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Models for practical parallel computation

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International Journal of Parallel Programming Aims and scope Submit manuscript


A major reason for the lack of practical use of parallel computers has been the absence of a suitable model of parallel computation. Many existing models are either theoretical or are tied to a particular architecture. A more general model must be architecture independent, must realistically reflect execution costs, and must reduce the cognitive overhead of managing massive parallelism. A growing number of models meeting some of these goals have been suggested. We discuss their properties and relative strengths and weaknesses. We conclude that data parallelism is a style with much to commend it, and discuss the Bird-Meertens formalism as a coherent approach to data parallel programming.

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This work was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.

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Skillicorn, D.B. Models for practical parallel computation. Int J Parallel Prog 20, 133–158 (1991).

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