With every finite-state word or tree automaton, we associate a binary relation on words or trees. We then consider the “rectangular decompositions” of this relation, i.e., the various ways to express it as a finite union of Cartesian products of sets of words or trees, respectively. We show that the determinization and the minimization of these automata correspond to simple geometrical reorganizations of the rectangular decompositions of the associated relations.
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This work was supported by the “Programme de Recherches Coordonnées: Mathématiques et Informatique.” It was initiated during a stay in Bordeaux by D. Niwinski in 1988.
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Courcelle, B., Niwinski, D. & Podelski, A. A geometrical view of the determinization and minimization of finite-state automata. Math. Systems Theory 24, 117–146 (1991). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02090394
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02090394