We extend our previous algebraic formalisation of the notion of component-based framework in order to formally define two forms—strong and weak—of the notion of full expressiveness and study their properties. Our earlier result shows that the BIP (Behaviour–Interaction–Priority) framework does not possess the strong full expressiveness with respect to the sub-class of GSOS rules used for the definition of its semantics. In this paper, we refine this comparison detailing the expressiveness of classical BIP, Offer BIP and a number of variations obtained either by relaxing the constraints in the definition of priority models or by introducing positive premises into the rule formats used to define the operational semantics of composition operators. The obtained results are organised into an expressiveness hierarchy.

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Two component-based frameworks with distinct semantic domains can be compared by mapping to a common behaviour type and taking an appropriate equivalence relation consistent with those of the frameworks. However, this essentially boils down to a substitution of the semantic domains, i.e. considering a different pair of frameworks.
The notion of uniform flattening is stronger than that of flattening introduced in [3] in that it requires the operator \(o_3\) to be the same, independently of the choice of \(C_1,\dots ,C_n\).
As opposed to a (non-strict) partial order, which is a reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive relation, a strict partial order is an irreflexive and transitive (hence also antisymmetric) one.
To simplify the notation we use the juxtaposition \(\gamma = \{p, q, r, qr\}\) instead of the set notation \(\gamma = \bigl \{\{p\}, \{q\}, \{r\}, \{q, r\} \bigr \}\) for interactions. Similarly, we directly write \(\pi = \{q\prec r\}\) instead of \(\pi = \{(q, r)\}\).
We denote by \(r \cdot s\) the set of two singleton interactions r and s, as opposed to rs, which denotes one interaction consisting of the two ports.
As in Note 1, we omit the indices on \({\uparrow }{}\), whenever they are clear from the context.
We have only introduced the term “AcBSOS” in the present paper. In [3], we speak of composition operators defined by sets of SOS rules.
The rule \(S_a\) might be removed from the operator o as redundant, however this would imply the existence of another rule with the same conclusion and whereof premises would also be satisfied in the state q.
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Baranov, E., Bliudze, S. Expressiveness of component-based frameworks: a study of the expressiveness of BIP. Acta Informatica 57, 761–800 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00236-019-00337-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00236-019-00337-7