In the current work, a multiobjective-based feature selection technique is proposed which utilizes different quality measures to evaluate the goodness of reduced feature set. Two different perspectives are incorporated in the feature selection process: (1) selected subset of features should not destroy the geometric distribution of the sample space, i.e., the neighborhood topology should be preserved in the reduced feature space; (2) selected feature subset should have minimal redundancy and high correlation with the classes. In order to capture the second goal, several information theory-based quality measures like normalized mutual information, correlation with the class attribute, information gain and entropy are utilized. In order to capture the first aspect, concepts of shared nearest-neighbor distance are utilized. Multiobjective framework is employed to optimize all these measures, individually and in different combinations to reduce the feature set. The approach is evaluated on six publicly available data sets with respect to different classifiers, and results conclusively demonstrate the potency of utilizing both types of objectives functions in reducing the feature set. Several performance metrics like accuracy, redundancy and Jaccard score are used for measuring the quality of the selected feature subset in comparison with several state-of-the-art techniques. Experimental results on several data sets illustrate that there is no universal model (optimization of a set of objective functions) which can perform well over all the data sets with respect to different quality measures. But in general optimization of all objective functions (PMCI model) consistently performs well for all the data sets.

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Saha, S., Kaur, M. Identification of topology-preserving, class-relevant feature subsets using multiobjective optimization. Soft Comput 23, 4717–4733 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-018-3122-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-018-3122-0