Recently, research interests have been paid for using recurrent neural network (RNN) as the decoder in video captioning task. However, the generated sentence seems to “lose track” of the video content due to the fixed language rule. Though existing methods try to “guide” the decoder and keep it “on track”, they mainly rely on a single-modal feature that does not fit the multi-modal (visual and semantic) and the complementary (local and global) nature of the video captioning task. To this end, we propose the multi-guiding long short-term memory (mg-LSTM), an extension of LSTM network for video captioning. We add global information (i.e., detected attributes) and local information (i.e., appearance features) extracted from the video as extra input to each cell of LSTM, with the aim of collaboratively guiding the model towards solutions that are more tightly coupled to the video content. In particular, the appearance and attribute features are first used to produce local and global guiders, respectively. We propose a novel cell-wise ensemble, where the weight matrix of each cell of LSTM is extended to be a set of attribute-dependent and attention-dependent weight matrices, by which the guiders induce each cell optimization over time. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets (i.e., MSVD, MSR-VTT, and MPII-MD) show that our method can achieve competitive results against the state of the art. Additional ablation studies are conducted on variants of the proposed mg-LSTM.

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This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61772359, 61472275, 61502337).
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Xu, N., Liu, AA., Nie, W. et al. Multi-guiding long short-term memory for video captioning. Multimedia Systems 25, 663–672 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00530-018-0598-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00530-018-0598-5