Computer-assisted diagnosis (CAID) is commonly used to evaluate cardiac nuclear medicine studies such as thallium perfusion scans. Part 1 of this series (Journal of Digital Imaging, 5:209–222, 1992) reviewed the basic theory underlying CAID in nuclear medicine and its use in planar thallium imaging. Part 2 discussed the application of CAID to SPECT perfusion studies (Journal of Digital Imaging, 6:1–15, 1993). This article reviews new variations of CAID programs for SPECT imaging and the application of expert systems and neural networks to CAID of nuclear medicine perfusion studies.
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Datz, F.L., Rosenberg, C., Gabor, F.V. et al. The use of computer-assisted diagnosis in cardiac perfusion nuclear medicine studies: A review (part 3). J Digit Imaging 6, 67–80 (1993). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03168433
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03168433