Breast cancer is the most common among women that leads to death if not diagnosed at early stages. Early diagnosis plays a vital role in decreasing the mortality rate globally. Manual methods for diagnosing breast cancers suffer from human errors and inaccuracy, and consume time. A computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) can overcome the disadvantages of manual methods and helps radiologists for accurate decision-making. A CAD system based on artificial neural network (ANN) optimized using a swarm-based approach can improve the accuracy of breast cancer diagnosis due to its strong prediction capabilities. Artificial bee colony (ABC) and whale optimization are metaheuristic search algorithms used to solve combinatorial optimization problems. This paper proposes a hybrid artificial bee colony with whale optimization algorithm (HAW) by integrating the exploitative employee bee phase of ABC with the bubble net attacking method of whale optimization to propose an employee bee attacking phase. In the employee bee attacking phase, employee bees use exploitation of humpback whales for finding better food source positions. The weak exploration of standard ABC is improved using the proposed mutative initialization phase that forms the explorative phase of the HAW algorithm. HAW algorithm is used in simultaneous feature selection (FS) and parameter optimization of an ANN model. HAW is implemented using backpropagation learning that includes resilient backpropagation (HAW-RP), Levenberg–Marquart (HAW-LM) and momentum-based gradient descent (HAW-GD). These hybrid variants are evaluated using various breast cancer datasets in terms of accuracy, complexity and computational time. HAW-RP variant achieved higher accuracy of 99.2%, 98.5%, 96.3%, 98.8%, 98.7% and 99.1% with low-complexity ANN model when compared to HAW-LM and HAW-GD for WBCD, WDBC, WPBC, DDSM, MIAS and INbreast, respectively.

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Stephan, P., Stephan, T., Kannan, R. et al. A hybrid artificial bee colony with whale optimization algorithm for improved breast cancer diagnosis. Neural Comput & Applic 33, 13667–13691 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-021-05997-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-021-05997-6