Within the last two decades a small group of researchers has built a useful, nontrivial theory of nonlinear signal processing around the median-related filters known as rank-order filters, order-statistic filters, weighted median filters, and stack filters. This required significant effort to overcome the bias, both in education and research, toward linear theory, which has been dominant since the days of Fourier, Laplace, and “Convolute.”
We trace the development of this theory of nonlinear filtering from its beginnings in the study of noise-removal properties and structural behavior of the median filter to the recently developed theory of optimal stack filtering.
The theory of stack filtering provides a point of view which unifies many different filter classes, including morphological filters, so it is discussed in detail. Of particular importance is the way this theory has brought together, in a single analytical framework, both the estimation-based and the structural-based approaches to the design of these filters.
Some recent applications of median and stack filters are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach to nonlinear filtering. They include: the design of an optimal stack filter for image restoration; the use of vector median filters to attenuate impulsive noise in color images and to eliminate cross luminance and cross color in TV images; and the use of median-based filters for image sequence coding, reconstruction, and scan rate conversion in normal TV and HDTV systems.
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Gabbouj, M., Coyle, E.J. & Gallagher, N.C. An overview of median and stack filtering. Circuits Systems and Signal Process 11, 7–45 (1992). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01189220
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01189220