The growth of any country depends upon the development of public sector organizations that satisfy the needs of their stakeholders and achieve their happiness. Therefore, and in order to fulfill the national strategies of United Arab Emirates (UAE), A Government Excellence Model; used to referred to as 4th G, has been developed to suit the requirements of UAE public sector organizations for achieving superior performance and a leading position worldwide. This paper uses the qualitative research technique to study the critical success factors which affect the implementation of UAE’s 4th G in the public sector. An ISM approach is applied to establish the interrelationship between the various critical factors. With the help of Fuzzy MICMAC technique, driver-dependence power diagraph is created. From our analysis, a new factor was identified by the experts participating in developing the ISM model that is “budget priorities”. It has been also found that “top-management commitment” has the highest driving power which helps in successful execution of 4th G excellence model. Variables “reputation” and “sense of belonging” have the highest dependence power. The success of these variables depends on the success of the variables below them. Finally, the limitations of using the above techniques are discussed and then suggestions are made for the further research.

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AlZawati, O.K., Bashir, H. & Alsyouf, I. Modelling and analyzing of critical success factors for implementing UAE’s Government Excellence Model in the public sector: an ISM and Fuzzy-MICMAC approach. Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag 11, 1107–1132 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-020-00963-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-020-00963-2