XcalableACC (XACC) is an extension of XcalableMP for accelerated clusters. It is defined as a diagonal integration of XcalableMP and OpenACC, which is another directive-based language designed to program heterogeneous CPU/accelerator systems. XACC has features for handling distributed-memory parallelism, inherited from XMP, offloading tasks to accelerators, inherited from OpenACC, and two additional functions: data/work mapping among multiple accelerators and direct communication between accelerators.
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1 Introduction
This chapter describes the specification of XACC (XACC) which is an extension of XMP version 1.3 [2] and OpenACC version 2.5 [3]. XACC provides a parallel programming model for accelerated clusters which are distributed memory systems equipped with accelerators.
In this chapter, terminologies of XMP and OpenACC are indicated by bold font. For details, refer to each specification [2, 3].
The work on XACC and the Omni XcalableACC compiler was supported by the Japan Science and Technology Agency, Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology program entitled “Research and Development on Unified Environment of Accelerated Computing and Interconnection for Post-Petascale Era” in the research area of “Development of System Software Technologies for Post-Peta Scale High Performance Computing.”
1.1 Hardware Model
The target of XACC is an accelerated cluster, a hardware model of which is shown in Fig. 1.
An execution unit is called node as with XMP. Each node consists of a single host and multiple accelerators (such as GPUs and Intel MICs). Each host has a processor, which may have several cores, and own local memory. Each accelerator also has them. Each node is connected with each other via network. Each node can access its local memories directly and remote memories, that is, the memories of another node indirectly. In a host, the accelerator memory may be physically and/or virtually separate from the host memory as with the memory model of OpenACC. Thus, a host may not be able to read or write the accelerator memory directly.
1.2 Programming Model
XACC is a directive-based language extension based on Fortran 90 and ISO C90 (ANSI C90). To develop applications on accelerated clusters with ease, XACC extends XMP and OpenACC independently as follows: (1) XMP extensions are to facilitate cooperation between XMP and OpenACC directives. (2) OpenACC extensions are to deal with multiple accelerators.
1.2.1 XMP Extensions
In a program using the XMP extensions, XMP, OpenACC, and XACC directives are used. Figure 2 shows a concept of the XMP extensions.
XMP directives define a template and a node set. The template represents a global index space, which is distributed onto the node set. Moreover, XMP directives declare distributed arrays, parallelize loop statements, and transfer data among host memories according to the distributed template. OpenACC directives transfer the distributed arrays between host memory and accelerator memory on the same node and execute the loop statements parallelized by XMP on accelerators in parallel. XACC directives, which are XMP communication directives with an acc clause, transfer data among accelerator memories and between accelerator memory and host memory on different nodes. Moreover, coarray features also transfer data on different nodes.
Note that the XMP extensions are not a simple combination of XMP and OpenACC. For example, if you represent communication of distributed array among accelerators shown in Fig. 2 by the combination of XMP and OpenACC, you need to specify explicitly communication between host and accelerator by OpenACC and that between hosts by XMP. Moreover, you need to calculate manually indices of the distributed array owned by each node. By contrast, XACC directives can represent such communication among accelerators directly using global indices.
1.2.2 OpenACC Extensions
The OpenACC extension can represent offloading works and data to multiple-accelerators on a node. Figure 3 shows a concept of the OpenACC extension.
OpenACC extension directive defines a device set. The device set represents a set of devices on a node. Futher, OpenACC extension directives declare distributed arrays on the device set while maintaining the arrays on the host memory, and the directives distribute offloading loop statement and memory copy between host and device memories for the distributed-arrays. Moreover, OpenACC extension directives synchronize devices among the device set. XACC directives also transfer data between device memories on the node.
1.3 Execution Model
The execution model of XACC is a combination of those of XMP and OpenACC. While the execution model of a host CPU programming is based on that of XMP, that of an accelerator programming is based on that of OpenACC. Unless otherwise specified, each node behaves exactly as specified in the XMP specification[2] or the OpenACC specification[3].
An XACC program execution is based on the SPMD model, where each node starts execution from the same main routine and keeps executing the same code independently (i.e. asynchronously), which is referred to as the replicated execution until it encounters an XMP construct or an XMP-extension construct. In particular, the XMP-extension construct may allocate, deallocate, or transfer data on accelerators. An OpenACC construct or an OpenACC-extension construct may define parallel regions, such as work-sharing loops, and offloads it to accelerators under control of the host.
When a node encounters a loop construct targeted by a combination of XMP loop and OpenACC loop directives, it executes the loop construct in parallel with other accelerators, so that each iteration of the loop construct is independently executed by the accelerator where a specified data element resides.
When a node encounters a XACC synchronization or a XACC communication directive, synchronization or communication occurs between it and other accelerators. That is, such global constructs are performed collectively by the current executing nodes. Note that neither synchronizations nor communications occur without these constructs specified.
1.4 Data Model
There are two classes of data in XACC: global data and local data as with XMP. Data declared in an XACC program are local by default. Both global data and local data can exist on host memory and accelerator memory. About the data models of host memory and accelerator memory, refer to the OpenACC specification[3].
Global data are ones that are distributed onto the executing node set by the align directive. Each fragment of a global data is allocated in host memory of a node in the executing node set. OpenACC directives can transfer the fragment from host memory to accelerator memory.
Local data are all of the ones that are not global. They are replicated in the local memory of each of the executing nodes.
A node can access directly only local data and sections of global data that are allocated in its local memory. To access data in remote memory, explicit communication must be specified in such ways as the global communication constructs and the coarray assignments.
Particularly in XcalableACC Fortran, for common blocks that include any global variables, the ways how the storage sequence of them is defined and how the storage association of them is resolved are implementation-dependent.
2 XcalableACC Language
XACC is roughly defined as a diagonal integration of XMP and OpenACC with some additional XACC extensions, where XMP directives are for specifying distributed-memory parallelism, OpenACC for offloading, and the extensions for other XACC-specific features.
The syntax and semantics of XMP and OpenACC directives appearing in XACC codes follow those in XMP and OpenACC, respectively, unless specified below.
2.1 Data Mapping
Global arrays distributed with XMP directives can be globally-indexed in OpenACC constructs. Global arrays may appear in the update, enter data, exit data, host_data, cache, and declare directives; and the data clauses such as deviceptr, present, copy, copyin, copyout, create, and delete. When data transfer of a global array between host and accelerator memory is specified by an OpenACC directive, it is performed locally for the local section of the array within each node.
In lines 2–6 of Fig. 4, the directives declare global arraysa and b. In line 8, the enter data directive transfers a section of a from host memory to accelerator memory. Note that a is globally-indexed. In line 9, the data directive transfers the whole of b from host memory to accelerator memory.
2.2 Work Mapping
In order to parallelize a loop statement among nodes and on accelerators, the XMP loop directive and OpenACC loop directive are used. While an XMP loop directive parallelizes a loop statement among nodes, an OpenACC loop directive further parallelizes the loop statement on accelerators within each node. For ease of writing, the nesting order of XMP loop directive and OpenACC loop directive does not matter.
When an acc clause appears in an XMP loop directive with a reduction clause, the directive performs a reduction operation for the variable specified in the reduction clause on accelerator memory.
In an OpenACC compute region, no XMP directives except for loop directive without reduction clauses is allowed.
In an OpenACC compute region, the parameter (i.e., the lower bound, upper bound, and step) of the target loop must remain unchanged.
An acc clause can be specified in an XMP loop directive only when a reduction clause is also specified.
Example 1
In lines 2–6 of Fig. 5, the directives declare global arraysa and b. In line 8, the copy clause on the parallel directive transfers a and b from host memory to accelerator memory. In lines 8–9, the parallel directive and XMP loop directive parallelize the following loop on an accelerator within a node and among nodes, respectively.
Example 2
In lines 2–5 of Fig. 6, the directives declare a global arraya. In line 7, the copy clause on the parallel directive transfers a and a variable sum from host memory to accelerator memory. In lines 7–8, the parallel directive and XMP loop directive parallelize the following loop on an accelerator within a node and in among nodes, respectively. After finishing the calculation of the loop, the OpenACC reduction clause and the XMP reduction clause with acc in lines 7–8 perform a reduction operation for sum first on the accelerator within a node and then among all nodes.
2.3 Data Communication and Synchronization
When an acc clause is specified in an XMP’s communication and synchronization directive, the directive works for the data on accelerator memory to transfer it.
The acc clause can be specified on the following XMP’s communication and synchronization directives:
Note that while a gmove directive with acc and coarray features can perform communication both between accelerators and between accelerator and host memory that may be on different nodes, other directives with acc can perform communication only between accelerators.
In lines 2–5 of Fig. 7, the directives declare a global arraya. In line 6, the shadow directive allocates the shadow areas of a. In line 8, the enter data directive transfers a with the shadow areas from host memory to accelerator memory. In line 9, the reflect directive updates the shadow areas of the distributed arraya on accelerator memory on all nodes.
2.4 Coarrays
In XACC, programmers can specify one-sided communication (i.e., put and get operation) for data on accelerator memory using coarray features. A combination of coarray and the host_data construct enables one-sided communication between accelerators.
If coarrays appear in a use_device clause of an enclosing host_data construct, data on accelerator memory is selected as the target of the communication. The synchronization for Coarray operations on accelerators is similar to that in XMP.
Coarrays on accelerator memory can be declared only with the declare directive.
No coarray syntax is allowed in the OpenACC compute region.
In line 3 of Fig. 8, the declare directive declares a coarraya and an array b on accelerator memory. In lines 6–7, node 1 performs a put operation, where the whole of b on the accelerator memory of node 1 is transferred to a on the accelerator memory of node 2. In lines 9–10, node 1 performs a get operation, where the whole of a on the accelerator memory of node 3 is transferred to b on the host memory of node 1. In line 13, the sync all statement in XACC/F or the xmp_sync_all function in XACC/C performs a barrier synchronization among all nodes and guarantees the completion of ongoing coarray accesses.
2.5 Handling Multiple Accelerators
XACC also has a feature for handling multiple accelerators. This section provides a brief overveiw of this feature. Please refer to [4] for more detail.
2.5.1 devices Directive
The devices directive declares a device array that corresponds to a device set. This directive is analogous to the nodes directive for nodes in XMP.
Figure 9 is an example of declaring devices. The device array d corresponds to a set of entire default devices, and e is a subset of the predefined device array nvidia. The program must be executed by a node which is equipped with four or more NVIDIA accelerator devices.
2.5.2 on_device Clause
The on_device clause in a directive specifies a device set that the directive targets.
The on_device clause may appear on parallel, parallel loop, kernels, kernels loop, data, enter data, exit data, declare, update, wait, and barrier_device directives.
The directive is applied to each device in the device set in parallel. If there is no layout clause, the all devices process the directive for same data or work redundantly.
2.5.3 layout Clause
The layout clause specifies data or work mapping on devices.
The layout clause may appear on declare directives and on loop, parallel loop, and kernels loop constructs. If the layout clause appears on a declare directive, it specifies the data mapping to the device set for arrays which are appeared in data clauses on the directive. “*” represents that the dimension is not distributed, and block represents that the dimension is divided into contiguous blocks, which are distributed onto the device array.
Figure 10 is an example of the layout clause. In line 2, the devices directive defines a device set d. In lines 3–4, the declare directive declares that an array a is distributed and allocated on d. In lines 6–9, the kernels loop directive distributes and offloads the following loops to d.
2.5.4 shadow Clause
The shadow clause in the declare directive specifies the width of the shadow area of arrays, which is used to communicate the neighbor element of the block of the arrays.
Figure 11 is an example of the shadow clause. In line 2, the devices directive defines a device set d. In lines 3–5, the declare directive declares that an array a is distributed and allocated with shadow areas on the device set d. In lines 7–10, the kernels loop construct divides and offloads the loop to the device set d. In line 11, the reflect directive updates the shadow areas of the distributed array a on the device memory.
2.5.5 barrier_device Construct
The barrier_device construct specifies an explicit barrier among devices at the point which the construct appears.
The barrier_device construct blocks accelerator devices until all ongoing asynchronous operations on them are completed regardless of the host operations.
Figure 12 is an example of the barrier_devices construct. In lines 1–2, the devices directives define device sets d and e. In lines 4–5, the first barrier_device construct performs a barrier operation for all devices, and the second one performs a barrier operation for devices in the device set e.
3 Omni XcalableACC Compiler
We have developed the Omni XACC compiler as the reference implementation of XACC compilers.
Figure 13 shows the compile flow of Omni XACC. First, Omni XACC accepts XACC source codes and translates them into those in the base languages with runtime calls. Next, the translated code is compiled by a native compiler, which supports OpenACC, to generate an object file. Finally, the object files and the runtime library are linked by the native compiler to generate an execution file.
In particular, for the data transfer between NVIDIA GPUs across nodes, we have implemented the following three methods in Omni XACC:
TCA/IB hybrid communication
GPUDirect RDMA with CUDA-Aware MPI
Item (a) performs communication with the smallest latency, but it requires a computing environment equipped with the Tightly Coupled Accelerator (TCA) feature[1, 7]. Item (b) is superior in performance to Item (c), but also requires specific software and hardware (e.g., MVAPICH2-GDR and Mellanox InfiniBand). Whereas (a) and (b) can realize direct communication between GPUs without the intervention of CPU, Item (c) cannot. It copies the data from accelerator memory to host memory using CUDA and then transfers the data to other compute nodes using MPI. Therefore, although its performacnce is the lowest, it requires neither specific software nor hardware.
4 Performance of Lattice QCD Application
This section describes the evaluations of XACC performance and productivity for a lattice quantum chromodynamics (Lattice QCD) application.
4.1 Overview of Lattice QCD
The Lattice QCD is a discrete formulation of QCD that describes the strong interaction among “quarks” and “gluons.” While the quark is a species of elementary particles, the gluon is a particle that mediates the strong interaction. The Lattice QCD is formulated on a four-dimensional lattice (time: T and space:ZYX axes). We impose a periodic boundary condition in all the directions. The quark degree of freedom is represented as a field that has four components of “spin” and three components of “color,” namely a complex vector of 12 × N site components, where N site is the number of lattice sites. The gluon is defined as a 3 × 3 complex matrix field on links (bonds between neighboring lattice sites). During a Lattice QCD simulation, one needs to solve many times a linear equation for the matrix that represents the interaction between the quark and gluon fields. This linear equation is the target of present work. The matrix acts on the quark vector and has nonzero components only for the neighboring sites, and thus sparse.
4.2 Implementation
We implemented a Lattice QCD code based on the existing Lattice QCD application Bridge++[5]. Since our code was implemented by extracting the main kernel of the Bridge++, it can be used as a mini-application to investigate its productivity and performance more easily than use of the original Bridge++.
Figure 14 shows a pseudo code of the implementation, where the CG method is used to solve quark propagators. In Fig. 14, WD() is the Wilson-Dirac operator[6], U is a gluon, the other uppercase characters are quarks. The Wilson-Dirac operator is a main kernel in the Lattice QCD, which calculates how the quarks interact with each other under the influence of the gluon.
Figure 15 shows how to declare distributed arrays of the quark and gluon. In lines 1–8, the quark and gluon structure arrays are declared. The last dimension “[2]” of both structures represents real and imaginary parts for a complex number. NT, NZ, NY, and NX are the numbers of TZYX axis elements. In lines 10–18, distributed arrays are declared where the macro constant values NODES_T and NODES_Z indicate the number of nodes on the T and Z axes. Thus, the program is parallelized on T and Z axes. Note that an “*” in the align directive means that the dimension is not divided. In the shadow directive, halo regions are added to the arrays because each quark and gluon element is affected by its neighboring orthogonal elements. Note that “0” in the shadow directive means that no halo region exists. In line 22, the enter data directive transfers the distributed arrays from host memory to accelerator memory.
Figure 16 shows how to call WD(). The reflect directives are inserted before WD() in order to update own halo region. In line 2, “1:0” in width clause means only the lower halo region is updated because only it is needed in WD(). The u is not updated before the second WD() function because values of u are not updated in WD(). Moreover, the orthogonal clause is added because diagonal updates of the arrays are not required in WD().
Figure 17 shows a part of the Wilson-Dirac operator code. All arguments in WD() are distributed arrays. In XMP and XACC, distributed arrays which are used as arguments must be redeclared in function to pass their information to a compiler. Thus, the align and shadow directives are used in WD(). In line 10, the loop directive parallelizes the outer two loop statements. In line 11, the parallel loop directive parallelizes all loop statements. In the loop statements, a calculation needs neighboring and orthogonal elements. Note that while the WD() updates only the v_out, it only refers the u and v.
Figure 18 shows L2 norm calculation code in the CG method. In line 8, the reduction clause performs a reduction operation for the variable a in each accelerator when finishing the next loop statement. The calculated variable a is located in both host memory and accelerator memory. However, at this point, all nodes have individual values of a. To obtain the total value of the variable a, the XMP reduction directive in line 18 also performs a reduction operation among nodes. Since the total value is used on only host after this function, the XMP reduction directive does not have acc clause.
5 Performance Evaluation
5.1 Result
This section evaluates the performance level of XACC on the Lattice QCD code. For comparison purposes, those of MPI+CUDA and MPI+OpenACC are also evaluated. For performance evaluation, we use the HA-PACS/TCA system[7], the hardware specifications and software environments of which are shown in Table 1. Since each compute node has four GPUs, we assign four nodes per compute node and direct each node to deal with a single GPU. We use the Omni OpenACC compiler[8] as a backend compiler in the Omni XACC compiler. We execute the Lattice QCD codes with strong scaling in regions (32,32,32,32) as (NT,NZ,NY,NX). The Omni XACC compiler provides various types of data communication among accelerators[9]. We use the MPI+CUDA implementation type because it provides a balance of versatility and performance.
Figure 19 shows the performance results that indicate the time required to solve one CG iteration as well as the performance ratio values that indicate the comparative performance of XACC and other languages. When the performance ratio value of a language is greater than 1.00, the performance result of the language is better than that of XACC. Figure 19 shows that the performance ratio values of MPI+CUDA are between 1.04 and 1.18, and that those of MPI+OpenACC are between 0.99 and 1.04. Moreover, Fig. 19 also shows that the performance results of both MPI+CUDA and MPI+OpenACC become closer to those of XACC as the number of nodes increases.
5.2 Discussion
To examine the performance levels in detail, we measure the time required for the halo updating operation for two nodes and more. The halo updating operation consists of the communication and pack/unpack processes for non-contiguous regions in the XACC runtime.
While Fig. 20 describes communication time of the halo updating time of Fig 19, Fig. 21 describes pack/unpack time of it. Figure 20 shows that the communication performance levels of all implementations are almost the same. However, Fig. 21 shows that the pack/unpack performance levels of MPI+CUDA are better than those of XACC, and that those of MPI+OpenACC are worse than those of XACC. The reason for the pack/unpack operation performance level difference is that the XACC operation is implemented in CUDA at XACC runtime. Thus, some performance levels of XACC are better than those of MPI+OpenACC in Fig. 19. However, the performance levels of XACC in Fig. 21 is worse than those of MPI+CUDA because XACC requires the cost of XACC runtime calls.
Figure 22 shows the overall time excluding the halo updating time, where performance levels of MPI+CUDA are the best, and those of XACC are almost the same as those of MPI+OpenACC. The reason for the difference is due to how to use GPU threads. In the CUDA implementation, we assign loop iterations to GPU threads in a cyclic-manner manually. In contrast, in the OpenACC and XACC implementations, how to assign GPU threads is an implementation dependent on an OpenACC compiler. In the Omni OpenACC compiler, initially loop iterations are assigned to GPU threads by a gang (threadblock) in a block manner, and then are also assigned to them by a vector (thread) in a cyclic manner. With the gang clause with the static argument proposed in the OpenACC specification version 2.0, programmers can determine how to use GPU threads to some extent, but the Omni OpenACC compiler does not yet support it.
Figure 23 shows the ratio of the halo updating time to overall time. As can be seen, as the number of nodes increases, the ratio increases as well. Therefore, when a large number of nodes are used, there is little difference in performance level of Fig. 19 among the three implementations. The reason why the ratio of MPI+CUDA is slightly larger than those of the others is that the time excluding the halo communication of MPI+CUDA in Fig. 20 is relatively small.
6 Productivity Improvement
6.1 Requirement for Productive Parallel Language
In Sect. 5, we developed three Lattice QCD codes using MPI+CUDA, MPI+OpenACC, and XACC. Figure 24 shows our procedure for developing each code where we first develop the code for an accelerator from the serial code, and then extend it to handle an accelerated cluster.
To parallelize the serial code for an accelerator using CUDA requires large code changes (“a” in Fig. 24), most of which are necessary to create new kernel functions and to make 1D arrays out of multi-dimensional arrays. By contrast, OpenACC accomplishes the same parallelization with just small code changes (“b”), because OpenACC’s directive-based approach encourages reuse of an existing code. Besides, to parallelize the code for a distributed memory system, MPI also requires large changes (“c” and “d”), primarily to convert global indices into local indices. By contrast, XACC requires smaller code changes (“e”) because XACC is also directive-based language as OpenACC.
In many cases, a parallel code for an accelerated cluster is based on an existing serial code. The code changes to the existing serial code are likely to trigger program bugs. Therefore, XACC is designed to reuse an existing code as possible.
6.2 Quantitative Evaluation by Delta Source Lines of Codes
As one of metrics for productivity, Delta Source Lines of Codes (DSLOC) is proposed[10]. The DSLOC indicates how the codes change from a corresponding implementation. The DSLOC is the sum of three components: how many lines are added, deleted, and modified. When the DSLOC is small, the programming costs and the possibility of program bugs will be small as well. We use the DSLOC to count the amount of change required to implement an accelerated cluster code from a serial code.
Table 2 shows the DSLOC where lowercase characters correspond to Fig. 24. The DSLOC of XACC (b + e) is smaller than MPI+CUDA (a + c) and MPI+OpenACC (b + d). The difference between XACC and MPI+CUDA is 420.0%, and that between XACC and MPI+OpenACC is 39.4%.
6.3 Discussion
In “e” of Table 2, four lines for modification are required to implement the XACC code from the OpenACC code. Figures 25 and 26 show the modification, which is a part of WD() of Fig. 17. A variable tt is used to be an index for halo region. The tt is modified from line 6 of Fig. 25 to line 7 of Fig. 26. In Fig. 25, when a value of a variable t is “NT-1,” that of the variable tt becomes “0” which is the lower bound index of the first dimension of the array v_out. On the other hand, in Fig. 26, communication of the halo is performed before execution of WD() by the reflect directive shown in Fig. 16. Thus, the variable tt need only be incremented in Fig. 26. There are four such modifications in WD(). Note that XACC does not keep the semantics of the base code perfectly in this case in exchange for simplified parallelization. In addition, there are two lines for modification shown in “b” of Table 2. It is a very fine modification for OpenACC constraints, which keeps the semantics of the base code.
As basic information, we count the source lines of codes (SLOC) of each of the Lattice QCD implementations. Table 3 shows the SLOC excluding comments and blank lines, as well as the numbers of each directive and MPI functions included in their SLOC. For reader information, SLOC of the serial version Lattice QCD code is 842. Table 3 shows that the 122 XMP directives are used in the XACC implementation, many of which are declarations for function arguments. To reduce the XMP directives, we are planning to develop a new syntax that combines declarations with the same attribute into one directive. Figure 27 shows an example of the new syntax applied to the declarations in Fig. 17. Since the arrays v_out and v have the same attribute, they can be declared into a single XMP directive. Moreover, the shadow directive attribute is added to the align directive as its clause. When applying the new directive to XACC implementation, the number of XMP directives decreases from the 122 shown in Table 3 to 64, and the XACC DSLOC decreases from the 160 shown in Table 2 to 102.
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Tabuchi, A., Murai, H., Nakao, M., Odajima, T., Boku, T. (2021). XcalableACC: An Integration of XcalableMP and OpenACC. In: Sato, M. (eds) XcalableMP PGAS Programming Language. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-7683-6_4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-7683-6_4
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