This paper focuses on the estimation of the coefficient functions, which is of primary interest, in generalized varying-coefficient models with non-exponential family error. The local weighted quasi-likelihood method which results from local polynomial regression techniques is presented. The nonparametric estimator based on iterative weighted quasi-likelihood method is obtained to estimate coefficient functions. The asymptotic efficiency of the proposed estimator is given. Furthermore, some simulations are carried out to evaluate the finite sample performance of the proposed method, which show that it possesses some advantages to the previous methods. Finally, a real data example is used to illustrate the proposed methodology.

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The authors are grateful to the Editor and two anonymous referees for their constructive comments which have greatly improved this paper. The research work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 11171065, 11401094, the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China under Grant No. BK20140617, BK20141326 and the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China under Grant No. 20120092110021
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1.1 Proof of the Theorem 1
The expression (17) can be obtained easily according to the expression (16) under some assumptions. For brevity, we outline only the proof of the expression (16). For each given point \(u\), the conditions \(\mathbf C1 \)–\(\mathbf C6 \) proposed in the Sect. 3 are needed. For simplicity, we recall that the vector \(\hat{\xi }(u_0)\) maximizes (9). Here, we consider the normalized estimator
where \(\psi =(nh)^{-1/2}\). Let \(\bar{\eta }(u_0, u, \mathbf x )=\sum \nolimits _{j=1}^p{\left[ b_j(u_0)+ \cdots +b_j^{(m)}(u_0)(u-u_0)\right] x_{j}}\) and \(z_i=\left\{ \mathbf X _i^T, \frac{U_i-u_0}{h}\mathbf X _i^T, \ldots , \frac{(U_i-u_0)^m}{h^m}\mathbf X _i^T \right\} \). It can easily be seen that \(\hat{\xi }^{*}(u_0)\) maximizes
where \(\mu _i=g^{-1}\left( \bar{\eta }(u_0,u,\mathbf x )+\psi \xi ^{*T}(u_0)Z_i\right) \). Equivalently, \(\hat{\xi }^{*}(u_0)\) maximizes
where \(\bar{\mu }_i=\bar{\eta }(u_0, u, \mathbf x ))\). Condition \(\mathbf C5 \) implies that the function \(\ln (\cdot )\) is concave in \(\hat{\xi }^{*}(u_0)\). We have the following expression via a Taylor’s expansion:
where \(\bar{\eta }(u_0)=\bar{\eta }(u_0, u, \mathbf x ),\, \eta _i\) is between \(\bar{\eta }(u_0)\) and \(\bar{\eta }(u_0)+\psi \xi ^{*T}(u_0)\Gamma _i(u_0)\), and
Note the fact that \((\Delta _n)_{ij}=(E \Delta _n)_{ij}+ O_p\left\{ \left[ \text {Var}(\Delta _n)_{ij}\right] ^{\frac{1}{2}}\right\} \), and take a Taylor’s expansion of \(\eta (u, \mathbf x )\) with respect to \(u\) around \(|u-u_0|<h\),
Therefore, the expect of \(\Delta _n\)
where \(\Pi (u_0)=E(\rho (u, \mathbf x )\mathbf X \mathbf X ^T|U=u)\). Besides, the element of the variance term can be calculated that \(\text {Var}(\Delta _n)_{ij}=E[(\Delta _{nij}-E\Delta _{nij})(\Delta _{nij} -E\Delta _{nij})^T]=O(\psi ^2)\). Therefore,
Next, we will compute the expected value of the absolute of \(\Omega _n\),
since \(q_3\) is linear in \(Y\) with \(E(Y_1|(\mathbf X _1,U_1))<\infty \), we have \(E\left[ |q_3\{\eta _1(u_0), Y_1\}\mathbf X _1^3|\right] <\infty \), therefore, \(E(\Omega _n)=O(\psi )\). Combining the above equations leads to
By the quadratic approximation lemma (Fan and Gijbels 1996), we have
If \(\Xi _n\) is a stochastically bounded sequence of random vectors. The asymptotic normality of \(\xi ^{*}(u_0)\) follows from that of \(\Xi _n\). So, we need to establish the asymptotic normality of \(\Xi _n\). To establish its asymptotic normality, the mean and covariance need to be computed. The mean
where \(U_h=\left( 1, \frac{U-u_0}{h}, \ldots , \left( \frac{U-u_0}{h}\right) ^m\right) ^T,\, \varvec{\theta }=(\theta _{m+1}, \theta _{m+2}, \ldots , \theta _{2m+1})^T\), and \({\mathbf {b}}^{(m+1)}(u_0)=\left[ b^{(m+1)}_1(u_0), \ldots , b^{(m+1)}_p(u_0)\right] ^T\). An application of \(E(\Xi _n)\) calculated above and the definition of \(q_1\), one obtains that
where \(\Lambda (u_0)=\frac{\text {Var}(Y|U=u,\mathbf X =\mathbf x )}{\rho (u, \mathbf x )}\). In order to prove that
we now employ Cramér-Wold device to derive the asymptotic normality of \(\text {Var}(\Xi _n)\): for any unit vector \(\mathbf {e}\),
Combining (23), (24), (25) and (26), one has
Therefore, the Theorem (16) holds true. Besides, it is easy to verify the Lyapounov’s condition for that sequence, that is formula (27) can easily be proved. If \(m=1\) and \(K(\cdot )\) is symmetric, then \(\theta _1=0\), so that (17) holds true. The proof is completed.
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Zhao, YY., Lin, JG. & Huang, XF. Nonparametric estimation in generalized varying-coefficient models based on iterative weighted quasi-likelihood method. Comput Stat 31, 247–268 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00180-015-0579-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00180-015-0579-5
- Generalized varying-coefficient models
- Nonparametric estimation
- Local polynomial regression
- Weighted quasi-likelihood