prevention guarantee: hard(er) to link log-in to identity.

1.6 MUC 7: Information disclosure at the social network database (data store)

Summary: Data are exposed to unauthorized users

Asset: PII of the user

  • The user: revealed sensitive data

Primary misactor: skilled insider/skilled outsider

Basic Flow:

  1. 1.

    The misactor gains access to the database

  2. 2.

    The misactor retrieves data to which he should not have access

Trigger: by misactor, can always happen


  • no or insufficient internal access policies

Prevention capture points:

  • strong access control policies (security). For example, rule-based access control based on friendships in the social network

Prevention guarantee: hard-impossible to obtain data without having the necessary permissions

1.7 MUC 8: Information disclosure of communication between the user and the social network (data flow)

Summary: The communication is exposed to unauthorized users

Asset: PII of the user

  • The user: revealed sensitive data

Primary misactor: skilled insider/skilled outsider

Basic Flow:

  1. 1.

    The misactor gains access to the data flow

  2. 2.

    The misactor retrieves data to which he should not have access

Trigger: by misactor, can happen whenever messages are being sent


  • communication goes through insecure public network

Prevention capture points:

  • messages sent between user and social network web client is encrypted and secure communication channel is ensured

Prevention guarantee: hard-impossible to gain access to the data flow without having the right permissions

1.8 MUC 9: Content unawareness

Summary: User is unaware that his or her anonymity is at risk due to the fact that too much personal identifiable information is released

Asset: PII of the user

  • The user: revealed identity

Primary misactor: skilled insider/skilled outsider

Basic Flow:

  1. 1.

    The misactor gain access to user’s online comments

  2. 2.

    The misactor profiles the user’s data and can identify the user

Trigger: by misactor, can always happen


  • User provides too much personal data

Prevention capture points:

  • User provides only minimal set of required information

Prevention guarantee: user will be informed about potential privacy risks

MUC 10: Policy and consent noncompliance

Summary: The social network provider doesn’t process user’s personal data in compliance with user consent, e.g., disclose the database to third parties for secondary use

Asset: PII of the user

  • The user: revealed identity and personal information

  • The system/company: negative impact on reputation

Primary misactor: Insider

Basic Flow:

  1. 1.

    The misactor gains access to social network database

  2. 2.

    The misactor discloses the data to a third party

Trigger: by misactor, can always happen


  • misactor can tamper with privacy policies and makes consents inconsistent OR

  • policies not managed correctly (not updated according to user’s requests)

Prevention capture points:

  • Design system in compliance with legal guidelines for privacy and data protection and keep internal policies consistent with policies communicated to user

  • Legal enforcement: user can sue the social network provider whenever his or her personal data are processed without consents

  • Employee contracts: employees who share information with 3th parties will be penalized (fired, pay fine, etc.)

Prevention guarantee: Legal enforcement will lower the threat of an insider leaking information but it will still be possible to breach user’s privacy

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Deng, M., Wuyts, K., Scandariato, R. et al. A privacy threat analysis framework: supporting the elicitation and fulfillment of privacy requirements. Requirements Eng 16, 3–32 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00766-010-0115-7

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