We present a new tool for the study of multiplayer stochastic games, namely the modified game, which is a normal-form game that depends on the discount factor, the initial state, and for every player a partition of the set of states and a vector that assigns a real number to each element of the partition. We study properties of the modified game, like its equilibria, min–max value, and max–min value. We then show how this tool can be used to prove the existence of a uniform equilibrium in a certain class of multiplayer stochastic games.
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A state in a stochastic games is absorbing if the play cannot leave it once this state was reached. A stochastic game is absorbing if all states but one are absorbing.
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The author thanks Eitan Altman for helping in identifying relevant references, Omri Solan for helpful discussions, Sylvain Sorin for useful comments, and the Associate Editor and two anonymous referees for their careful reading of the paper and for their comments, and acknowledges the support of the Israel Science Foundation, Grant #323/13.
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Solan, E. The modified stochastic game. Int J Game Theory 47, 1287–1327 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00182-018-0619-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00182-018-0619-9