This paper is devoted to VLSI implementation of a staged decoder for Block-Coded Modulation (BCM). We first review a general parallel and pipelined implementation of the decoder and we identify the parameters to be considered for optimization. A particular BCM scheme, based on the 8-PSK signal set, is chosen for a case study. Several ideas are described leading to a code-optimized design, and hardware implementation is shown. Next, we evaluate the performance of our design. In particular it is shown that, by exploiting regularity, a simple structure which achieves a throughput rate of 10 Mbps can be implemented by using 23 K transistors and 2Μ standard cells CMOS technology. Further optimization and simple stacking of ten processors on a single chip in a block-processing structure allows us to achieve a throughput rate of 100 Mbps with about 150 K transistors (38 K gates).
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Additive White Gaussian Noise Channel
- BCM:
Block-Coded Modulation
- CP:
Comparator Processor
- DG:
Dependence Graph
- ED:
Euclidean Distance
- HD:
Hamming Distance
- MAC:
- MXC:
- ML:
Maximum Likelihood
- PE:
Processing Element
- PSK:
Phase-Shift Keying
- SD:
Staged Decoder
- SFG:
Signal Flow Graph
- TCM:
Trellis-Coded Modulation
- VA:
Viterbi Algorithm
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Caire, G., Ventura-Traveset, J., Murphy, J. et al. Parallel and pipelined VLSI implementation of a staged decoder for BCM signals. Journal of VLSI Signal Processing 11, 195–211 (1995). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02107053
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02107053