This work considers the rigorous derivation of continuum models of step motion starting from a mesoscopic Burton–Cabrera–Frank-type model following the Xiang’s work (Xiang in SIAM J Appl Math 63(1):241–258, 2002). We prove that as the lattice parameter goes to zero, for a finite time interval, a modified discrete model converges to the strong solution of the limiting PDE with first-order convergence rate.

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We would like to thank the support by the National Science Foundation under Grants DMS-1514826 (JGL), DMS-1454939 (JL), and also through the research network KI-Net RNMS11-07444. We thank Dionisios Margetis, Jeremy Marzuola, Yang Xiang and Aaron N.K. Yip for helpful discussions.
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Gao, Y., Liu, JG. & Lu, J. Continuum Limit of a Mesoscopic Model with Elasticity of Step Motion on Vicinal Surfaces. J Nonlinear Sci 27, 873–926 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00332-016-9354-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00332-016-9354-1