The undisputed link of the agricultural sector with regional economies, along with the increased competition, fosters agri-business companies to rethink their business philosophy and to transform from isolated firms to members of more extended business formations. The paper examines a particular type of business network, the cluster. It focuses on the concept of clusters and on cluster-based strategies in the context of agriculture. In particular, the paper explores the value of clusters by taking into consideration the particularities of the agricultural sector. Potential benefits and constraints of agri-business cluster development are also presented.
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Matopoulos, A., Vlachopoulou, M. & Manthou, V. Exploring clusters and their value as types of business networks in the agricultural sector. Oper Res Int J 5, 9–19 (2005). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02944157
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02944157