New services and applications become part of our daily activities as we evolve into new solutions supported by cutting-edge paradigms, like the Internet of Things and Smart Cities. In order to properly achieve the benefits theoretically provided by these models, new kinds of services must be designed. These new services have special requirements, as well as the users that access to them. One of these requirements is low latency levels, since a delayed reply could render to chaos for applications such as eHealth and public safety. The communication infrastructure must cope with these challenges by offering innovative solutions. One of these solutions is a smart service placement system that facilitates the location of services in the proper position according to specific needs. On this paper, a service placement architecture for the Internet of Things is proposed, with especial emphasis in its main module, the Service Orchestrator, for which implementation details are provided, including a model for the service placement task. Furthermore, technologies to implement the modules from the architecture are suggested. This proposal, as well as its validation, is framed within the scope of the SusCity project.

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This work is financed by national funds via FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of project “MITP TB / CS / 0026/2013 - SusCity”.
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Velasquez, K., Abreu, D.P., Curado, M. et al. Service placement for latency reduction in the internet of things. Ann. Telecommun. 72, 105–115 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12243-016-0524-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12243-016-0524-9