For two graphs A and B, a graph G is called \(\{A,B\}\)-free if G contains neither A nor B as an induced subgraph. Let \(P_{n}\) denote the path of order n. For nonnegative integers k, \(\ell \) and m, let \(N_{k,\ell ,m}\) be the graph obtained from \(K_{3}\) and three vertex-disjoint paths \(P_{k+1}\), \(P_{\ell +1}\), \(P_{m+1}\) by identifying each of the vertices of \(K_{3}\) with one endvertex of one of the paths. Let \(Z_{k}=N_{k,0,0}\) and \(B_{k,\ell }=N_{k,\ell ,0}\). Bedrossian characterized all pairs \(\{A,B\}\) of connected graphs such that every 2-connected \(\{A,B\}\)-free graph is Hamiltonian. All pairs appearing in the characterization involve the claw (\(K_{1,3}\)) and one of \(N_{1,1,1}\), \(P_{6}\) and \(B_{1,2}\). In this paper, we characterize connected graphs that are (i) \(\{K_{1,3},Z_{2}\}\)-free but not \(B_{1,1}\)-free, (ii) \(\{K_{1,3},B_{1,1}\}\)-free but not \(P_{5}\)-free, or (iii) \(\{K_{1,3},B_{1,2}\}\)-free but not \(P_{6}\)-free. The third result is closely related to Bedrossian’s characterization. Furthermore, we apply our characterizations to some forbidden pair problems.

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The author would like to thank anonymous referees for careful reading and helpful comments.
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This research was partially supported by NSF Grant DMS-1855716, JSPS KAKENHI Grant numbers JP18K13449 and JP19K14584, and by Grant for Basic Science Research Projects from The Sumitomo Foundation.
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Chen, G., Furuya, M., Shan, S. et al. Characterizing the Difference Between Graph Classes Defined by Forbidden Pairs Including the Claw. Graphs and Combinatorics 35, 1459–1474 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00373-019-02108-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00373-019-02108-0