Low-loss high-performance systems with smaller footprints are highly regarded in the area of radio-frequency (RF) applications. In this paper, a multi-port single-pole six-throw (SP6T) based on RF MEMS ohmic switches design is proposed. The complete switch is designed with very small footprints of 1.2 mm\(^2\). Six ohmic/series microelectromechanical (MEMS) switches are designed to get high-isolation in microwave frequency range. The spring constant and actuation voltage required for the operation of the switches is computed using stress analysis module of finite element modeler. The robustness issue of RF MEMS switches can be increased by the proposed geometry. Based on the calculations and simulations, it can be seen that the switches can easily withstand the stress of \(\approx\)120 MPa. The simulated RF performance of SP6T switch exhibits isolation of 70–45 dB and insertion loss of 0.01 dB for DC to 6 GHz between input port and individual output port. The proposed SP6T switch require low operational voltage level of 12.5 V.

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Singh, T., Rangra, K.J. Compact low-loss high-performance single-pole six-throw RF MEMS switch design and modeling for DC to 6 GHz. Microsyst Technol 21, 2387–2396 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00542-015-2411-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00542-015-2411-0