Critical issues of interactive three-dimensional geometry definition and high-speed parallel computation are addressed in a unified fashion by Geometry-Defining Processors (GDPs). GDPs are microprocessors housed in three-dimensional physical polyhedral packages which can be easily manually assembled or reconfigured to construct approximate scale models of physical objects or domains. An individual GDP communicates with neighboring GDPs in an assembly through optical ports associated with the faces of its package. An assembly of communicating GDPs is able to bothdefine a system geometry and, operating as an optimally connected parallel processor,solve the associated continuum partial differential equations required for design evaluation. Combining simplicity-of-use with efficient computational capabilities, the GDP design system should prove useful in numberous engineering applications.
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Anagnostou, G., Dewey, D. & Patera, A.T. Geometry-defining processors for engineering design and analysis. The Visual Computer 5, 304–315 (1989). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01914788
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01914788