
1 Introduction

Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) allow heterogeneous components to interact via standard interfaces and by employing standard protocols. Choreographies [4] of such components allow large scale integration of devices (exposed as services) via SOA. However, these principally use the client-service interaction paradigm, as for instance, with RESTful services [21]. With the advent of paradigms such as the Internet of Things [13] that involve not only conventional services but also sensor-actuator networks and data feeds, additional middleware level abstractions are needed to ensure interoperability.

In particular, heterogeneous platforms, such as REST [21] supporting client-service interactions, publish-subscribe based Java Messaging Service [20], or JavaSpaces [11] offering a shared tuple space, can be made interoperable through middleware protocol converters [15]. In this paper, we use the eXtensible Service Bus (XSB) proposed by the CHOReOS projectFootnote 1 [9, 12] for dealing with heterogeneous choreographies at the middleware level. XSB prescribes a connector that abstracts and unifies the three aforementioned interaction paradigms: client-service (CS), publish-subscribe (PS) and tuple space (TS). Furthermore, XSB is implemented as a common bus protocol that enables interoperability among services employing heterogeneous interactions following one of these paradigms.

While our previous work [16] studies the effect of heterogeneous choreographies on multi-dimensional end-to-end QoS properties, we now analyze heterogeneous middleware interactions with specific emphasis on timing behavior. We propose a timing model that can represent a system relying on not only any of the CS, PS, TS paradigms, but also any interconnection between them. This model can be used to compare between paradigms, select among them, tune the timing parameters of the overlying application, and also do the previous when interconnection is involved. Our model captures data availability and validity in time with the lease parameter, as well as intermittent availability of the data recipients with the timeout parameter. Hence, this model allows us to study, in a unified manner, time coupling and decoupling among interacting peers.

We examine the conditions for successful transactions with timed automata [2], and verify reachability and safety properties by employing the Uppaal [6] model-checker. This analysis provides us with formal conditions for successful XSB transactions and their reliance on the lease and timeout parameters as well as on the stochastic behavior of interacting peers. We further perform statistical analysis through simulation of transactions over multiple runs, and study the success rate and latency trade-off with varying lease and timeout periods. Simulation outputs are compared with experiments run on the XSB testbed with respect to the accuracy of predicted results. By analyzing the related timing thresholds, we enable designers to leverage the lease and timeout periods effectively in order to obtain maximal transaction success rates. Moreover, designers can evaluate the impact of interconnecting heterogeneous systems having different timing behaviors, or the impact of replacing a middleware paradigm by another.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. An overview of heterogeneous interaction paradigms and XSB is provided in Sect. 2. The model for timing analysis of XSB transactions is introduced in Sect. 3. This is further refined with timed automata models and verification of properties in Sect. 4. The results of our analysis through simulation experiments are presented in Sect. 5, which includes comparison with experiments on the XSB implementation. This is followed by related work and conclusions in Sects. 6 and 7, respectively.

2 Interconnecting Heterogeneous Interaction Paradigms

To deal with heterogeneous service choreographies of the Future Internet, we make use of the modeling solution proposed in the CHOReOS [9] project. While typical service choreographies utilize pure client-service interactions between participants, Future Internet applications require inclusion of service feeds (via publish-subscribe) and sensor-actuator networks (via shared tuple spaces). We briefly review salient properties of these interaction paradigms:

Table 1. XSB connector API.
  • Client-Service (CS) is a commonly used paradigm for web services. A client (source) communicates directly with a server (destination) either by direct messaging (one-way send) or by a remote procedure call (RPC, two-way) through an operation. Both synchronous and asynchronous reception of messages (receive) are possible at the receiving entity (within a timeout period). CS represents tight space coupling, with the client and service having knowledge of each other. There is also tight time coupling, with service availability being crucial for successful message passing.

  • Publish-Subscribe (PS) is a commonly used paradigm for content broadcasting/feeds. Peers interact using an intermediate broker service; publishers produce (publish) events characterized by a specific topic (filter) to the broker; subscribers subscribe their interest for specific topics to the broker; and the broker matches received events with subscriptions and delivers a copy of each event to an interested subscriber (retrieve) until a lease period. PS allows space decoupling, as the subscribers need not know each other. Additionally, time decoupling is possible, with the disconnected subscribers receiving updates synchronously or asynchronously when reconnected to the broker.

  • Tuple Space (TS) is commonly used for shared data with multiple read/write users. Peers interact with a tuple space (tspace) and have write (out), read and tuple removal (take) access to the commonly shared data. Further, peers are able to choose a template to select the tuples they procure from the tuple space. TS enables both space and time decoupling between interacting peers.

We employ the eXtensible Service Bus (XSB) connector Footnote 2, which ensures interoperability across the above interaction paradigms. XSB extends the conventional ESB system integration paradigm [12]. The XSB API is depicted in Table 1, where we only refer to one-way interactions; two-way interactions are built by combining two of the former. It employs primitives such as post and get to abstract CS (send, receive), PS (publish, retrieve), and TS (out, take/read) interactions. The data argument can represent a CS message, PS event or TS tuple. The mainscope and subscope arguments are used to unify space coupling (addressing mechanisms) across CS, PS and TS. We employ the \(\uparrow \) symbol in Table 1 to denote a return argument of a primitive. XSB primitives and arguments can be mapped one-to-one to typical primitives and arguments of CS, PS and TS as shown in Table 2.

We exploit the semantics of the lease and timeout parameters in each interaction paradigm as follows: lease refers to emitted messages, events or tuples, and characterizes both data availability in time, e.g., thanks to storing by a broker, and data validity, e.g., for data that become obsolete as part of a data feed. Hence, lease equals to zero in the client-service paradigm, as shown in Table 2. timeout characterizes the interval during which a receiving peer is connected and available. During this active period, the peer can receive one or more sent messages, events or tuples, either synchronously or asynchronously. Between active periods, the peer is disconnected, e.g., for energy-saving or other application-related reason. In the next section, we study in further detail the effect of these parameters on successful interactions.

Table 2. APIs of interaction paradigms mapped to XSB primitives.

3 Timing Analysis of Interactions

In this section, we examine the timing thresholds for timeout/lease periods and their effects on successful data passing in choreography interactions, where data is our generic representation of messages, events and tuples. We examine, in a unified manner, both time (de)coupled and synchronous/asynchronous data passing. This analysis is critical for inter-operating heterogeneous distributed systems, where the designer has to reconcile varying system timing behaviors.

In order to enrich choreography interactions with timing constraints, we focus on one-way transactions over a client-service, publish-subscribe, or tuple space connection, abstractly represented by the XSB connector: a transaction represents an end-to-end interaction enabling posting and getting of data. We examine latency increments \(\delta \) for such transactions. Our analysis considers in particular the “steady state” behavior of publish-subscribe and tuple space interactions. For PS, this means that subscribers are already subscribed and do not unsubscribe during the study period. For TS, this means that peers accessing the tuple space properly coordinate for preventing early removal of data by one of the peers before all interested peers have accessed this data.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Analysis of post and get \(\delta \) increments.

In an XSB transaction, a poster entity posts data with a validity period lease; this data can be procured using get within the timeout period at the getter side. Figure 1 depicts a XSB transaction as a correlation in time between a post operation and a get operation. The post and get operations are independent and have individual time-stamps. We assume that application entities (undertaking the poster and getter roles) enforce their semantics independently (no coordination). The post operation is initiated at \(t_{{\texttt {post}}}\). A timer is started also at \(t_{{\texttt {post}}}\), constraining the data availability to the lease period \(\delta _{\texttt {post-on}}\). Note that the \(\delta _{\texttt {post-on}}\) period may be set to 0, as in the case of CS messages. The period when the lease period elapses and the next post operation is yet to begin is denoted as \(\delta _{\texttt {post-off}}\).

Similarly at the getter side, the get operation is initiated at \(t_{\texttt {get}}\), together with a timer controlling the active period limited by the timeout interval, denoted as \(\delta _{\texttt {get-on}}\). If get returns within the timeout period with valid data (not exceeding the lease), then the transaction is successful. We consider this instance also as the end of the post operation. post operations are initiated repeatedly, with an interval rate \(\delta _{\texttt {post}}\) (set as a random valued variable) between two successive post operations. Similarly, get operations are initiated repeatedly, with a random valued interval equal to \(\delta _{\texttt {get}}\) between the start of two successive \(\delta _{\texttt {get-on}}\) periods; the interval between timeout and the next \(t_{\texttt {get}}\) qualifies the disconnection period of receivers (\(\delta _{\texttt {get-off}}\)). While \({\texttt {lease}}\) and \({\texttt {timeout}}\) are in general set by application/middleware designers, inter-arrival delays \(\delta _{\texttt {post}}\) and \(\delta _{\texttt {get}}\) are stochastic random variables dependent on multiple factors such as concurrent number of peers, network availability, user (dis)connections and so on.

Note that this model allows concurrent post messages; buffers of active receiving entities (including the broker and tuple space) are assumed to be infinite. The data processing, transmission and queueing (due to processing and transmission of preceding data) times inside the transaction are assumed to be negligible (or of the same order in the CS case of \(\delta _{\texttt {post-on}} \approx 0\)) compared to durations of \(\delta _{\texttt {post-on}}\) and \(\delta _{\texttt {get-on}}\) periods. In particular regarding queueing, we assume that we have no heavy load effects. This means that: all posts arriving during an active period are immediately served; all posts arriving during an inactive period are immediately served at the next \(\delta _{\texttt {get-on}}\) period, unless they have expired before. This corresponds to a G/G/\(\infty \)/\(\infty \) queueing model, where there are an infinite number of on-demand servers, hence there is no queueing. We assume that the general distribution characterizing service times incorporates the disconnections of receivers. Extending this model with actual queueing is part of our ongoing unfinished work.

Successful transactions depend on either of the disjunctive conditions:

$$\begin{aligned} t_{{\texttt {get}}} < t_{{\texttt {post}}} < t_{{\texttt {get}}} + {{\texttt {timeout}}} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} t_{{\texttt {post}}} < t_{{\texttt {get}}} < t_{{\texttt {post}}} + {{\texttt {lease}}} \end{aligned}$$

meaning that a successful transaction occurs as long as a post and a get operation overlap in time. Otherwise, there is no overlapping in time between the two operations: only one of them takes place, and goes up to its maximum duration, i.e., lease for post and timeout for get. Precisely:

  1. 1.

    If get occurs first, and then post occurs before timeout: the transaction is successful. Else, timeout is reached, and the get operation yields no transaction.

  2. 2.

    If post occur first, and then get occurs before lease: the transaction is successful. Else, lease is reached, and the transaction is a failure.

The above analysis of XSB transactions not only can represent the individual CS, PS, TS interactions, but also any heterogeneous interconnection between them, e.g., a PS publisher interacting with a TS reader. Interconnection is performed through the XSB bus, i.e., an ESB-style middleware implementing the XSB connector. We assume that the effect of the XSB bus on the timings of the end-to-end interactions is negligible.

4 Timed Automata Model

In this section, we build a timed automata model that represents the typical behavior of the XSB connector and of application components using this connector for performing the timed interactions described in the previous section. By relying on the expressive power of timed automata, we are able not only to model the timing conditions of such interactions, but also to introduce basic stochastic semantics for the poster and getter behavior. Using the Uppaal model checker, we provide and verify essential properties of our timed automata model, including formal conditions for successful XSB transactions.

4.1 Timed Automata Model of XSB

A timed automaton [2] is essentially a finite automaton extended with real-valued clock variables. These variables model the logical clocks in the system, which are initialized with zero when the system is started, and then increase synchronously at the same rate. Clock constraints are used to restrict the behavior of the automaton. A transition represented by an edge can be taken only when the clock values satisfy the guard labeled on the edge. Clocks may be reset to zero when a transition is taken. Clock constraints are also used as invariants at locations represented by vertices: they must be satisfied at all times the location is reached or maintained.

In order to study XSB interactions with timed automata, we make use of Uppaal [6]. Uppaal is an integrated tool environment for modeling, validation and verification of real-time systems modeled as networks of timed automata. In such networks, automata synchronize via binary synchronization channels. For instance, with a channel declared as chan c, a transition of an automaton labeled with c! (sending action) synchronizes with the transition of another automaton labeled with c? (receiving action). Uppaal makes use of computation tree logic (CTL) [10] to specify and verify temporal logic properties. We employ the committed location qualifier (marked with a ‘C’) for some of the locations. In Uppaal, time is not allowed to pass when the system is in a committed location; additionally, outgoing transitions from a committed location have absolute priority over normal transitions. The urgent location qualifier (marked with a ‘U’) is also used: time is not allowed to pass when the system is in an urgent location, either (without the priority clause of committed locations, though).

We represent XSB transactions with the connector roles XSB poster, XSB getter, and with the corresponding XSB glue. The two roles model the behavior expected from application components employing the connector, while the glue represents the internal logic of the connector coordinating the two roles. We detail in the following the modeling of these components.

Figure 2 shows the poster behavior. Typically, a poster entity repeatedly emits a post! message to the glue without receiving any feedback about the end (successful or not) of the post operation. We have enhanced (and at the same time constrained) the poster’s behavior with a number of features. The committed locations post_event (post! sent to the glue) and post_end_event (post_end? received from the glue) have been introduced to detect the corresponding events. Upon these events, the automaton oscillates between the post_on and post_off locations, which correspond to the \(\delta _{\texttt {post-on}}\) and \(\delta _{\texttt {post-off}}\) intervals presented in Fig. 1. delta_post is a clock that controls the \(\delta _{\texttt {post}}\) interval between two successive post operations. delta_post is reset upon a new post operation and set to lease at the end of this operation (note that the post_init location and its outgoing transition serve initializing delta_post at the beginning of the poster’s execution – this unifies verification also for the very first post operation). The invariant condition \({\texttt {delta\_post<=max\_delta\_post}}\) (where max_delta_post is a constant) at the post_off location ensures that a new post operation will be initiated before the identified boundary. This setup results in at most one post operation active at a time. This post remains active (\(\delta _{\texttt {post-on}}\) interval) for lease time (and then it expires) or less than lease time (in case of successful transaction). In both cases, we set delta_post to lease at the end of the post operation (this enables verification, since we can not capture absolute times in Uppaal). Hence, the immediately following \(\delta _{\texttt {post-off}}\) interval will last a stochastic time uniformly distributed in the interval \([{\texttt {lease}}, {\texttt {max\_delta\_post}}]\). With regard to the timing model of Sect. 3, we opted here for restraining concurrency of post operations for simplifying the architecture of the glue. The present model (poster, getter and glue) can be compared to one of the infinite on-demand servers of the G/G/\(\infty \)/\(\infty \) model of Sect. 3. Nevertheless, this model is sufficient for verifying Conditions (1) and (2) for successful XSB transactions. These conditions relate any post operation with an overlapping get operation; possible concurrency of post operations has no effect on this. Moreover, we will see that these conditions are independent of the probability distributions characterizing the poster and getter’s stochastic behavior.

Figure 3 shows the getter behavior. Typically, a getter entity repeatedly emits a get! message to the glue, with at most one get operation active at a time. The duration of the get operation is controlled by the getter with a local timeout; upon the timeout, a get_end! message is sent to the glue. Before reaching the timeout, multiple data items (posted by posters) may be delivered to the getter by the glue, each with a get_return? message. We have enhanced the getter’s behavior with similar features as for the poster. Hence, we capture the events and time intervals presented in Fig. 1 with the get_event, get_end_event, get_on, get_off locations, as well as with the delta_get clock and the invariant conditions \({\texttt {delta\_get<=timeout}}\) (at get_on) and \({\texttt {delta\_get<=max\_delta\_get}}\) (at get_off). This setup results in a succession of \(\delta _{\texttt {get-on}}\) and \(\delta _{\texttt {get-off}}\) intervals, with the former lasting timeout time and the latter lasting a stochastic time uniformly distributed in the interval \([{\texttt {timeout}}, {\texttt {max\_delta\_get}}]\). We have additionally introduced the committed location no_trans, which, together with the Boolean variable get_ret, helps detecting whether the whole timeout period elapsed with no transaction performed or at least one data item was received.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

XSB poster automaton.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

XSB getter automaton.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

XSB glue automaton.

The glue automaton is shown in Fig. 4. It determines the synchronization of the incoming post? and get? operations. A successful synchronization between such operations leads to a successful transaction, which is represented in the automaton by the trans_succ location. Note that the timing constraints specified in Sect. 3 regarding the lifetime of posted data have been applied here with the additional clock delta_post_on employed to guard transitions dependent on the lease period. Two ways for reaching the trans_succ location are considered:

  • If the get? operation occurs from the initial location (leading to location glue_get), a consequent post? operation results in a get_return! message and eventually the successful transaction location trans_succ (Eq. 1). At the same time, the poster is notified of the end of the post operation with post_end!. Note that we employ the urgent location qualifier for glue_get_post; thus, the glue completes instantly the successful transaction and is ready for a new one. At the glue_get location, if the get_end? message is received from the getter automaton (suggesting \({\texttt {delta\_get >= timeout}}\)), the glue is reset to the initial location glue_init.

  • If the post? operation occurs initially (leading to location glue_post), a get? operation before the constraint \({\texttt {delta\_post\_on <= lease}}\) results again in a successful transaction (Eq. 2). Exceeding the lease period without any get? results in location trans_fail, and the automaton returns to its initial location glue_init, notifying at the same time the poster with post_end!. This is done without any delay, thanks to the invariant \({\texttt {delta\_post\_on <= lease}}\) at the glue_post location.

4.2 Verification of Properties

We verify reachability and safety properties of the combined automata XSB poster, XSB getter and XSB glue, by using the model checker of Uppaal. A reachability property, specified in Uppaal as \({\texttt {E<>}}\,\varphi \), expresses that, starting at the initial state, a path exists such that the condition \(\varphi \) is eventually satisfied along that path. A safety property, specified in Uppaal as \({\texttt {A[]}}\varphi \), expresses that the condition \(\varphi \) invariantly holds in all reachable states.

Poster Automaton. We verify a set of reachability and safety properties that characterize the timings of the poster’s stochastic behavior.

$$\begin{aligned} {\texttt {A[]{\,\,}\_event{\,\,}imply{\,\,}delta\_post==0}} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} {\texttt {A[]{\,\,}\_on{\,\,}imply{\,\,}delta\_post<=lease}} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} {\texttt {A[]{\,\,}\_off{\,\,}imply{\,\,}(delta\_post>=lease{\,\,}and}}\\ {\texttt {delta\_post<=max\_delta\_post)}} \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} {\texttt {E<>\_end\_event{\,\,}and{\,\,}delta\_post<lease}} \end{aligned}$$

Equation 3 states that post events occur at time 0 captured by the delta_post clock. Equations 4 and 6 together state that \([0, {\texttt {lease}}]\) is the maximum interval in which a post operation is active, nevertheless, the operation can end before lease is reached. Equation 5 states that \([{\texttt {lease}}, {\texttt {max\_delta\_post}}]\) is the maximum interval in which there is no active post operation. This confirms the fact that we artificially “advance time” to lease at the end of the post operation.

Getter Automaton. We verify similar properties that characterize the timings of the getter’s stochastic behavior.

$$\begin{aligned} {\texttt {A[]{\,\,}getter.get\_event{\,\,}imply{\,\,}delta\_get==0}} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} {\texttt {A[]{\,\,}getter.get\_on{\,\,}imply{\,\,}delta\_get<=timeout}} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} {\texttt {A[]{\,\,}getter.get\_off{\,\,}imply{\,\,}(delta\_get>=timeout{\,\,}and}}\\ {\texttt {delta\_get<=max\_delta\_get)}} \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} {\texttt {A[]{\,\,}getter.get\_end\_event{\,\,}imply{\,\,}delta\_get==timeout}} \end{aligned}$$

Hence, Eq. 7 states that get events occur at time 0 captured by the delta_get clock. Equations 8 and 10 together state that a get operation precisely and invariantly terminates at the end of the \([0, {\texttt {timeout}}]\) interval. Equation 9 states that \([{\texttt {timeout}}, {\texttt {max\_delta\_get}}]\) is the maximum interval in which there is no active get operation.

Glue Automaton. Finally, we verify conditions for successful transactions using the glue automaton.

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} {\texttt {A[]{\,\,}glue.trans\_succ{\,\,}imply{\,\,}(\_on{\,\,}and{\,\,}getter.get\_on}}&\\ {\texttt {and{\,\,}(delta\_post==0{\,\,} or{\,\,}delta\_get==0))}}&\end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

In addition to the reachability property (\({\texttt {E<> glue.trans\_succ}}\)), we verify the safety property in Eq. 11. According to this, a successful transaction event implies that while a post operation is active a get event occurs, or while a get operation is active a post event occurs.

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} {\texttt {A[]{\,\,}glue.trans\_fail{\,\,}imply{\,\,}(\_on{\,\,}and{\,\,}getter.get\_off}}&\\ {\texttt {and{\,\,}delta\_post==lease{\,\,}and{\,\,}delta\_get-timeout>=lease)}}&\end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

In addition to the reachability property (\({\texttt {E<> glue.trans\_fail}}\)), we verify the safety property in Eq. 12. A failed transaction event means that lease is reached for an active post operation and no get operation is active. Additionally, the ongoing inactive get interval entirely includes the terminating active post interval. With regard to the stochastic post and get processes of our specific setting, we explicitly checked that if the condition \({\texttt {max\_delta\_get-timeout>=lease}}\) does not hold for the given values of the included constants, then the reachability property \({\texttt {E<> glue.trans\_fail}}\) is indeed not satisfied.

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} {\texttt {A[]{\,\,}\_trans{\,\,}imply{\,\,}(getter.get\_on{\,\,}and{\,\,}\_off}}&\\ {\texttt {and{\,\,}delta\_get==timeout{\,\,}and{\,\,}delta\_post-lease>=timeout)}}&\end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

In addition to the reachability property (\({\texttt {E<>\_trans}}\)), we verify the safety property in Eq. 13. Symmetrically to Eq. 12, a no-transaction event implies that timeout is reached for an active get operation and no post operation is active. Additionally, the ongoing inactive post interval entirely includes the terminating active get interval. Similarly to Eq. 12, we check that if this safety property is not satisfied, then the state getter.no_trans is indeed not reachable.

Checking Eqs. 11, 12, 13, successful transactions are determined by the durations and relative positions in time of the \(\delta _{\texttt {post-on}}\), \(\delta _{\texttt {post-off}}\), \(\delta _{\texttt {get-on}}\) and \(\delta _{\texttt {get-off}}\) intervals. These depend on the deterministic parameter constants lease, timeout and on the stochastic parameters \(\delta _{\texttt {post}}\) and \(\delta _{\texttt {get}}\). Nevertheless, Eqs. 11, 12, 13 are expressed in a general way, independently of the specific post and get processes. Hence, the analysis results of this section provide us with general formal conditions for successful XSB transactions and their reliance on observable and potentially tunable system and environment parameters. Using these results, we perform experiments to quantify the effect of varying these parameters for successful transactions in the next section.

5 Results: Analysis of Timing Thresholds

In this section, we provide results of simulations of XSB transactions with varied timeout and lease periods. We demonstrate that varying these periods has a significant effect on the rate of successful transactions. In case of choreographies, the trade-off involved between success rates and latency (depending on timeout/lease periods) is also evaluated.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Transaction success rates with varying timeout and lease periods.

5.1 Transaction Success Rates

In order to test the effect of varying lease and timeout periods on transaction success rates, we perform simulations over the timing analysis model described in Sect. 3. Poisson arrival rates are assumed for subsequent \(t_{post}\) instances (hence, \(\delta _{\texttt {post}}\) follows the corresponding exponential distribution). The data is valid for a deterministic lease period and then discarded. Similarly, there are exponential intervals between subsequent \(t_{\texttt {get}}\) periods (\(\delta _{\texttt {get}}\) follows this distribution). The getter entity is active for a deterministic timeout period and can disconnect for random valued intervals. Applying the timing model in Sect. 3, the simulation enables concurrent posts with no-queueing. As the arrivals follow a Poisson process, this simulates an M/G/\(\infty \)/\(\infty \) queueing model.

The simulations done in Scilab Footnote 3 analyze the effect of varying lease and timeout periods on XSB transactions. We set \(\delta _{\texttt {post}}\) between subsequent \({\texttt {post}}\) messages to have a mean of 10 s. The \({\texttt {get}}\) messages are simulated with varying exponential active periods (\(\delta _{\texttt {get}}\)). This procedure was run for 10, 000 \(t_{\texttt {get}}\) periods to collect transaction statistics, by applying the formal conditions of Sect. 4.

The rates of successful transactions are shown in Fig. 5 for various values of lease, timeout and \(\delta _{get}\) periods. As expected, increasing timeout periods for individual lease values improves the success rate. However, notice that the success rate is severely bounded by lease periods. For time/space coupled CS interactions, where the lease period is very low (0 s), the success rate, even at higher timeout intervals, remains bound at around \(70\,\%\) for \(\delta _{\texttt {get}}\) with mean 40 s. Reducing get disconnection intervals (by properly setting \(\delta _{\texttt {get}}\) and timeout) produces a significant improvement in the success rate, especially for the CS case. For the other interaction paradigms (PS/TS), where the lease period can be varied: a higher lease period combined with higher timeout or lower \(\delta _{\texttt {get}}\) intervals would guarantee better success rates.

5.2 Latency vs. Success Rate

In order to study the trade-off between end-to-end latency and transaction success rate, we present cumulative latency distributions for transactions in Fig. 6. Note that we assume that all posts arriving during an active get period are immediately served; all posts arriving during an inactive get period are immediately served at the next active period, unless they have expired before. All failed transactions are pegged to the value: lease.

We set \(\delta _{\texttt {post}} =\) Poisson(10) s and \(\delta _{\texttt {get}} =\) Exponential(20) s for all simulated cases. From Fig. 6, lower lease periods produce markedly improved latency. For instance, with \({\texttt {lease}} = 10\) s, \({\texttt {timeout}} = 20\) s, all transactions complete within 10 s. Comparing this to Fig. 5, the success rate with these settings is \(78\,\%\). Changing to \({\texttt {lease}} = 40\) s, \({\texttt {timeout}} = 20\) s, we get a success rate of \(95\,\%\), but with increased latency. So, with higher levels of lease periods (typically PS/TS), we notice high success rates, but also higher latency. While individual success rates and latency values depend also on the network/middleware efficiency, our analysis provides general guidelines for setting the lease and timeout periods to ensure successful transactions.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Latency distributions for transactions with varying timeout and lease periods.

We provide in the following an illustrative use case, where our fine-grained timing analysis can be employed to properly configure a concrete application. In a transport information management system based on both authoritative and mobile crowd-sourced information from multiple heterogeneous sources, posts carrying events of interest for the average user arrive with a mean rate of 1 event every 10 min. To guarantee the freshness of provided information, notifications are maintained by the system for a lease period of 10 min. We assume that users access the system every 20 min on average to receive up-to-date transport information on their hand-held devices. They stay connected for a timeout period and then disconnect, also for resource saving purposes. Actual connection/disconnection behavior is based on the user’s profile and context at the specific time. By relying on our statistical analysis, an application designer may configure the timeout period of user access to 10 min. Using scaled values from Figs. 5 and 6, this guarantees that the user will receive on average \(65\,\%\) of the posted notifications, within at most 8 min of latency with a probability of 0.63. If these values are insufficient and the designer re-configures the timeout to 20 min, this guarantees that now the user will receive on average \(80\,\%\) of the posted notifications, within at most 4 min of latency with a probability of 0.77. This technique can be extended to other scenarios, where varying such parameters would provide improvements in performance metrics.

Table 3. Simulated vs measured transaction success rates.

5.3 Comparison with XSB Implementation

In order to validate the simulations performed in Sect. 5.1, we implement realistic transactions using the XSB framework. Specifically, we use two middleware implementations: (i) for \({\texttt {lease}} = 0\) transactions, the DPWSFootnote 4 CS middleware provides an API to set a poster and a getter interacting with each other directly; and (ii) for (lease \(\,> 0\)) transactions, the JMSFootnote 5 PS middleware provides an API to set a poster, a getter, and the intermediate entity through which they interact. Applying the same settings as in Sect. 5.1, posters and getters perform operations based on probability distributions (exponential \(\delta _{\texttt {post}}\) with mean of 10 s and \(\delta _{\texttt {get}}\) with various mean periods). At the intermediate entity we set various lease periods, using the JMS API. Note that in these XSB implementation settings, we have concurrent posts and queueing. This corresponds to an M/G/1/\(\infty \) queueing model; however, the queueing time of data due to processing of preceding data is negligible in our specific settings. All the transactions are performed using an Intel Xeon W3550e 3.08 GHz \(\times \) 4 (7.8 GB RAM) under a Linux Mint OS. For getting reliable results, the mean values of \(\delta _{\texttt {post}}\) and \(\delta _{\texttt {get}}\) intervals are expected to be close to the expected mean values. To do so, we create sufficient number of post operations and get connections/disconnections by running each experiment for at least 2 h. In Table 3, we compare the results of simulated and measured success rates for \({\texttt {timeout}} = 20\)s, \(\delta _{\texttt {post}} =\) Poisson(10)s, \({\texttt {lease}} = 0,10,40\)s and various \(\delta _{\texttt {get}}\). The absolute deviation between the two is no more than \(10\,\%\). This deviation may be attributed to implementation factors such as network delays and buffering at each entity (poster, getter, intermediate entity) which may affect the success rates. As this deviation is not too high, it allows developers to rely on our simulation model to tune the system.

6 Related Work

With an always increasing number of heterogeneous devices being interconnected among them and with conventional services through the Internet of Things [13], extensions to standard (client-service oriented) ESB-style bridging middleware [8] are required. The XSB connector [12], which resulted from the CHOReOS project [9], explicitly incorporates multiple interaction paradigms, including PS and TS schemes. XSB relies on protocol conversion [19], which allows reasoning about diverse interaction paradigms using the unifying XSB semantics. In our previous work [16], we extended the XSB connector with multi-dimensional QoS metrics that can incorporate timeliness, security and resource efficiency levels. However, we did not consider limited data lifetime, disconnections of peers, or asynchronous reception, as we do in this paper.

Our work upgrades middleware connectors for heterogeneous interaction paradigms with timing analysis. In [24], service composition models are studied where synchronous, asynchronous or parallel interaction may provide superior success rates under time constraints. Similar tuning of time parameters has been applied in distributed real time systems [17] for resource management, while checking end-to-end performance across multiple layers. Besides, middleware-based QoS control has been proposed by [7], where the QoS-aware adaptation and reconfiguration of systems is performed by reflective middleware. In [22], a grid quorum based publish-subscribe system is proposed to deal with delay-sensitive aspects of Internet of Things applications. In comparison, the contribution of our work is a unified timing analysis across heterogeneous middleware paradigms.

Timed automata [2] have been applied to a variety of real time system models to ensure accurate behavior under timed guards. Model checkers such as Uppaal [6] and PRISM [18] have been proposed for timed and probabilistic properties of such systems. We make use of such tools for design time analysis of heterogeneous middleware interactions. Timed automata are used in [23] for studying fault tolerant behavior (safety, bounded liveness) in distributed asynchronous real timed systems. In [14], the transmission channels of publish-subscribe middleware are modeled using probabilistic timed automata to verify properties of supported interactions. The same authors do model-checking of publish-subscribe applications using Bogor [3] and the PRISM probabilistic model checker [14]. A closely related work is [1], where formal analysis (using colored Petri-Nets) of various types of time synchronization in distributed middleware architectures has been performed. Indeed, alternatives to simulation based approaches, such as statistical model checking [5], may be applied in the context of our work in order to verify, for instance, probabilistic reachability properties. However, simulation techniques are needed as a starting point, in order to elicit distributions needed as inputs to statistical model checkers.

In our paper, we unify the verification of the timing behavior of multiple heterogeneous interactions using timed automata and their statistical analysis. While our prior work focused mainly on the functional interoperability or QoS upgrade of heterogeneous middleware systems, we further model here the fine-grained effect of timing thresholds on both coupled and decoupled distributed systems as well as their combinations. By leveraging the analysis of timing thresholds, designers of heterogeneous choreographies can accurately set constraints to ensure high success rates for transactions.

7 Conclusions

Timing constraints have typically been used for time-sensitive systems to ensure properties such as deadlock freeness and time-bounded liveness. In this paper, we study the XSB interoperable middleware connector from the CHOReOS project, by accurately modeling its timing behavior through timed automata. Verification of conditions for successful XSB transactions is done in Uppaal in conjunction with the timing guards specified. We demonstrate that accurate setting of lease and timeout periods significantly affects the transaction success rate. By providing a fine-grained analysis of the related timing thresholds for designers of choreographies, increased probability of successful transactions can be ensured. This is crucial for accurate runtime behavior, especially in the case of heterogeneous space-time coupled/decoupled interactions with variable connectivity of peers. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the latency vs. success rate tradeoff can be suitably configured for heterogeneous choreographies. Finally, we confirm the sufficient accuracy of our results by comparing with experimental outcomes from the XSB implementation framework.