A software environment designed to support the real-time implementation of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) applications onto multiple programmable processors is described. The system, called McDAS, allows a designer to program his application as he would on a single processor, using a high level signal-flow DSP language. The program is then automatically scheduled and compiled onto a target multiprocessor. The environment allows the scheduler to be invoked with different numbers of processors and multiprocessor topology to explore various implementations. McDAS maximizes the computational throughput by exploiting pipelining, retiming, and parallel execution under the architectural constraints. The code generator is retargetable to different multiprocessor architectures as well as core processors. Data buffers and synchronizations are automatically inserted to ensure correct execution. The final implementation can be used for simulation speedup or real-time processing.
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Hoang, P., Rabaey, J. A CAD environment for Real-time DSP implementations on multiprocessors. Journal of VLSI Signal Processing 8, 131–150 (1994). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02109381
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02109381