We define a new class of total search problems as a subclass of Megiddo and Papadimitriou’s class of total \({\mathsf {NP}}\) search problems, in which solutions are verifiable in \({\mathsf {AC}}^0\). We denote this class \(\forall \exists {\mathsf {AC}}^0\). We show that all total \({\mathsf {NP}}\) search problems are equivalent, w.r.t. \({\mathsf {AC}}^0\)-many-one reductions, to search problems in \(\forall \exists {\mathsf {AC}}^0\). Furthermore, we show that \(\forall \exists {\mathsf {AC}}^0\) contains well-known problems such as the Stable Marriage and the Maximal Independent Set problems. We introduce the class of Inflationary Iteration problems in \(\forall \exists {\mathsf {AC}}^0\), and show that it characterizes the provably total \({\mathsf {NP}}\) search problems of the bounded arithmetic theory corresponding to polynomial-time. Cook and Nguyen introduced a generic way of defining a bounded arithmetic theory \({\mathsf {VC}}\) for complexity classes \({\mathsf {C}}\) which can be obtained using a complete problem. For such C we will define a new class \({\mathsf {KPT[C]}}\) of \(\forall \exists {\mathsf {AC}}^0\) search problems based on Student-Teacher games in which the student has computing power limited to \({\mathsf {AC}}^0\). We prove that \({\mathsf {KPT[C]}}\) characterizes the provably total \({\mathsf {NP}}\) search problems of the bounded arithmetic theory corresponding to \({\mathsf {C}}\). All our characterizations are obtained via “new-style” witnessing theorems, where reductions are provable in a theory corresponding to AC \(^0\).
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We would like to thank Noahi Eguchi. Our characterisation of \(\forall \varSigma ^B_1({\mathsf {V}}^1)\) using inflationary iteration grew out of discussions with him on his attempt to capture P via a two-sorted theory using axioms on inductive definitions [10].
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Appendix A: Proof of Theorem 15
Appendix A: Proof of Theorem 15
In what follows, when we say that a theory \(\mathcal {T}\) proves a sequent
we mean that \(\mathcal {T}\) proves
Buss [5] originally proved his witnessing theorem for \({\mathsf {V}}^1\) via a witnessing lemma. Here, we do the same; that is to say, we use a new-style witnessing lemma in order to prove Theorem 15.
Lemma 17
(New-style Witnessing Lemma for \({\mathsf {V}}^1\) ). Suppose that the theory \({\mathsf {V}}^1\) proves a sequent \(\varGamma (A)\longrightarrow \varDelta (A)\) of the form
where \(\phi '_i, \psi '_j, \varLambda \) and \(\varPi \) are \(\varSigma ^B_0\)-formulae. Then there is an \({\mathsf {IITER}}\) problem \(Q_F\) with graph \(\psi _F\) and \({\mathsf {F}}{\mathsf {AC}}^0\)-functions \(\varvec{G}\) such that \(\overline{{\mathsf {V}}}^0\) proves the sequent \(\varGamma '\longrightarrow \varDelta '\), which is
We will use a version of the sequent calculus to prove this lemma. Given a sequent calculus proof \(\pi \) of (10) we try to show the conclusion of Lemma 17 by structural induction on the depth of a sequent S in \(\pi \). If we use directly a sequent calculus for \({\mathsf {V}}^1\), we have the issue that the \(\varSigma ^B_1\)-\({\mathsf {COMP}}\) axiom is in general not equivalent to a \(\varSigma ^B_1\)-formula. As a result, the proof \(\pi \) may contain formulae that are not \(\varSigma ^1_1\). To circumvent this obstacle, we need to work with a slightly different theory \(\widetilde{{\mathsf {{V}}}}^1\) equivalent to \({\mathsf {V}}^1\). For that, first consider the following definition:
Definition 18
(Cook and Nguyen [8]). Let \(\psi (X)\) be an \(\mathcal {L}^2_A\)-formula. Then \(\psi \) is a single- \(\varSigma ^1_1\) -formula if \(\psi \) is of the form \(\exists Y \varphi (X, Y)\), where \(\varphi \) is a \(\varSigma ^B_0\)-formula. If \(\psi \) is of the form \((\exists Y \le t) \varphi (X, Y)\), where \(\varphi \) is a \(\varSigma ^B_0\)-formula and t is an \(\mathcal {L}^2_A\)-term not involving Y, then \(\psi \) is a single- \(\varSigma ^B_1\) -formula.
Definition 19
(Cook and Nguyen [8]). The theory \({\tilde{V}}^1\) is axiomatized by the axioms of \({\mathsf {V}}^0\) plus the single-\(\varSigma ^B_1\)-\({\mathsf {IND}}\) axiom scheme.
Below, we merely state that \(\widetilde{{\mathsf {{V}}}}^1 = {\mathsf {V}}^1\) without proof. A full proof of it can be found in [8, Theorem VI.4.8].
Theorem 20
(Cook and Nguyen [8]). The theories \({\tilde{V}}^1\) and \({\mathsf {V}}^1\) are the same.
The sequent calculus \({\mathsf {LK}}\)-\({\tilde{V}}^1\) for \({\tilde{V}}^1\) is essentially the sequent calculus \({\mathsf {LK}}\)-\({\mathsf {V}}^0\) for \({\mathsf {V}}^0\) (c.f. [8]) augmented with the single- \(\varSigma ^B_1\)-\({\mathsf {IND}}\) rule, which is
where \(\chi \in \varSigma ^{\mathrm {B}}_1 \), and b is an eigenvariable and cannot appear in the lower sequent.
The sequent calculus \({\mathsf {LK}}\)-\({\tilde{V}}^1\) satisfies the following property, whose proof can be found in [8]:
Theorem 21
(Cook and Nguyen [8]). Suppose that \(\widetilde{{\mathsf {{V}}}}^1\) proves a sequent \(\varGamma \longrightarrow \varDelta \) consisting only of single-\(\varSigma ^1_1\)-formulae. Then there is an \({\mathsf {LK}}\)-\(\widetilde{{\mathsf {{V}}}}^1\) proof \(\pi \) of \(\varGamma \longrightarrow \varDelta \) such that every formula in \(\pi \) is a single-\(\varSigma ^1_1\)-formula.
We are now ready to prove Lemma 17. The proof technique we use to prove Lemma 17 is similar to the one used for Theorem VI.4.1 in [8, p. 154] (which is a witnessing theorem for \({\mathsf {V}}^1\)), which adopts the same proof technique as Buss (cf. [5, Theorem 5]).
(of the New-style Witnessing Lemma for \({\mathsf {V}}^1\) , Lemma 17 ). Since \(\widetilde{{\mathsf {{V}}}}^1\) and \({\mathsf {V}}^1\) are the same, it follows that \(\widetilde{{\mathsf {{V}}}}^1\) proves (10). By Theorem 21, let \(\pi \) be an \({\mathsf {LK}}\)-\(\widetilde{{\mathsf {{V}}}}^1\) proof of (10) such that every formula in \(\pi \) is a single-\(\varSigma ^1_1\)-formula. We show that \(\overline{{\mathsf {V}}}^0\) proves the conclusion of Lemma 17 by induction on the depth of a sequent S in \(\pi \). The inductive proof splits into cases, depending on whether S is an initial sequent or generated by the use of an inference rule. The most crucial case is the case of the single-\(\varSigma ^B_1\)-\({\mathsf {IND}}\) rule.
Suppose that S is obtained by the application of the single-\(\varSigma ^B_1\)-\({\mathsf {IND}}\) rule. Then S is the bottom sequent of
where (omitting the parameters \(A\)) \(\psi (b)\) is of the form \((\exists X \le r(b)) \psi _0(b, X)\) and
Here \(\varPi ', \psi '_1, \ldots , \psi '_l\) is a sequence of \(\varSigma ^B_0\)-formulae. Let \(\eta (b, \beta )\) denote the formula \(|\beta | \le r(b) \wedge \psi _0(b, \beta )\). By the induction hypothesis, let \(Q_{F_1}\) be an \({\mathsf {IITER}}\) problem specified by \(F_1\) and \(t_1\), with graph \(\psi _{F_1}\), and \(G^1_1, \ldots , G^1_l\) and \(G^1_{l + 1}\) be the witnessing functions for the formulae in \(\varPi , \psi (b + 1)\) such that \(\overline{{\mathsf {V}}}^0\) proves the following (omitting the parameters \(A\), \(\varvec{\lambda }\), where \(\varvec{\lambda }\) are witnesses for the formulae in \(\varLambda \)):
where \(\varLambda '\) is the result of witnessing \(\varSigma ^1_1\)-formulae in \(\varLambda \) and leaving the rest unchanged and \(\varPi ''(G^1_j(b,\beta , \gamma )) = \varPi ', \psi '_1(G^1_1(b,\beta ,\gamma )), \ldots , \psi '_l(G^1_l(b,\beta ,\gamma ))\). Our goal is to construct an \({\mathsf {IITER}}\) problem \(Q_F\) (with graph \(\psi _F\)) and \({\mathsf {F}}{\mathsf {AC}}^0\)-functions \(G_1, \ldots , G_l\) and \(G_{l + 1}\) such that \(\overline{{\mathsf {V}}}^0\) proves the following:
The intuitive idea behind the definition of \(Q_F\) is that, assuming that \(\eta (0,\beta _0)\) is true, we will repeatedly use \(Q_{F_1}\) and \(G^1_{l + 1}\) in order to generate witnesses \(\beta _1, \ldots , \beta _n\) for \(\psi (1), \ldots , \psi (n)\), respectively, for \(n \le t\). If \(n < t\), then \(Q_{F_1}\) failed to generate a witness to \(\psi (n + 1)\). Therefore, assuming that the hypothesis for (13) is true and using (12), we obtain our desired goal.
In what follows, the string concatenation function \(X *_z Y\) is an \({\mathsf {F}}{\mathsf {AC}}^0\) string function that concatenates the first z bits of X with Y and can be recursively extended in the natural way. Omitting the subscripts to \(*\), we write \(Y_0 *\ldots *y *\ldots *Y_k\) for \(Y_0 *\ldots *Y *\ldots *Y_k\), where Y is the string representing the unary notation of the number value y.
We assume that the search variable for \(Q_F\) is of the form
where s (s is obtained from t and the bounding term r, in the induction-formula \(\psi \), and the bounding term \(t_1\) for \(Q_{F_1}\)) is a suitable \(\mathcal {L}^2_A\)-term that bounds \(|\langle A, \beta _0, \varvec{\lambda }\rangle |, |S_0|, \ldots , |S_m|\); the symbol \(S_i\) denotes \(i *\beta _i *\gamma _i *1\) and \(m \le t\). Note here that, even though we omitted the subscripts to \(*\) in \(S_i\), they are somehow implicit. Let us now define the transition function F for \(Q_F\). In the following, we again omit the parameters \(A, \varvec{\lambda }\) for F. As usual, we will drop the subscripts to \(*\) in \(F(\beta _0,\gamma )\). If \(\gamma =\emptyset \), then
Assume now that \(\gamma \not = \emptyset \) and suppose that \(m < t\) and \(\eta (m, \beta _m)\) is true. Then there are two cases to consider. First, if \(|\gamma _m| \le t_1 \wedge \gamma _m < F_1(m, \beta _m, \gamma _m) \wedge \lnot \psi _{F_1}(m, \beta _m, \gamma _m)\) is true, then
Second, if \(|\gamma _m| \le t_1 \wedge \gamma _m < F_1(m, \beta _m, \gamma _m) \wedge \psi _{F_1}(m, \beta _m, \gamma _m)\), then
In all other cases, \(F(\beta _0, \gamma ) = \gamma \). Let \(t_{Q_F}\) be \( (t + 2)\cdot s\) and \(Q_F\) be specified by F and \(t_{Q_F}\). Finally, we define the \({\mathsf {F}}{\mathsf {AC}}^0\)-functions \(G_i\), for \(i = 1,\ldots , l + 1\), as follows:
The fact that \(\overline{{\mathsf {V}}}^0\) proves (13) follows from (13)’s assumptions, from the following claim, the induction hypothesis and the definition of \(G_j\) above. As a side remark, note that if \(t = 0\), then \(\overline{{\mathsf {V}}}^0\) proves (13) trivially.
We reason in \(\overline{{\mathsf {V}}}^0\). Suppose that \(t \not = 0\), \(\eta (0, \beta _0)\) is true and \(\gamma = \langle A, \beta _0, \varvec{\lambda }\rangle *S_0 *\ldots *S_m\) is a solution to \(Q_F(\beta _0)\), where \(S_i\) is again of the form \(i *\beta _i *\gamma _i *1\). Then \(\eta (m, \beta _m)\) is true; \(\gamma _m\) is a solution to \(Q_{F_1}(m,\beta _m)\); and either \(\lnot \eta (m + 1, G^1_{l + 1}(m, \beta _m, \gamma _m))\) or \(\eta (t, G_{l + 1}(\beta _0, \gamma ))\) is true.
Proof of Claim. Since \(\gamma \) is a solution to \(Q_F(\beta _0)\), then we have two possibilities: either \(\gamma = \emptyset \) and \(F(\beta _0, \gamma ) = \gamma \), or
Note that, by the definition of F, \(\emptyset \) cannot be a solution to \(Q_F(\beta _0)\) and \(|F(\beta _0,\gamma )| \le t_{Q_F}\). Therefore, we have that
The only way for (17) to hold is if (16) is true. This implies that \(\eta (m, \beta _m)\) holds and \(\psi _{F_1}(m, \beta _m, \gamma _m)\) is true; that is to say, \(\gamma _m\) is a solution \(Q_{F_1}(m, \beta _m)\). Hence, we are left with proving the following:
If \(m + 1 = t\), then we are done. So, assume that \(m + 1 < t\). For the sake of contradiction, assume that \(\eta (m + 1, G^1_{l + 1}(m, \beta _m, \gamma _m))\) holds. This means that \(F(\beta _0,\gamma ) < F(\beta _0, F(\beta _0,\gamma ))\), which is a contradiction. Thus, we are done with the proof of the claim. \(\square \)
This finishes the proof of Lemma 17.
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Beckmann, A., Razafindrakoto, JJ. (2017). Total Search Problems in Bounded Arithmetic and Improved Witnessing. In: Kennedy, J., de Queiroz, R. (eds) Logic, Language, Information, and Computation. WoLLIC 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 10388. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-55386-2_3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-55386-2_3
Publisher Name: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
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Online ISBN: 978-3-662-55386-2
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