Recent experiments on frogs and rats, have led to the hypothesis that sensory-motor systems are organized into a finite number of linearly combinable modules; each module generates a motor command that drives the system to a predefined equilibrium. Surprisingly, in spite of the infiniteness of different movements that can be realized, there seems to be only a handful of these modules. The structure can be thought of as a vocabulary of "elementary control actions". Admissible controls, which in principle belong to an infinite dimensional space, are reduced to the linear vector space spanned by these elementary controls. In the present paper we address some theoretical questions that arise naturally once a similar structure is applied to the control of nonlinear kinematic chains. First of all, we show how to choose the modules so that the system does not loose its capability of generating a "complete" set of movements. Secondly, we realize a "complete" vocabulary with a minimal number of elementary control actions. Subsequently, we show how to modify the control scheme so as to compensate for parametric changes in the system to be controlled. Remarkably, we construct a set of modules with the property of being invariant with respect to the parameters that model the growth of an individual. Robustness against uncertainties is also considered showing how to optimally choose the modules equilibria so as to compensate for errors affecting the system. Finally, the motion primitive paradigm is extended to locomotion and a related formalization of internal (proprioceptive) and external (exteroceptive) variables is given.
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Nori, F., Frezza, R. A control theory approach to the analysis and synthesis of the experimentally observed motion primitives. Biol Cybern 93, 323–342 (2005). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00422-005-0008-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00422-005-0008-x