In model-based clustering based on normal-mixture models, a few outlying observations can influence the cluster structure and number. This paper develops a method to identify these, however it does not attempt to identify clusters amidst a large field of noisy observations. We identify outliers as those observations in a cluster with minimal membership proportion or for which the cluster-specific variance with and without the observation is very different. Results from a simulation study demonstrate the ability of our method to detect true outliers without falsely identifying many non-outliers and improved performance over other approaches, under most scenarios. We use the contributed R package MCLUST for model-based clustering, but propose a modified prior for the cluster-specific variance which avoids degeneracies in estimation procedures. We also compare results from our outlier method to published results on National Hockey League data.
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The work on this paper was completed while K. Evans was finishing her PhD at the University of Rochester, Rochester USA.
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Evans, K., Love, T. & Thurston, S.W. Outlier Identification in Model-Based Cluster Analysis. J Classif 32, 63–84 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00357-015-9171-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00357-015-9171-5