Several application domains involve detecting complex situations and reacting to them. This asks for a Complex Event Processing (CEP) engine specifically designed to timely process low level event notifications to identify higher level composite events according to a set of user-defined rules. Several CEP engines and accompanying rule languages have been proposed. Their primary focus on performance often led to an oversimplified modeling of the external world where events happens, which is not suited to satisfy the demand of real-life applications. In particular, they are unable to consider, model, and propagate the uncertainty that exists in most scenarios. Moving from this premise, we present CEP2U (Complex Event Processing under Uncertainty), a novel model for dealing with uncertainty in CEP. We apply CEP2U to an existing CEP language—TESLA—, showing how it seamlessly integrate with modern rule languages by supporting all the operators they commonly offer. Moreover, we implement CEP2U on top of the T-Rex CEP engine and perform a detailed study of its performance, measuring a limited overhead that demonstrates its practical applicability. The discussion presented in this paper, together with the experiments we conducted, show how CEP2U provides a valuable combination of expressiveness, efficiency, and ease of use.
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This mechanism allows the definition of “hierarchies of events”.
In particular, we assume that we receive all events (no false negatives) and that all received events actually occurred (no false positives). CEP2U can models the presence of false positives and negatives as part of the uncertainty in rules, as discussed in Sect. 4.2.2.
In principle, we could remove this assumption and consider a multivariate pdf that involves all the attributes of incoming events, but this would complicate the model and it would require information that is usually unavailable at sources.
This is a reasonable assumption, since the two readings come from different, independent sources. Only the occurrence of a TVS malfunctioning, whose probability is exactly what we are computing, may lead to correlated readings.
To better understand the overhead introduced by Monte Carlo simulations, we performed some experiments using curve fitting from randomly generated samples to approximate an unknown function. In presence of hundreds of samples, curve fitting required some hundreds of milliseconds to complete in our reference hardware. This is two order of magnitude higher than the typical processing time of a CEP engine (see Sect. 6 for more details). However, by reducing the granularity of the sampling intervals we could easily reduce the computation time to a few milliseconds. As future work, we plan to perform a detailed analysis of the tradeoffs between efficiency and precision.
Notice that, in the general case, the cost for computing the value of an aggregate can grow exponentially with the number of event notifications received. To limit the impact of this problem, it is possible to trade precision for efficiency, e.g., by approximating to 0 the occurrence probability of an event when it is sufficiently low (below a certain threshold) and to 1 when it is sufficiently high (above a certain threshold). The thresholds can be chosen based on the requirements in terms of precision and processing time.
A detailed analysis on the impact of the input queue on performance is outside the scope of this paper, and can be found in [15].
Notice that to capture uncertainty in rules, after evaluating BNs at rule design time, we have to propagate the calculated value to the composite events; a step that happens at run-time but with no measurable impact on performance.
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This research has been funded by the European Commission, Programme IDEAS-ERC, Project 227977-SMScom and Programme FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IEF, Project 302648-RunMore and by the Dutch national program COMMIT.
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Cugola, G., Margara, A., Matteucci, M. et al. Introducing uncertainty in complex event processing: model, implementation, and validation. Computing 97, 103–144 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00607-014-0404-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00607-014-0404-y