If F is a (not necessarily associative) monad on Set, then the natural transformation \(F(A\times B)\rightarrow F(A)\times F(B)\) is surjective if and only if \(F(\varvec{1})=\varvec{1}\). Specializing F to \(F_{\mathcal {V}}\), the free algebra functor for a variety \(\mathcal {V},\) this result generalizes and clarifies an observation by Dent, Kearnes and Szendrei in 2012.
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1 Introduction
A key observation in [2] by T. Dent, K. Kearnes, and Á. Szendrei is that for any variety \(\mathcal {V}\) with idempotent operations each set theoretic product decomposition
extends to a surjective homomorphism
from the 4-generated free algebra in \(\mathcal {V}\) to the square of the 2-generated one.
This fact has an interesting geometric interpretation, which is relevant in the study of congruence modularity. The shifting lemma from [9], which is concerned with shifting a congruence \(\gamma \) from one side of an \(\alpha -\beta \)-parallelogram to the opposite side modulo \(\alpha \wedge \beta \), can be specialized to axis-parallel rectangles inside a product of algebras where \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) are in fact kernels of the projections and \(\gamma \) a factor congruence.
Surjectivity of the above map implies that the projections on the image commute, and since \({{\,\mathrm{Ker}\,}}\delta =\alpha \wedge \beta \), it follows that \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) also commute in the preimage. In particular, therefore, the shifting lemma, which in [9] is the major geometrical tool for studying congruence modularity, is only needed in situations of permuting congruence relations \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \). The restriction to idempotent varieties in these studies is not severe, since a variety is congruence modular iff its idempotent reduct is congruence modular.
Variations of the shifting lemma (e.g. [1]) and, more recently, categorical generalizations as in [3] suggest to investigate the situation in a more general context. In this note, therefore, rather than exploring further ramifications of the above observation, we explore the abstract reasons behind the surjectivity of \(\delta \) in (1.1). It turns out that we can deal with this in a framework which is more abstract than universal algebras and varieties. We are rather considering (not necessarily associative) Set-monads F, of which the functor \(F_{\mathcal {V}}\), which associates with a set X the free algebra \(F_{\mathcal {V}}(X)\) and with a map \(g:X\rightarrow Y\) its unique homomorphic extension \(\bar{g}:F_{\mathcal {V}}(X)\rightarrow F_{\mathcal {V}}(Y)\), is just an example.
2 Monads and main result
Monads on a category \(\mathcal {C}\) are functors \(F:\mathcal {C}\rightarrow \mathcal {C}\) together with two natural transformations \(\iota :Id\rightarrow F\) and \(\mu :F\circ F\rightarrow F\), satisfying two unit laws and an associative law. Our results will even hold for nonassociative monads, so skipping the associative law, we shall only state the unit laws:
Equations (2.1) are usually expressed as a commutative diagram:
Rather easy examples of monads on the category of sets are obtained from collection data types in programming, such as \(List\langle X\rangle \), \(Set\langle X\rangle \) or \(Tree\langle X\rangle ;\) see also [11]. In popular programming languages, \(List\langle X\rangle \) denotes the type of lists of elements from a base type X. Given a function \(g:X\rightarrow Y\), the function \(map(g):List\langle X\rangle \rightarrow List\langle Y\rangle \) which sends \([x_{1},\dots ,x_{n}]\in List\langle X\rangle \) to the list \([g(x_{1}),\dots ,g(x_{n})]\in List\langle Y\rangle \) represents the action of the functor List on maps. In mathematical notation we write (List g) rather than map(g). Obviously, \(map(f\circ g)=map(f)\circ map(g)\) and \(map(id_{X})=id_{List\langle X\rangle },\) so the pair \(List\langle -\rangle \) with map indeed establishes a functor.
For List to be a monad, we need a natural transformation \(\iota :Id\rightarrow List\), as well as a “multiplication” \(\mu :List\circ List\rightarrow List\). The former can be chosen as the singleton operator with \(\iota _{X}:X\rightarrow List\langle X\rangle \) sending any \(x\in X\) to the one-element list [x].
The monad multiplication \(\mu \) is for each type X defined as
taking a list of lists \([l_{1},\dots ,l_{n}]\) and appending them into a single list \(l_{1}+\dots +l_{n}\). Programmers call this operation “flatten”. The unit laws then state that for each list \(l=[x_{1},\dots ,x_{n}]\in List\langle X\rangle \) we should have
which is obvious. Not all monads arise from collection classes, and other uses of monads have all but revolutionized functional programming, see e.g. [12] or [15].
Relevant for universal algebraists is the fact that for every variety \(\mathcal {V}\) the construction of the free algebra \(F_{\mathcal {V}}(X)\) over a set X is a monadic functor. In this case, \(\iota _{X}:X\rightarrow F_{\mathcal {V}}(X)\) is the inclusion of variables, or rather their interpretations as \(\mathcal {V}-\)terms.
The defining property of \(F_{\mathcal {V}}(X)\) states that each map \(g:X\rightarrow A\) for \(A\in \mathcal {V}\) has a unique homomorphic extension \(\bar{g}:F_{\mathcal {V}}(X)\rightarrow A\).
From a map \(f:X\rightarrow Y\), we therefore obtain the homomorphism
as the unique homomorphic extension of the composition \(\iota _{Y}\circ f:X\rightarrow F_{\mathcal {V}}(Y)\):
The flattening map \(\mu :F_{\mathcal {V}}(F_{\mathcal {V}}(X))\rightarrow F_{\mathcal {V}}(X)\) can be considered as term composition: a term \(t(t_{1},\dots ,t_{n}),\) whose argument positions have been filled by other terms, is interpreted as an honest \(\mathcal {V}\)-term. To make this precise, consider the diagram below, in which \(F_{\mathcal {V}}(X)\) appears in two roles – in the top row as an algebra and in the bottom row as a set of free variables for \(F_{\mathcal {V}}(F_{\mathcal {V}}(X))\).
The left square is obtained by instantiating the previous diagram with \(Y:=F_{\mathcal {V}}(X)\) and \(f:=\iota _{X}\). The right hand triangle defines \(\mu _{X}\) as the homomorphic extension of the identity map \(id_{F_{\mathcal {V}}(X)}\) from \(F_{\mathcal {V}}(X)\), considered as set of free variables for \(F_{\mathcal {V}}(F_{\mathcal {V}}(X))\), to \(F_{\mathcal {V}}(X)\) considered as a \(\mathcal {V}\)-algebra.
The first monad equation immediately follows from the definition of \(\mu ,\) and the second equation
follows from the fact that both the left hand side and the right hand side of this equation are homomorphic extensions of \(\iota _{X}:X\rightarrow F_{\mathcal {V}}(X),\) as can be read from the diagram, so they must be equal.
The earlier mentioned examples \(Tree\langle X\rangle \), \(List\langle X\rangle ,\) and \(Set\langle X\rangle ,\) just correspond to the free groupoid, the free semigroup, and the free semilattice over the set X of generators, and are themselves instances of this scheme.
We are now ready to state our main result.
Theorem 2.1
A (not necessarily associative) Set-monad F weakly preserves products if and only if \(F(\varvec{1})\cong \varvec{1}\).
It will be easy to see (Lemma 4.6 below) that Fweakly preserves the product\(A_{1}\times A_{2}\) if and only if the canonical morphism \(\delta =(F\pi _{1},F\pi _{2})\) in the below diagram is epi:
The starting point of our discussion, (1.1) from [2], is therefore seen to represent an instance of this result when setting \(A_{1}=A_{2}=\{a,b\}\) and \(F=F_{\mathcal {V}}\). But before coming to its proof we need a few preparations.
3 Connected functors
Put \(\varvec{1}=\{0\}\) and for any set X denote by \(!_{X}\) the unique (terminal) map from X to \(\varvec{1}\). A Set-functor F is called connected if \(F(\varvec{1})\cong \varvec{1}\). Given a variety \(\mathcal {V}\), the functor \(F_{\mathcal {V}}\) is connected if and only if \(\mathcal {V}\) is idempotent.
It is well known, see [14], that every Set-Functor F can be constructed as a sum of connected functors:
For \(e\in F(\varvec{1})\) one simply puts \(F_{e}(X)=\{u\in F(X)\mid (F!_{X})(u)=e\}.\) On maps \(f:X\rightarrow Y\), each subfunctor \(F_{e}\) is just the domain-codomain-restriction of Ff to \(F_{e}(X)\).
In the following we denote by \(c_{y}^{X}:X\rightarrow Y\) or, if X is clear, simply by \(c_{y},\) the constant map with value \(y\in Y.\) We shall need the following lemma:
Lemma 3.1
If F is a connected functor, then \(Fc_{y}^{X}\) is a constant map. Whenever \(\iota :Id\rightarrow F\) is a natural transformation, then \(Fc_{y}^{X}=c_{\iota _{Y}(y)}^{F(X)}\).
Proof For \(y\in Y,\) denote by \(\bar{y}:\varvec{1}\rightarrow Y\) the constant map with value y. Observe, that an arbitrary map f is constant if and only if it factors through \(\varvec{1},\) i.e. \(c_{y}^{X}=\bar{y}\,\circ \,!_{X}\). Applying F and adding the natural transformation \(\iota \) into the picture,
we obtain:
\(\square \)
In the above, we have seen that connected functors preserve constant maps. It might be interesting to remark that this very property characterizes connected functors:
Corollary 3.2
A functor F is connected if and only if for every constant morphism \(c_{y}\) the morphism \(Fc_{y}\) is constant, again.
Suppose that F preserves constant maps. As \(id_{\varvec{1}}\) is constant, \(F(id_{\varvec{1}})=id_{F(\varvec{1})}\) must also be constant, which implies \(F(\varvec{1})\cong \varvec{1}\). \(\square \)
In general, the elements of \(F(\varvec{1})\) correspond uniquely to the natural transformations between the identity functor Id and F. This can be seen by instantiating the Yoneda Lemma
with \(A=\varvec{1}.\) Therefore we note:
Corollary 3.3
A monad \((F,\iota ,\mu )\) is connected if and only if \(\iota \) is the only transformation from the identity functor to F.
Definition 3.4
Let \(\mathcal {C}_{\varvec{1}}\) be the constant functor with \(\mathcal {C}_{\varvec{1}}(X)=\varvec{1}\) for all X and \(\mathcal {C}_{\varvec{1}}f=id_{\varvec{1}}\) for all f. We say that a functor Fpossesses a constant, if there is a transformation from \(\mathcal {C}_{\varvec{1}}\) to F which is natural, except perhaps at \(X=\emptyset \).
Clearly, each element of \(F(\emptyset )\) gives rise to a constant, but not conversely, since there is nothing to stop us from changing F only on the empty set \(\emptyset \) and on empty maps \(\emptyset _{X}:\emptyset \rightarrow X\) by choosing any \(U\subseteq F(\emptyset )\) and redefining \(F'(\emptyset ):=U\) as well as \(F'\emptyset _{X}=F\emptyset _{X}\circ \subseteq _{U}^{X}.\) For that reason we do not require naturality at \(\emptyset \) in the above definition.
We shall need the following observation:
Lemma 3.5
A connected functor either possesses a constant or it has the identity functor as a subfunctor.
By the Yoneda Lemma, there is exactly one natural transformation \(\iota :Id\rightarrow F\). Assume that some \(\iota _{X}\) is not injective, then there are \(x_{1}\ne x_{2}\in X\) with \(\iota _{X}(x_{1})=\iota _{X}(x_{2})\). Given an arbitrary Y with \(y_{1},y_{2}\in Y,\) consider a map \(f:X\rightarrow Y\)with \(f(x_{1})=y_{1}\) and \(f(x_{2})=y_{2}\). By naturality,
hence each \(\iota _{Y}\) is constant and therefore factors through \(\varvec{1}\). This makes the upper and lower triangle inside the following naturality square commute, too.
The left triangle commutes since \(\varvec{1}\) is terminal. If \(X\ne \emptyset \), the terminal map \(!_{X}:X\rightarrow \varvec{1}\) is epi, from which we now conclude that the right triangle commutes as well, except, possibly, when \(X=\emptyset \). Thus F possesses a constant. \(\square \)
4 Preservation properties
We are concerned with the question, under which conditions the \(\delta \) in equation (1.1) is epi. Therefore, we take a look at the canonical map \(\delta =(F\pi _{1},F\pi _{2}):F(A_{1}\times A_{2})\rightarrow F(A_{1})\times F(A_{2})\) which arises from the commutative diagram (2.2), where \(\pi _{i},\) resp \(\eta _{i},\) denote the canonical component projections.
The first thing to observe is:
Lemma 4.1
\(\delta =(F\pi _{1},F\pi _{2}):F(A_{1}\times A_{2})\rightarrow FA_{1}\times FA_{2}\) is natural in each component.
Proof Assume \(f:A_{1}\rightarrow A_{1}'\) and \(g:A_{2}\rightarrow A_{2}'\) are given. We want to show that the following diagram commutes:
We calculate:
Notice that in order for \(\delta \) to be surjective, the functor F must be connected or trivial.
Lemma 4.2
If the canonical decomposition as in Theorem 2.1 is always epi, then either \(F(\varvec{1})\cong \varvec{1}\) or F is the trivial functor with constant value \(\emptyset \).
For the projections \(\pi _{1},\pi _{2}:\varvec{1}\times \varvec{1}\rightarrow \varvec{1}\) we have \(\pi _{1}=\pi _{2},\) since \(\varvec{1}\) is a terminal object, hence also \(F\pi _{1}=F\pi _{2}\). Let \(\eta _{1},\eta _{2}\) be the projections from the product \(F(\varvec{1})\times F(\varvec{1})\) to its components. Then
By assumption, \(\delta =(F\pi _{1},F\pi _{2})\) is epi, so \(\eta _{1}=\eta _{2}\). For arbitrary \(a,b\in F(\varvec{1})\) then \((a,b)\in F(\varvec{1})\times F(\varvec{1}),\) so
So \(F(\varvec{1})\) either has just one element, or \(F(\varvec{1})=\emptyset \). In the latter case, for each set X the map \(!_{X}:X\rightarrow \varvec{1}\) should yield a map \(F!_{X}:F(X)\rightarrow F(\varvec{1}),\) so \(F(\varvec{1})=\emptyset \) implies \(F(X)=\emptyset .\)\(\square \)
Next, recall some elementary categorical notions.
Definition 4.3
Given objects \(A_{1},A_{2}\) in a category \(\mathcal {C}\), a product of\(A_{1}\)and\(A_{2}\) is an object P together with morphisms \(p_{i}:P\rightarrow A_{i}\), such that for any “competitor”, i.e. for any object Q with morphisms \(q_{i}:Q\rightarrow A_{i}\), there exists a unique morphism \(d:Q\rightarrow P\), such that \(q_{i}=p_{i}\circ d\) for \(i=1,2.\) Products, if they exist, are unique up to isomorphism and are commonly written \(A_{1}\times A_{2}\).
Similarly, given morphisms \(f_{1}:A_{1}\rightarrow B\) and \(f_{2}:A_{2}\rightarrow B\) with common codomain B, their pullback is defined to be a pair of maps \(p_{1}:P\rightarrow A_{1}\) and \(p_{2}:P\rightarrow A_{2}\) with common domain P such that
and for each “competitor”, i.e. each object Q with morphisms \(q_{1}:Q\rightarrow A_{1}\) and \(q_{2}:Q\rightarrow A_{2}\) also satisfying \(f_{1}\circ q_{1}=f_{2}\circ q_{2}\) there exists a unique morphism \(d:Q\rightarrow P\) so that \(p_{i}\circ d=q_{i}\) for \(i=1,2\) (see Figure 1).
In both definitions, if we drop the uniqueness requirement, we obtain the definition of weak product, resp. weak pullback.
Notice that in case there exists a terminal object \(\varvec{1}\), the product of \(A_{1}\) with \(A_{2}\) is the same as the pullback of the terminal morphisms \(!_{A_{i}}:A_{i}\rightarrow \varvec{1}\).
Weak products (weak pullbacks) arise from right invertible morphisms into products (pullbacks):
Lemma 4.4
If \((P,p_{1},p_{2})\) is a product (resp. pullback), then \((W,w_{1},w_{2})\) is a weak product (resp. weak pullback) if and only if there is a right invertible \(w:W\rightarrow P\) such that \(w_{i}=p_{i}\circ w\).
If w has a right inverse e, and \((Q,q_{1},q_{2})\) is a competitor to W, then it is also a competitor to P, hence there is a morphism \(d:Q\rightarrow P\) with \(q_{i}=p_{i}\circ d\). Then \(e\circ d\) is the required morphism to W. Indeed,
Conversely, assume that \((W,w_{1},w_{2})\) is a weak product, then both W and P are competitors to each other, yielding both a morphism \(w:W\rightarrow P\) with \(w_{i}=p_{i}\circ w\) and a morphism \(e:P\rightarrow W\) with \(p_{i}=w_{i}\circ e\).
Now \((P,p_{1},p_{2})\) is also a competitor to itself, yet both \(p_{i}\circ (w\circ e)=p_{i}\) and \(p_{i}\circ id_{P}=p_{i}\) for \(i=1,2\). By uniqueness it follows that \(w\circ e=id_{P},\) so w is indeed right invertible. (The same proof works for the case of weak pullbacks).
\(\square \)
Definition 4.5
Let \(F:\mathcal {C}\rightarrow \mathcal {D}\) be a functor. We say that Fweakly preserves products (pullbacks) if whenever \((P,p_{1},p_{2})\) is a product (pullback), then its image \((F(P),Fp_{1},Fp_{2})\) is a weak product (weak pullback).
It is well known that a functor weakly preserves a limit L if and only it preserves weak limits, see e.g. [5]. Surjective maps are right invertible, so regarding (1.1) or its more general formulation (2.2), we now arrive at the following relevant observation:
Lemma 4.6
The canonical map \(\delta \) in (2.2) is epi if and only if F weakly preserves the product \((A_{1}\times A_{2},\pi _{1},\pi _{2})\).
Whereas the above mentioned result of [2], in which the monad F is the free-algebra-functor \(F_{\mathcal {V}},\) served a purely universal algebraic purpose, it also has an interesting coalgebraic interpretation. It is well known that coalgebraic properties of classes of F-coalgebras are to a large degree determined by weak pullback preservation properties of the functor F, which serves as a type or signature for a class \(Coalg_{F}\) of coalgebras. Prominent structure theoretic properties can be derived from the assumptions that F weakly preserves pullbacks of preimages, kernel pairs or both, see e.g. [4,5,6,7,8, 13]. Here we add one more property to this list: preservation of pullbacks of constant maps.
Theorem 4.7
Let F be a nontrivial functor. Then the following are equivalent:
- (1)
F has no constant and weakly preserves products.
- (2)
F is connected and weakly preserves pullbacks of constant maps.
If F is nontrivial and weakly preserves the product \(\varvec{1}\times \varvec{1}\cong \varvec{1}\), then F is connected as a consequence of Lemma 4.2. Since F has no constants, \(F(\emptyset )=\emptyset \) and moreover Lemma 3.5 provides Id as a subfunctor of F. Thus we obtain a natural transformation \(\iota :Id\rightarrow F\) which is injective in each component.
Let now \(c_{y_{i}}^{X_{i}}:X_{i}\rightarrow Y\) for \(i=1,2\) be constant maps with \(y_{i}\in Y\). Applying F, Lemma 3.1 yields \(Fc_{y_{i}}^{X_{i}}=c_{\iota _{Y}(y_{i})}^{F(X_{i})}\) for \(i=1,2.\)
If \(y_{1}=y_{2}\) then the pullback of the \(c_{y_{i}}^{X_{i}}\) is simply \((X_{1}\times X_{2},\pi _{1},\pi _{2})\). The \(Fc_{y_{i}}^{X_{i}}\) are constant maps with the same target value \(\iota _{Y}(y_{1})=\iota _{Y}(y_{2}),\) so their pullback is the product \(F(X_{1})\times F(X_{2})\) with canonical projections \(\eta _{i}:F(X_{1})\times F(X_{2})\rightarrow F(X_{i})\). By assumption, F weakly preserves products, which gives us a surjective canonical map \(\delta :F(X_{1}\times X_{2})\rightarrow F(X_{1})\times F(X_{2})\) with \(F\pi _{i}=\eta _{i}\circ \delta \), so Lemma 4.4 ensures that \((F(X_{1}\times X_{2}),F\pi _{1},F\pi _{2})\) is a weak pullback of the \(Fc_{y_{i}}^{X_{i}}.\)
If \(y_{1}\ne y_{2},\) then the pullback of the \(c_{y_{i}}^{X_{i}}\) is \((\emptyset ,\emptyset _{X_{1}},\emptyset _{X_{2}})\), the empty set \(\emptyset \) with empty mappings \(\emptyset _{X_{i}}:\emptyset \rightarrow X_{i}\). Since \(\iota _{Y}\) is injective, the \(Fc_{y_{1}}\) are constant maps with disjoint images, too, consequently their pullback is \((\emptyset ,\emptyset _{F(X_{1})},\emptyset _{F(X_{2})}).\) This is the same we would obtain by applying F to the pullback of the \(c_{y_{i}}\), taking into account that \(F(\emptyset )=\emptyset \).
For the reverse direction, suppose that F is connected and weakly preserves pullbacks of constant maps. The product \((X_{1}\times X_{2},\pi _{1},\pi _{2})\) is at the same time the pullback of the terminal maps \(!_{X_{i}}:X_{i}\rightarrow \varvec{1}\). Applying F and considering that \(F(\varvec{1})\cong \varvec{1}\), we see that the \(F!_{X_{i}}\) are also terminal maps, so their pullback is \((F(X_{1})\times F(X_{2}),\eta _{1},\eta _{2})\). Thus, if F weakly preserves the pullback of the \(!_{X_{i}},\) then we must have that \((F(X_{1}\times X_{2}),F\pi _{1},F\pi _{2})\) is a weak pullback of the \(F!_{X_{i}}\) which by Lemma 4.4 means that there exists a surjective map \(\delta :F(X_{1}\times X_{2})\rightarrow F(X_{1})\times F(X_{2})\) with \(\eta _{i}\circ \delta =F\pi _{i}\). \(\square \)
The following example demonstrates that the requirement that F has no constants is essential in Theorem 4.7.
Example 4.8
Consider the functor T with \(T(X)=X^{2}/\Delta \) where \(\Delta \) is the equivalence relation on \(X^{2}\) identifying any two elements in the diagonal of \(X^{2}.\) For \(x_{1},x_{2}\in X\), we denote the elements of \(X^{2}/\Delta \) by \((x_{1},x_{2})\) if \(x_{1}\ne x_{2}\) and by \(\bot \) otherwise. On maps \(f:X\rightarrow Y\) the functor T is defined as \((Tf)(\bot )=\bot \) and
Then T is a functor and the projection \(\pi _{\Delta }:X^{2}\rightarrow X^{2}/\Delta \) is a natural transformation. Even though \(T(\emptyset )=\emptyset \), the functor does have a constant, \(\bot \).
The map \(\delta =(T\pi _{1},T\pi _{2}):T(X\times Y)\rightarrow T(X)\times T(Y)\) is surjective: If \(X=\emptyset \) or \(Y=\emptyset \) this is trivial, otherwise fix some \(x\in X\) and \(y\in Y\). Then \(((x_{1},x_{2}),(y_{1},y_{2}))\in T(X)\times T(Y)\) has preimage \(((x_{1},y_{1}),(x_{2},y_{2})).\) Preimages of \(((x_{1},x_{2}),\bot )\) and of \((\bot ,(y_{1},y_{2}))\) are \(((x_{1},y)(x_{2},y))\) and \(((x,y_{1}),(x,y_{2})).\) Finally \((\bot ,\bot )\) has preimage \(\bot \). Thus T weakly preserves products.
To see that T does not weakly preserve pullbacks of constant maps, consider \(c_{0}^{X},c_{1}^{X}:X\rightarrow \{0,1\}\) whose pullback is \(\emptyset \). But \(T(c_{0}^{X})=T(c_{1}^{X})=c_{\bot }^{T(X)}\) and their pullback is \(T(X)\times T(X).\) Clearly there is no way to find a surjective map from \(T(\emptyset )=\emptyset \) to \(T(X)\times T(Y)\) as would be required by Lemma 4.4.
5 Proof of the main theorem
We are finally turning to the proof of Theorem 2.1, verifying the surjectivity of \(\delta =(F\pi _{1},F\pi _{2})\) when \((F,\iota ,\mu )\) is a monad. Thus given \((p,q)\in F(A_{1})\times F(A_{2}),\) we are required to find an element \(t\in F(A_{1}\times A_{2})\) such that \((F\pi _{1})(t)=p\) and \((F\pi _{2})(t)=q.\)
For each \(a\in A_{1}\) we define a map \(\sigma _{a}:A_{2}\rightarrow A_{1}\times A_{2}\) by
Next we define \(\tau :A_{1}\rightarrow F(A_{1}\times A_{2})\) by
The following picture gives an overview, where the lower squares commute due to the fact that \(\mu \) is a natural transformation,
and the commutativities involving the dotted arrows will be established in the following auxiliary lemma:
Lemma 5.1
\(F\pi _{1}\circ \tau =\iota _{A_{1}}\)
\(F\pi _{2}\circ \tau =c_{q}^{A_{1}}.\)
From the definition it follows that \(\pi _{1}\circ \sigma _{a}=c_{a}^{A_{2}}\) and \(\pi _{2}\circ \sigma _{a}=id_{A_{2}}.\) Using these, and Lemma 3.1, we calculate:
and similarly
whence \((F\pi _{2}\circ \tau )\) is the constant map \(c_{q}^{A_{1}}:A_{1}\rightarrow F(A_{2})\). \(\square \)
With these lemmas in place, we can finish the proof of Theorem 2.1. We set
and claim:
In order to show (5.1), we calculate, using naturality of \(\mu \), for \(i=1,2:\)
Then for \(i=1\) we continue, using Lemma 5.1 and the first monad law:
whereas for \(i=2\) we obtain, using Lemmas 5.1 and 3.1 as well as the second monad law:
Corollary 5.2
Let \(\alpha ={{\,\mathrm{Ker}\,}}\pi _{1}\) and \(\beta ={{\,\mathrm{Ker}\,}}\pi _{2},\) then
6 Conclusion
We have shown that a key observation in the work of Dent, Kearnes and Szendrei [2] results from a weak limit preservation property which results from the free-algebra functor \(F_{\mathcal {V}}\) being a (not necessarily associative) monad. Such weak limit preservation properties of \(Set-\)functors are highly relevant when using such functors as type functors for coalgebras.
Indeed, in a forthcoming paper [10] weak preservation of kernel pairs and preservation of preimages by \(F_{\mathcal {V}}\) will be characterized by syntactic criteria for the equations \(\Sigma \) defining the variety \(\mathcal {V}.\)
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Open Access funding provided by Projekt DEAL. I am sincerely indebted to Peter Jipsen and Andrew Moshier for inspiring discussions during my stay at Chapman University, where the main result of this note was obtained.
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Presented by W. DeMeo.
Dedicated to Ralph Freese, Bill Lampe, and J.B. Nation.
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Gumm, H.P. Connected monads weakly preserve products. Algebra Univers. 81, 18 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00012-020-00654-w
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00012-020-00654-w