A new algorithm for the integration of partially overlapping range images into a triangular mesh is presented. The algorithm consists of three main steps: it locates the intersections between the range surfaces and a reference grid chosen by the user, then merges all nearly coincident and redundant intersections according to a proximity criterion, and, finally, reconstructs the merged surface(s) from the filtered intersection set. Compared with previous methods, which adopt a volumetric approach, our algorithm shows lower computational costs and improves the accuracy of the surfaces produced. It takes into account the quality of the input measurements and is able to patch small holes corresponding to the parts of the 3D scanned object that were not observed by the acquisition device. The algorithm has been tested on several datasets of range maps; graphical and numeric results are reported.
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Rocchini, C., Cignoni, P., Ganovelli, F. et al. The Marching Intersections algorithm for merging range images. Visual Comp 20, 149–164 (2004). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-003-0237-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-003-0237-8