At CRYPTO 2014 Bellare, Paterson, and Rogaway (BPR) presented a formal treatment of symmetric encryption in the light of algorithm substitution attacks (ASAs), which may be employed by ‘big brother’ entities for the scope of mass surveillance. Roughly speaking, in ASAs big brother may bias ciphertexts to establish a covert channel to leak vital cryptographic information. In this work, we identify a seemingly benign assumption implicit in BPR’s treatment and argue that it artificially (and severely) limits big brother’s capabilities. We then demonstrate the critical role that this assumption plays by showing that even a slight weakening of it renders the security notion completely unsatisfiable by any, possibly deterministic and/or stateful, symmetric encryption scheme. We propose a refined security model to address this shortcoming, and use it to restore the positive result of BPR, but caution that this defense does not stop most other forms of covert-channel attacks.
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1 Introduction
In 2013 Edward Snowden shocked the world with revelations of several ongoing surveillance programs targeting citizens worldwide [1, 9]. There is now incontestable evidence that national intelligence agencies can go to great lengths to undermine our privacy. The methods employed to attack and infiltrate our communication infrastructure are rather disturbing. Amongst others these include sabotaging Internet routers, wire-tapping international undersea cables, installing backdoors in management front ends of telecom providers, injecting malware in real-time into network packets carrying executable files, and intercepting postal shipping to replace networking hardware.
Some of the revelations concern the domain of cryptography. Somewhat reassuringly, there was no indication that any of the well-established cryptographic primitives and hardness assumptions could be broken by the national intelligence agencies. Instead these agencies resorted to more devious means in order to compromise the security of cryptographic protocols. In one particular instance the National Security Agency (NSA) infiltrated and maneuvered cryptographic standardization bodies to recommend a cryptographic primitive which contained a backdoor [15]: The specification of the Dual_EC_DRBG cryptographic random-number generator [2] contains arbitrarily looking parameters for which there exists trapdoor information, known to its creators, that can be used to predict future results from a sufficiently long stretch of output [18]. A recent study [5] explores the practicality of exploiting this vulnerability in TLS. In particular it shows that support of the Extended Random TLS extension [16] (an IETF draft co-authored by an NSA employee) makes the vulnerability much easier to exploit. Furthermore the NSA is known to have made secret payments to vendors in order to include the Dual_EC_DRBG in their products and increase proliferation [11].
Such tactics clearly fall outside of the threat models that we normally assume in cryptography and call for a reconsideration of our most basic assumptions. It is hence natural to ask what other means could be employed by such powerful entities to subvert cryptographic protocols. Recent work by Bellare, Paterson and Rogaway [4] explores the possibility of mass surveillance through algorithm substitution attacks (ASA). Consider some type of closed-source software that makes use of a standard symmetric encryption scheme to achieve a certain level of security. In an ASA the standard encryption scheme is substituted with an alternative scheme that the attacker has authored; we call this latter scheme a subversion. A successful ASA would allow the adversary, henceforth referred to as big brother, to undermine the confidentiality of the data and at the same time circumvent detection by its users.
The results of BPR. Bellare, Paterson and Rogaway (BPR) [4] define a formal framework for analyzing ASA resistance of symmetric encryption schemes against a certain class of attacks. Roughly speaking, they define a surveillance model which requires correctly computed (that is, unsubverted) ciphertexts to be indistinguishable from subverted ones from big brother’s point of view. BPR also define a dual detection model that requires this property to hold from users’ perspective. The detection game is only used for negative results. That is, a candidate ASA is considered to be an particularly “deviating one” if it cannot be detected by any efficient procedure. BPR are able to establish a set of positive and negative results within their formalisms. They build on the work of [8] to demonstrate ASAs on specific schemes such as the CTR$ and CBC$ modes of operation. Their negative results culminate with the biased-ciphertext attack which can be mounted against any randomized symmetric encryption scheme that uses a sufficient amount of randomness. This attack allows big brother to recover the full keys and plaintexts while enjoying a strong guarantee of undetectability. Biased ciphertexts, therefore, establish a covert channel between users and big brother. Thus there is essentially no hope to resist ASAs through probabilistic encryption. Accordingly, BPR turn to stateful deterministic schemes and identify a combinatorial property of such schemes that can be used to formally derive a positive result. Most modern nonce-based schemes [17] can be easily shown to satisfy this property. Put differently, BPR show that such schemes do not allow covert channels to be established solely using the transmission of ciphertexts.
Contributions. In this work we revisit the security model proposed by BPR [4] and re-examine its underlying assumptions. Our main critique concerns the notion of perfect decryptability, a requirement that every subversion must satisfy. Decryptability is introduced as a minimal requirement that a subversion must meet in order to have some chance of avoiding detection. Accordingly, the assumption is that big brother would only consider subversions that satisfy this condition. We argue, however, that this requirement is stronger than what is substantiated by this rationale, and it results in artificially limiting big brother’s set of available strategies. Indeed, we show that with a minimal relaxation of the decryptability condition the BPR security notion becomes totally unsatisfiable. More precisely, for any symmetric encryption scheme, deterministic or not, we construct a corresponding undetectable subversion that can be triggered to leak information when run on specific inputs known solely by big brother. From a theoretical perspective this shows that the instantiability of the security model crucially depends on this requirement. From a more practical perspective, security in the BPR model simply does not translate to security in practice.
As pointed out in [4], defending against ASAs requires an attempt to detect them. Indeed, the ability to detect an ASA is an important measure of security which should be surfaced by the security model. We observe that here the BPR security definition falls short: Encryption schemes are considered secure as long as subversions can be detected with non-zero probability. This seems to be of little practical value as schemes with a detection probability of \(2^{-128}\), say, are already deemed secure but are in practice not.
Building on the work of Bellare, Paterson and Rogaway [4] we propose an alternative security definition to address the above limitations. Our model disposes of the perfect decryptability requirement and instead quantifies security via a new detectability notion. In more detail, we start with BPR’s surveillance model, and then check how well a candidate user-specific detector can do in distinguishing if a subversion has taken place. Such a detector, besides the user’s key, also sees the full transcript of the attack, that is, the messages passed to encryption and the corresponding ciphertexts obtained. Since the detector runs after big brother, our detection strategy is after the fact. (However, if a detector is run “on the fly,” the transmission of ciphertexts can be stopped if an anomaly is detected.) This strategy appears to be necessary for detecting the input-triggered subversions discussed above. We quantify security by requiring that any subversion which is undetectable gives big brother limited advantage in surveillance. We re-confirm the relative strength of deterministic stateful schemes compared to randomized ones in the new model, as suggested in [4].
Shortcomings. Although formal analyses of cryptographic protocols within the provable-security methodology can rule out large classes of attacks, they often fall short of providing security in the real world. Accordingly, our positive results should not be interpreted as providing security in real-world environments either. Powerful adversarial entities can coerce software vendors and standardization bodies to subvert their products and recommendations. For instance, Snowden’s revelations suggest that state agencies have means to subvert many different parts of user hardware, network infrastructure and cryptographic key-generation algorithms, and that they can perform sophisticated side-channel analyses at a distance. Any formal claims of security against such powerful adversaries must come with a model that takes into account these attacks. Indeed, while our models explicitly take into account leakage through biased ciphertext transmission, other forms of covert channels are not considered (and most likely exist). On the other hand, a model which incorporates, for instance, hardware subversion might immediately lead to uninstantiability problems (and consequently to non-cryptographic measures against big brother). Our goal here is to take a second step in understanding cryptographic solutions to NSA-like threats. In particular, one benefit of employing the provable-security methodology is that it shifts engineers’ attention from primitives’ inner details to their security models.
Other related work. The first systematic analysis of how malicious modification of implemented cryptosystems can weaken their expected security dates back to Simmons [19]. He studied how cryptographic algorithms in black-box implementations can be made to leak information about secret keying material via subliminal channels. However, in the considered cases any successful reverse-engineering effort of the manipulated code would be fatal in the sense that, in principle, all affected secrets would be lost universally, (i.e., become known to everybody).
Simmons’s approach was refined by Young and Yung in a sequence of works , [22–26] under the theme of Kleptography, covering mainly primitives in the realm of public-key cryptography (encryption and signature schemes based on RSA and DLP). In their proposals for protocol subversion, a central part of the injected algorithms is the public key of the attacker to which all leakage is ‘safely encrypted’. The claim is then that if a successful reverse-engineering eventually reveals the existence of a backdoor, the security of the overall system does not ungracefully collapse, as the attacker’s secret key would be held responsibly (by, say, a governmental agency). Kleptographic attacks on RSA systems were also reported by Crépeau and Slakmon [6] who optimized the efficiency of subverted key-generation algorithms by using symmetric techniques. Concerning higher-level protocols, algorithm substitution attacks targeting specifically the SSL/TLS and SSH protocols were reported by Goh et al. [8], and Young and Yung [27].
ASAs and Kleptography can also be considered in the broader context of covert channels. In brief, a covert channel allows parties to communicate through unforeseen means in an environment where they are not allowed to communicate. Typically, covert channels are implemented on top of existing network infrastructure (e.g., firewalled TCP/IP networks [13]), but also more exotic mediums such as timing information [20], file storage values [12], and audio links [10]. Finally, observe that in a subliminal channel the communicating parties intentionally modify their algorithms while in ASAs a third party does so without users’ knowledge.
2 Preliminaries
Notation. Unless otherwise stated, an algorithm may be randomized. An adversary is an algorithm. For any algorithm \(\mathscr {A} \), \(y\leftarrow \mathscr {A} (x_1,x_2,\dots )\) denotes executing \(\mathscr {A} \) with fresh coins on inputs \(x_1,x_2,\dots \) and assigning its output to y. For n, a positive integer, we use \(\{0,1\}^n\) to denote the set of all binary strings of length n and \(\{0,1\}^*\) to denote the set of all finite binary strings. The empty string is represented by \(\varepsilon \). For any two strings x and y, \(x\parallel y\) denotes their concatenation and |x| denotes the length of x. For any vector \( \mathbf {X} \), we denote by \( \mathbf {X} [i]\) its \(i^{\text {th}}\) component. If \({\mathcal {S}}\) is a finite set then \(|{\mathcal {S}}|\) denotes its size, and \(y\leftarrow _{\$}\mathcal {S}\) denotes the process of selecting an element from \(\mathcal {S}\) uniformly at random and assigning it to y. \( \Pr \left[ \, P:E \,\right] \) denotes the probability of event E occurring after having executed process P. Security definitions are formulated through the code-based game-playing framework.
Symmetric encryption. A symmetric encryption scheme is a triple \(\mathrm {\Pi } =(\mathcal{K},\mathcal{E},\mathcal{D})\). Associated to \(\mathrm {\Pi } \) are the message space \({\mathcal {M}}\subseteq \{0,1\}^*\) and the associated data space \({\mathcal {AD}}\subseteq \{0,1\}^*\). The key space \(\mathcal{K}\) is a non-empty set of strings of some fixed length. The encryption algorithm \(\mathcal{E} \) may be randomized, stateful, or both. It takes as input the secret key \( K \in \mathcal{K} \), a message \( M \in \{0,1\}^*\), an associated data \( A \in \{0,1\}^*\), and the current encryption state \( \sigma \) to return a ciphertext \( C \) or the special symbol \(\bot \), together with an updated state. The symbol \(\bot \) may be returned for instance if \( M \not \in {\mathcal {M}}\) or \( A \not \in {\mathcal {AD}}\). The decryption algorithm \(\mathcal{D} \) is deterministic but may be stateful. It takes as input the secret key \( K \), a ciphertext string \( C \in \{0,1\}^*\), an associated data string \( A \in \{0,1\}^*\), and the current decryption state \( \varrho \) to return the corresponding message \( M \) or the special symbol \(\bot \), and an updated state. Pairs of ciphertext and associated data that result in \(\mathcal{D} \) outputting \(\bot \) are called invalid.
The encryption and decryption states are always initialized to \(\varepsilon \). For either of \(\mathcal{E} \) or \(\mathcal{D} \), we say that it is a stateless algorithm if for all inputs in \(\mathcal{K} \times \{0,1\}^*\times \{0,1\}^*\times \{\varepsilon \}\) the returned updated state is always \(\varepsilon \). The scheme \(\mathrm {\Pi } \) is said to be stateless if both \(\mathcal{E} \) and \(\mathcal{D} \) are stateless. We require that for any \( M \in {\mathcal {M}}\) and any \( A \in {\mathcal {AD}}\) it holds that \(\{0,1\}^{| M |}\subseteq {\mathcal {M}}\) and \(\{0,1\}^{| A |}\subseteq {\mathcal {AD}}\).
For any symmetric encryption scheme \(\mathrm {\Pi } =(\mathcal{K},\mathcal{E},\mathcal{D})\), any \(\ell \in \mathbb {N}\), any vector \( \mathbf {M} =[M_{1},\ldots , M_{\ell }]\in {\mathcal {M}}^{\ell }\) and any vector \( \mathbf {A} =[A_{1},\ldots , A_{\ell }]\in {\mathcal {AD}}^{\ell }\), we write \(( \mathbf {C} , \sigma _\ell ) \leftarrow \mathcal{E} _{ K }( \mathbf {M} , \mathbf {A} ,\varepsilon )\) as shorthand for:
where \( \mathbf {C} =[C_{1}, \ldots , C_{\ell }]\). Similarly we write \(( \mathbf {M}' , \varrho _\ell ) \leftarrow \mathcal{D} _{ K }( \mathbf {C} , \mathbf {A} ,\varepsilon )\) to denote the analogous process for decryption.
Definition 1
(Correctness [4]). A symmetric encryption scheme \(\mathrm {\Pi } \) is said to be \((q,\delta )\) -correct if for all \(\ell \le q\), all \( \mathbf {M} \in {\mathcal {M}}^{\ell }\) and all \( \mathbf {A} \in {\mathcal {AD}}^{\ell }\), it holds that:
Schemes that achieve correctness with \(\delta =0\) for all \(q\in \mathbb {N}\) are said to be perfectly correct.
We now recall the standard IND-CPA security notion for symmetric encryption [3].
Definition 2
(Privacy). Let \(\mathrm {\Pi } =(\mathcal{K},\mathcal{E},\mathcal{D})\) be a symmetric encryption scheme and let \(\mathscr {A}\) be an adversary. Consider the game depicted in Fig. 1. The adversary’s advantage is defined as

The scheme \(\mathrm {\Pi }\) is said to be \(\epsilon \)-private if for every practical adversary \(\mathscr {A}\) its advantage is bounded by \(\epsilon \).
Intuitively, when \(\epsilon \) is sufficiently small we may simply say that \(\mathrm {\Pi }\) is IND-CPA secure.
3 Algorithm Substitution Attacks
In an algorithm substitution attack (ASA), big brother is able to covertly replace the code of an encryption algorithm \(\mathcal{E} ( K ,\ldots )\) (forming part of some wider protocol) with the subverted encryption algorithm \({\widetilde{\mathcal{E}}} ( \widetilde{K} ,K,\ldots )\). Here, \({\widetilde{\mathcal{E}}} \) takes the same inputs as \(\mathcal{E} \) together with a subversion key \( \widetilde{K} \) which is assumed to be embedded in the code in an obfuscated manner, and hence is inaccessible to users. Intuitively, the subversion key significantly improves big brother’s ability to leak information via the ciphertexts without being detected. For instance, it can use \( \widetilde{K} \) to encrypt a user’s key and use the result as a random-looking IV in the ciphertext. Big brother can later intercept this ciphertext, recover the user’s key from the IV, and use it to decrypt the rest of the ciphertexts. In addition allow the operations of \({\widetilde{\mathcal{E}}} \) to depend on user-specific identification parameter i.
Note that when considering ASAs the concern is not about whether the real encryption scheme contains a backdoor, possibly due to an obscurely generated set of parameters. In fact an inherent assumption in the setting proposed in [4], and in this paper, is that the real encryption scheme \(\mathcal{E} \) achieves the required level of security and in particular is free from backdoors. Instead, the question being asked is whether an implementation of the real scheme, possibly obfuscated, contains a backdoor and under what circumstances this can be detected.
Subversions. For any symmetric encryption scheme \(\mathrm {\Pi } =(\mathcal{K},\mathcal{E},\mathcal{D})\) its subversion is a pair \({\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}} =({\widetilde{\mathcal{K}}},{\widetilde{\mathcal{E}}})\). The subversion key space \({\widetilde{\mathcal{K}}} \) is a finite non-empty set. The subverted encryption algorithm \({\widetilde{\mathcal{E}}} \) may be randomized, stateful, or both. It takes as input a subversion key \( \widetilde{K} \in {\widetilde{\mathcal{K}}} \), a user’s secret key \( K \in \mathcal{K} \), a message \( M \in \{0,1\}^*\), an associated data string \( A \in \{0,1\}^*\), an encryption state \( \sigma \), and a user identifier i, to return a ciphertext \( C \) or the special symbol \(\bot \), together with an updated state. The user identifier is considered a public value such as an IP or MAC address unique to each key \( K \); the precise value of i does not matter—it is merely used to label users.
In order for the subversion to be of any use to big brother, there must exist some associated plaintext-recovery algorithm which uses the subversion key to recover information from the ciphertexts. In [4] this algorithm was denoted by \({\widetilde{\mathcal{D}}} \). Its success in recovering the corresponding plaintexts may vary in a number of ways. From the users’ standpoint we only concern ourselves to bound this success probability by a small quantity. This is dealt with in the security definitions where any such plaintext-recovery algorithm is implicit in the adversary modeling big brother.
3.1 The Bellare–Paterson–Rogaway Security Model
Bellare, Paterson and Rogaway (BPR) [4] formulate security against ASAs as follows. In addition to the standard security requirements for symmetric encryption they consider two new notions, namely undetectability and surveillance defined respectively using the \({\mathrm {DETECT}}\) and \({\mathrm {SURV}}\) games shown in Fig. 2.
In \({\mathrm {DETECT}}\) an algorithm \(\mathscr {U}\), representing a detection test, is required to distinguish \(\mathcal{E} \) from \({\widetilde{\mathcal{E}}} _{ \widetilde{K} }\) when given oracle access to one of these two algorithms. More specifically, a bit b and a subversion key \( \widetilde{K} \) are first sampled and \(\mathscr {U}\) is then given access to two oracles, \({\textsc {Key}}\) and \({\textsc {Enc}}\). The game models a multi-user setting and the \({\textsc {Key}}\) oracle serves to let user i create a secret key. The \({\textsc {Enc}}\) oracle takes a message \( M\) , associated data \( A\) , and a user identifier i and depending on the value of b it returns an encryption under either \(\mathcal{E} \) or \({\widetilde{\mathcal{E}}} _{ \widetilde{K} }\,\). The game ends when \(\mathscr {U}\) halts and outputs a bit \(b'\) as its guess of bit \(b\,\). The corresponding advantage is defined as:
In \({\mathrm {SURV}}\) an adversary \(\mathscr {B}\), who does not have access to the users’ secret keys but knows the subversion key, is required to distinguish \(\mathcal{E} \) from \({\widetilde{\mathcal{E}}} _{ \widetilde{K} }\) when given oracle access to one of these algorithms. The game proceeds by first sampling a bit b and a subversion key \( \widetilde{K} \), and then \(\mathscr {B}\) is given access to \( \widetilde{K} \) and two oracles, \({\textsc {Key}}\) and \({\textsc {Enc}}\). Oracle \({\textsc {Key}}\) only serves to initialize a secret key for specified user i and does not return any value. The \({\textsc {Enc}}\) oracle takes a message M, associated data A, and a user identifier i, and depending on the value of b it returns an encryption under either \(\mathcal{E} \) or \({\widetilde{\mathcal{E}}} _{ \widetilde{K} }\,\). The game ends when \(\mathscr {B}\) halts and outputs a bit \(b'\) as its guess of bit \(b\,\). The corresponding advantage is defined as:
The \({\mathrm {DETECT}}\) and \({\mathrm {SURV}}\) games from the BPR security model of [4].
In addition to the above two notions, BPR specify the following decryptability condition.
Definition 3
(Decryptability). A subversion \({\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}} =({\widetilde{\mathcal{K}}},{\widetilde{\mathcal{E}}})\) is said to satisfy \((q,\delta )\)-decryptability with respect to the scheme \(\mathrm {\Pi } =(\mathcal{K},\mathcal{E},\mathcal{D})\) if symmetric encryption scheme \(({\widetilde{\mathcal{K}}} \times \mathcal{K},{\widetilde{\mathcal{E}}},\mathcal{D} ')\) where \(\mathcal{D} '(( \widetilde{K} , K ), C , A , \varrho ):=\mathcal{D} ( K , C , A , \varrho )\) is \((q,\delta )\)-correct (for all choices of inputs i to \({\widetilde{\mathcal{E}}} \)).
If \({\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}} \) is (q, 0)-decryptable with respect to \(\mathrm {\Pi } \) for all \(q\in \mathbb {N}\), it is said to be perfectly decryptable. We highlight that BPR requires that any subversion satisfies perfect decryptability. For reasons that will become apparent later we chose to distinguish between \((q,\delta )\)-decryptability and perfect decryptability. However BPR do not make this distinction and use the term decryptability to mean perfect decryptability.
Observations. The first thing to note is that the \({\mathrm {DETECT}}\) game is formulated from big brother’s point of view who wants his subversion to remain undetected. The notion it yields is that of undetectability, and in [4] it is used only for proving negative results. For instance BPR use this to show that any randomized encryption scheme can be subverted in an undetectable manner. Concretely, for any randomized scheme \(\mathrm {\Pi } \) that uses sufficient amount of randomness there exists a subversion \({\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}} \) such that for all efficient detection tests \(\mathscr {U} \) the advantage \(\mathbf {Adv}^{\mathrm {det}}_{\mathrm {\Pi },{\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}}}(\mathscr {U})\) is small. Moreover, the subversion \({\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}} \) allows big brother to completely recover the user’s key \( K \) with overwhelming probability.
Security against surveillance is defined through the \({\mathrm {SURV}}\) game. The requirement here is that big brother, who knows the subversion key \( \widetilde{K} \), is unable to tell whether ciphertexts are being produced by the real encryption algorithm \(\mathcal{E} \) or the subverted encryption algorithm \({\widetilde{\mathcal{E}}} _{ \widetilde{K} }\). This implicitly ensures that if the real scheme is IND-CPA secure then the subverted scheme still does not reveal to big brother anything about the plaintext. Clearly, without any further restriction on \({\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}} \) surveillance resilience is not attainable, since for any scheme \(\mathrm {\Pi } \) there always exists a trivial subversion \({\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}} \) and an adversary \(\mathscr {B} \) which can distinguish the two. (Consider for example the subversion which appends a redundant zero bit to the ciphertexts.) Hence some resistance to detection should hold simultaneously. This is imposed by means of the decryptability condition. More formally, (in [4]) an encryption scheme \(\mathrm {\Pi } \) is said to be surveillance secure if for all subversions \({\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}} \) that are perfectly decryptable with respect to \(\mathrm {\Pi } \) and all adversaries \(\mathscr {B} \) with reasonable resources its advantage \(\mathbf {Adv}^{\mathrm {srv}}_{\mathrm {\Pi },{\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}}}(\mathscr {B})\) is small.
3.2 Critique
In [4], although decryptability is formulated as a correctness requirement, it is really used as a notion of undetectability. More precisely, it is understood to be the weakest notion of undetectability that big brother can aim for, and failure to meet this notion would certainly lead to his subversion being discovered. In fact, BPR write [4, p. 6].
This represents the most basic form of resistance to detection, and we will assume any subversion must meet it.
On the other hand the undetectability notion associated to the \({\mathrm {DETECT}}\) game is meant to be a much stronger one. Another excerpt reads [4, p. 7]
A subversion \({\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}} \) in which this advantage [that is, \(\mathbf {Adv}^{\mathrm {det}}_{\mathrm {\Pi },{\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}}}(\mathscr {U})\)] is negligible for all practical tests \(\mathscr {U} \) is said to be undetectable and would be one that evades detection in a powerful way. If such a subversion permitted plaintext recovery, big brother would consider it a very successful one.
This all seems to imply that for any subversion, decryptability is a necessary requirement to avoid detection, and that undetectability is sufficient to yield a strong guarantee of avoiding detection. It is hence natural to expect that undetectability implies decryptability, but as the authors of [4] admit this is not the case. The two notions are in fact incomparable. This is a source of inconsistency, especially when considering that the negative and positive results in [4] are established using measures of undetectability that are incomparable.
The main reason for this discord between decryptability and undetectability is that undetectability allows detection test \(\mathscr {U} \) to succeed with negligible probability, whereas (perfect) decryptability requires the test’s success probability to be exactly zero. This is unnecessarily strict, as detection tests which succeed only with negligible probability are insignificant and pose no effective threat to big brother. Accordingly it is unrealistic to assume that big brother will only produce subversions that satisfy perfect decryptability. Requiring the latter imposes an unnatural restriction on big brother’s potential subversion strategies, thereby unjustifiably weakening the security notion.
It would seem that both of the above issues could be easily addressed (at least in part) by letting decryptability admit a small negligible error, that is requiring \((q,\delta )\)-decryptability, for some small \(\delta \), instead of perfect decryptability. In particular, one could hope that decryptability would then be implied by undetectability. Unfortunately the situation is not that simple, and a new problem arises. As we demonstrate next, this minor alteration would render the BPR security notion unsatisfiable by any symmetric encryption scheme with a reasonably large message space (e.g., if \(|{\mathcal {M}}|\ge |\mathcal{K} |\)). More specifically, for any symmetric encryption scheme we can construct a subversion that not only is \((q,\delta )\)-decryptable (with negligible \(\delta \) for any reasonable value q) but is in fact undetectable, and yet there always exists an adversary \(\mathscr {B} \) capable of subverting the scheme. This serves to show that the BPR security definition crucially relies on the presupposition that all subversions must satisfy perfect decryptability, and is consequently a rather fragile security definition.
The encryption algorithm of the subversion \({\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}} \) used in Theorem 1.
Theorem 1
Consider a \((1,\delta )\)-correct and \(\epsilon \)-private symmetric encryption scheme \(\mathrm {\Pi } =(\mathcal{K},\mathcal{E},\mathcal{D})\) with message space \({\mathcal {M}}\) such that \(\{0,1\}^{\lambda }\subseteq {\mathcal {M}}\) for some \(\lambda \) (for instance, \(\lambda =128\)). For any such scheme there exists a subversion \({\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}} =({\widetilde{\mathcal{K}}},{\widetilde{\mathcal{E}}})\) that satisfies \((q,q \cdot 2^{-\lambda }+\delta )\)-decryptability with respect to \(\mathrm {\Pi } \) and \(\mathbf {Adv}^{\mathrm {det}}_{\mathrm {\Pi },{\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}}}(\mathscr {U})\le q \cdot 2^{-\lambda }\) for all practical detection tests \(\mathscr {U} \) making at most q encryption queries. Moreover there exists a corresponding adversary \(\mathscr {B} \) such that \(\mathbf {Adv}^{\mathrm {srv}}_{\mathrm {\Pi },{\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}}}(\mathscr {B})\ge 1-(\epsilon +\delta +2^{-\lambda })\).
The subversion \({\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}} =({\widetilde{\mathcal{K}}},{\widetilde{\mathcal{E}}})\) is defined by letting \({\widetilde{\mathcal{K}}}:=\{0,1\}^{\lambda }\) and \({\widetilde{\mathcal{E}}} \) be the algorithm depicted in Fig. 3. The predicate \({{\mathbf {R}}} ( \widetilde{K} , K , M , A , \sigma ,i)\) that is used in \({\widetilde{\mathcal{E}}} \) takes the boolean value \(\mathsf {true}\) for all tuples where \( \widetilde{K} = M \) and the value \(\mathsf {false}\) otherwise. Hence note that for all inputs where \( \widetilde{K} \ne M \) the subverted encryption algorithm \({\widetilde{\mathcal{E}}} _{ \widetilde{K} }\) behaves exactly like the real encryption algorithm \(\mathcal{E} \). Let E denote the event that for some \(1\le j\le \ell \) it holds that \( \widetilde{K} = \mathbf {M} [j]\). Then for all \(1\le \ell \le q\) and all message vectors \( \mathbf {M} \in {\mathcal {M}}^{\ell }\) we have

where the bound on the second term follows from the \(\delta \)-correctness of \(\mathrm {\Pi } \). Hence \({\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}} \) satisfies \((q,q \cdot 2^{-\lambda }+\delta )\)-decryptability with respect to \(\mathrm {\Pi } \). Since \(\mathscr {U} \) is not given any information about \( \widetilde{K} \), it is easy to see that for any (even computationally unbounded) detection test \(\mathscr {U} \) making at most q queries its advantage \(\mathbf {Adv}^{\mathrm {det}}_{\mathrm {\Pi },{\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}}}(\mathscr {U})\) is bounded by \(q \cdot 2^{-\lambda }\).
The adversary \(\mathscr {B} \), which knows the subversion key, simply queries the pair \(( \widetilde{K} , A )\) to its encryption oracle for some \( A \in {\mathcal {AD}}\), and gets in return a ciphertext \( C ^*\). It then attempts to parse \( C ^*\) as \( C \parallel K \) and checks whether \( \widetilde{K} =\mathcal{D} _{ K }( C , A ,\varepsilon )\). If this test succeeds it outputs 0 and otherwise it outputs 1. Note that when the encryption oracle is instantiated with the subversion (\(b=0\)), the adversary is guaranteed to guess correctly, i.e., outputs 0, with probability \(1-\delta \) by the correctness of \(\mathrm {\Pi } \). Alternatively when the oracle is instantiated with the real scheme (\(b=1\)), it can be shown that the decryption test that \(\mathscr {B} \) runs on \( C ^*\) cannot succeed with probability higher than \(\epsilon +2^{-\lambda }\). Hence, the probability of \(\mathscr {B} \) outputting 0 when \(b=1\) is also bounded by this amount. Letting \(b'\) denote \(\mathscr {B} \)’s output and combining the above we have that
as desired. It only remains to prove the bound on the second term of Eq. (1). We establish the bound by reducing \(\mathscr {B} \) to an IND-CPA adversary \(\mathscr {A} \) against \(\mathrm {\Pi } \). The adversary \(\mathscr {A} \) starts by picking a subversion key \( \widetilde{K} \) uniformly at random and then runs \(\mathscr {B} \) on input \( \widetilde{K} \). When \(\mathscr {B} \) makes its first encryption query \((M_{0}, A )\), where \(M_{0}= \widetilde{K} \), \(\mathscr {A} \) will sample uniformly at random a second message \(M_{1}\) of equal length. Then \(\mathscr {A} \) submits \((M_{0},M_{1}, A )\) to its own oracle and forwards the ciphertext \( C ^*\) that the oracle returns to \(\mathscr {B} \). At this point \(\mathscr {B} \) will halt and \(\mathscr {A} \) outputs whatever \(\mathscr {B} \) outputs, which we denote by \(b'\). Let d denote the bit in the IND-CPA game indicating which message is being encrypted, then
Now note that when \( C ^*\) corresponds to an encryption of \((M_{0}, A )\), i.e., \(d=0\), \(\mathscr {B} \) gets a perfect simulation of the \({\mathrm {SURV}}\) game with b set to 1. Thus
On the other hand when \(d=1\) the ciphertext \( C ^*\) is independent of \(M_{0}\), and hence the decryption test that \(\mathscr {B} \) runs cannot be better than guessing the value \(M_{0}\). Therefore
Combining Eqs. (2), (3) and (4) we get the desired bound:
Input-triggered subversions. We emphasize that the above subversion applies generically to any practically relevant symmetric encryption scheme, irrespective of whether it is probabilistic or deterministic and whether it maintains a state or not. Additionally, while we present the subversion of Fig. 3 merely as a component of Theorem 1, it actually embodies a powerful subversion strategyFootnote 1 for mounting ASAs that are hard to detect. The underlying principle is that a subversion leaks information to big brother only when receiving specific inputs. That is, in order for big brother to exploit his subversion and undermine the privacy of the communication, a trigger needs to be set. On the other hand, without knowledge of this trigger it is practically impossible to distinguish the subversion from the real scheme. In our case the trigger is the set of inputs for which the predicate \({{\mathbf {R}}} \) holds. In practice, \({{\mathbf {R}}} \) can depend on any information that the subverted encryption algorithm may have access to, such as an IP address, a username, or some location information. Such information, in particular network addresses and routing information, can be readily available in the associated data. It is not unreasonable, and is in fact in conformance with the usual approach adopted in cryptography, to assume that big brother may be capable of influencing this information when it needs to intercept a communication. We hence see no basis for excluding such attacks from consideration.
Security guarantees. BPR start from the premise that surveillance security is not possible without requiring some resistance to detection, and they address this by requiring that all subversions satisfy perfect decryptability. Indeed, it seems that the only way of protecting against ASAs is to have a mechanism to detect such attacks. Accordingly, an encryption scheme should be deemed surveillance secure if we have a sufficiently good chance of detecting subversions of that scheme. However, the BPR security notion gives only a very weak guarantee of detecting ASAs. More specifically, we are only guaranteed to detect a subversion with non-zero probability, regardless of how small that may be. In particular, if for a specific scheme there exist subversions which can all be detected with non-zero but only negligible probability, then in the BPR security model this scheme is considered subversion secure. It should be evident however that such a scheme offers no significant resistance to subversion in practice.
Another shortcoming of relying on decryptability as a means of detection is that it does not clearly state what tests one ought to do in order to detect a subversion. Decryption failures may happen for other reasons, and if they occur sporadically they may easily go unnoticed. Secondly, it may not suffice to rely on the decryption algorithm at the receiver’s end. For instance, if ciphertexts contain additional information that big brother can exploit but which would result in a decryption failure, big brother could rectify this at the point of interception after having recovered the information he needs. Alternatively big brother may have replaced the decryption algorithm with one that can handle ciphertexts from the subverted encryption algorithm without raising any exceptions. While for an open system like TLS [7] it may be reasonable to assume that big brother is unable to mount an ASA on all of its implementations, on a closed systemFootnote 2 there is no reason to assume big brother is not able to substitute both the encryption and decryption algorithms.
4 The Proposed Security Model
The analysis of Sect. 3.2 leaves us with an unsatisfactory state of affairs. On the one hand we wish for a more realistic security model, devoid of the perfect decryptability condition. On the other hand we saw that this would allow input-triggered subversions which are generically applicable to any symmetric encryption scheme. This in turn raises the question of whether we have any hope at all of protecting against ASAs. We address these questions by proposing an alternative security model which builds on the ideas of Bellare, Paterson and Rogaway [4].
Our premise is that input-triggered subversions cannot be detected with significant probability through a one-time test, as in the \({\mathrm {DETECT}}\) game. Instead, it seems that the best we can hope for is to detect information leakage from the encryption algorithm from a recorded communication session. That is we are unable to determine whether the encryption algorithm has been substituted or not, since without knowledge of the trigger we have very little chance of detecting this. However we may be able to detect whether big brother is exploiting the subversion and is able to gather information from it, which is what we really care about.
Our approach is to take into consideration all possible subversions that big brother may come up with, without imposing any additional conditions that a subversion must satisfy. Instead we identify a scheme to be subversion resistant, if for all of its possible subversions it is the case that either the subversion leaks no information to big brother, or if it does leak information then we can detect it with high probability. We formalize this by means of a second pair of games \(\overline{{\mathrm {DETECT}}}\) and \(\overline{{\mathrm {SURV}}}\). The game \(\overline{{\mathrm {SURV}}}\) is a single-user version of the \({\mathrm {SURV}}\) game from [4], and can be shown to be equivalent, through a standard hybrid argument, up to a factor equal to the number of users. This serves to specify formally what we intuitively referred to as ‘leaking information to big brother’. The \(\overline{{\mathrm {DETECT}}}\) game, on the other hand, differs substantially form the \({\mathrm {DETECT}}\) game of the BPR security model. Most importantly, it is intended for specifying a notion of detectability rather than undetectability. In \(\overline{{\mathrm {DETECT}}}\), the detection test \(\mathscr {U} \) does not get access to an encryption oracle, instead it only gets a transcript of \(\mathscr {B} \)’s queries to its own oracle. The effectiveness of the detection test \(\mathscr {U} \) is quantified by comparing its success in guessing the challenge bit to that of \(\mathscr {B} \). This is specified more formally below.
More precisely, the surveillance game starts by picking a bit b uniformly at random, and then generating keys \( K \) and \( \widetilde{K} \). The adversary is then given access to the subversion key and an encryption oracle but not the key \( K \). Depending on the bit’s value the encryption oracle will either return encryptions under scheme \(\mathrm {\Pi } \) and the user’s key \( K \) or encryptions under the subverted scheme (which has access to both keys). The adversary outputs a bit \(b'\) as its guess of the challenge bit b. See Fig. 4 (right) for the details. The detection game is an extension of the surveillance game. First \(\mathscr {B}\) is run in the same manner as in the surveillance game and a transcript \( T \) of its encryption queries is kept. The detection algorithm \(\mathscr {U}\) is then given access to this transcript and the user’s key. Its goal is to output a bit \(b''\) as its guess of the challenge bit b. See Fig. 4 (left) for the details.
Definition 4
(Subversion resistance). Let \(\mathrm {\Pi } =(\mathcal{K},\mathcal{E},\mathcal{D})\) be an encryption scheme and let \({\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}} =({\widetilde{\mathcal{K}}},{\widetilde{\mathcal{E}}})\) be a subversion of it. For an adversary \(\mathscr {B}\) and a detection algorithm \(\mathscr {U}\), define the games \(\overline{{\mathrm {SURV}}} ^{\mathscr {B}}_{\mathrm {\Pi },{\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}}}\) and \(\overline{{\mathrm {DETECT}}} ^{\mathscr {B},\mathscr {U}}_{\mathrm {\Pi },{\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}}}\) as depicted in Fig. 4. The surveillance advantage of an adversary \(\mathscr {B} \) is given by:
The detection advantage of \(\mathscr {U} \) with respect to \(\mathscr {B} \) is given by:
Let \(\delta ,\epsilon \in [0,1]\). A pair of algorithms \((\mathscr {B},{\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}})\) is said to be \(\delta \)-undetectable with respect to \(\mathscr {U} \) if \( \mathbf {Adv}^{\overline{\mathrm {det}}}_{\mathrm {\Pi },{\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}}}(\mathscr {B},\mathscr {U}) \le \delta . \) A pair of algorithms \((\mathscr {B},{\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}})\) is said to be \(\epsilon \)-unsubverting if \( \mathbf {Adv}^{\overline{\mathrm {srv}}}_{\mathrm {\Pi },{\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}}}(\mathscr {B}) \le \epsilon . \) A scheme \(\mathrm {\Pi }\) is said to be \((\delta ,\epsilon )\)-subversion resistant if there is an efficient algorithm \(\mathscr {U} \) such that any \(\delta \)-undetectable \((\mathscr {B},{\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}})\) is \(\epsilon \)-unsubverting:
We say \(\mathrm {\Pi }\) is \(\epsilon \)-subversion resistant iff it is \((\epsilon ,\epsilon )\)-subversion resistant, and that it is subversion resistant iff it is \(\epsilon \)-subversion resistant for all \(\epsilon \in [0,1]\). Subversion resistance can be equivalently written as
Note that a \((\delta ,\epsilon )\)-subversion-resistant scheme is also \((\delta ',\epsilon ')\)-subversion resistant if \(\delta ' \le \delta \) and \(\epsilon ' \ge \epsilon \). Furthermore, no scheme can be \((\delta ,\epsilon )\)-subversion resistant for any \((\delta ,\epsilon )\) with \(\delta > \epsilon \). Indeed, given such a \((\delta ,\epsilon )\)-subversion-resistant scheme \(\mathrm {\Pi } \) and a corresponding detector \(\mathscr {U} \) we build a pair \(({\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}},\mathscr {B})\) such that
thereby reaching a contradiction. Consider the subverted encryption \({\widetilde{\mathcal{E}}} _\delta \) which with probability \(\delta \) runs \(\mathcal{E} \) and with probability \((1-\delta )\) returns a special message \(\bot \). Algorithm \(\mathscr {B} \) asks for an encryption of a fixed message to get \( C \) and returns \(( C =\bot )\). Clearly \(\mathscr {B} \)’s advantage is \(\delta > \epsilon \), as required.
This analysis shows that \((\epsilon ,\epsilon )\)-subversion resistance, that is, \(\epsilon \)-subversion resistance in the terminology of the definition, is the best one can hope for. Note, however, that \(\epsilon \)-subversion resistance does not immediately imply \(\epsilon '\)-subversion resistance for any \(\epsilon ' \ne \epsilon \); we would need to have both \(\epsilon ' \ge \epsilon \) and \(\epsilon ' \le \epsilon \). The absolute (that is, non-parameterized) definition of subversion resistance requires all these (potentially incomparable) security measures to hold simultaneously. A corollary of such a statement is that a subversion-resistant scheme is \((\delta ,\epsilon )\)-subversion resistant for all possible values of \((\delta ,\epsilon )\) with \(\delta \le \epsilon \).
For the equivalence of the two formulations of (absolute) subversion resistance observe that the implication in one direction is trivial and in the other follows by taking any
for a contradiction. In a sense, the \({\widetilde{\mathcal{E}}} _\delta \) subversion above is the best that \(\mathscr {B} \) can carry out against subversion-resistant schemes as the final inequality in the definition is sharp for the best possible \(\mathscr {U} \) against \({\widetilde{\mathcal{E}}} _\delta \) and \(\mathscr {B} \).
Definitional choices. A number of choices have been made in devising the new security definition. Observe that our surveillance game is identical to the single-user version of BPR’s original surveillance game in Fig. 2.Footnote 3 In particular, it allows big brother to launch \( \widetilde{K} \)-dependent chosen-plaintext attacks. Our detection game is also single-user and this reflects the fact that users do not need to run a coordinated detection procedure. Detection requires the existence of a strong universal detector that depends neither on the subverted algorithm nor on big brother. This is in contrast to BPR’s formulation, where detection was used for negative results, and non-universal detectors were also allowed. For detection, as in BPR, we assume explicit knowledge of user keys but do not allow access to the (possibly subverted) encryption procedure or the internal state/randomness of the scheme. Weakening the requirements on the detector only strengthens our positive results. On the other hand, the communicated ciphertexts/messages should be made available to the detector. As we have seen, without this strengthening, resistance against input-triggered subversions is impossible even for multi-user oracle-assisted detectors. We note, however, that our actual detection procedure in Sect. 5 processes ciphertexts one at a time and hence storing only the last computed ciphertext would be sufficient.
5 Subversion Resistance from Unique Ciphertexts
We have not yet determined whether there exist symmetric encryption schemes which satisfy our security definition. In [4] the authors describe a powerful generic attack, termed the biased-ciphertext attack, that can be applied to any probabilistic symmetric encryption scheme. Hence any scheme that resists subversion must be deterministic. Bellare, Paterson, and Rogaway identified the unique ciphertexts property for symmetric encryption schemes as sufficient to satisfy their notion of surveillance security. We now show that this property is strong enough to also guarantee subversion security in sense of Definition 4. Let us first recall the definition of unique ciphertexts from [4].
Definition 5
(Unique ciphertexts). A symmetric encryption scheme \(\mathrm {\Pi } =(\mathcal{K},\mathcal{E},\mathcal{D})\) is said to have unique ciphertexts if:
\(\mathrm {\Pi } \) satisfies perfect correctness and,
for all \(\ell \in \mathbb {N}\), all \( K \in \mathcal{K} \), all \( \mathbf {M} \in {\mathcal {M}}^{\ell }\) and all \( \mathbf {A} \in {\mathcal {AD}}^{\ell }\), there exists exactly one ciphertext vector \( \mathbf {C} \) such that:
$$\begin{aligned} ( \mathbf {M} , \varrho _\ell ) \leftarrow \mathcal{D} _{ K }( \mathbf {C} , \mathbf {A} ,\varepsilon )~for\, some\, \varrho _\ell \,. \end{aligned}$$
It follows from Definition 5 that any symmetric encryption scheme that has unique ciphertexts must be deterministic. Note on the other hand that a deterministic encryption scheme does not necessarily have unique ciphertexts. In [4] it is shown how stateful encryption schemes having unique ciphertexts are easily obtained from most nonce-based encryption schemes [17] which are known to satisfy the tidiness property of [14]. The following theorem says that for schemes with unique ciphertexts we are guaranteed to always detect a subversion with the highest possible success rate.
The detection test \(\mathscr {U} \) used in Theorem 2.
Theorem 2
Let \(\mathrm {\Pi } =(\mathcal{K},\mathcal{E},\mathcal{D})\) be a symmetric encryption scheme with unique ciphertexts. Then the detection test \(\mathscr {U} \) of Fig. 5 is such that for all subversions \({\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}} \) and all adversaries \(\mathscr {B} \) we have that
Fix a subversion \({\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}} =({\widetilde{\mathcal{K}}},{\widetilde{\mathcal{E}}},{\widetilde{\mathcal{D}}})\) and an adversary \(\mathscr {B} \). Define
Event E : algorithm \(\mathscr {B} \) makes a sequence of queries \(( \mathbf {M} , \mathbf {A} )\) such that the real and subverted encryption algorithms output a different ciphertext sequence, i.e., \(\mathcal{E} ( K , \mathbf {M} , \mathbf {A} ,\varepsilon )\ne {\widetilde{\mathcal{E}}} ( \widetilde{K} , K , \mathbf {M} , \mathbf {A} ,\varepsilon ,i)\,\).
Then for any key \( K \), any subversion key \( \widetilde{K} \), any subversion \({\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}} \) and any adversary \(\mathscr {B} \) the corresponding surveillance advantage can be expressed as:
where the probabilities are calculated over the coins of \(\mathscr {B} \), the coins of \({\widetilde{\mathcal{E}}} \), the sampling of the two keys, and bit b. Now if E does not occur \(\mathscr {B} \) has no information about the bit b in the \(\overline{{\mathrm {SURV}}}\) game, and \( \Pr \left[ \, \overline{{\mathrm {SURV}}} ^{\mathscr {B}}_{\mathrm {\Pi },{\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}}}\mid \overline{E} \,\right] =1/2\,\). Hence we may continue
We can expand the detection advantage of \(\mathscr {U} \) with respect to \(\mathscr {B} \) in a similar manner to obtain:
As before, if E does not occur \(\mathscr {U} \) has no information about the bit b in the \(\overline{{\mathrm {DETECT}}}\) game and cannot do better than guessing. Moreover, when E occurs, it follows from the construction of \(\mathscr {U} \) (see Fig. 5) and the fact that \(\mathrm {\Pi } \) has unique ciphertexts that \(\mathscr {U} \) can always distinguish the real scheme from a subversion. Thus \( \Pr \left[ \, \overline{{\mathrm {DETECT}}} ^{\mathscr {B},\mathscr {U}}_{\mathrm {\Pi },{\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}}}\mid \overline{E} \,\right] =1/2\) and \( \Pr \left[ \, \overline{{\mathrm {DETECT}}} ^{\mathscr {B},\mathscr {U}}_{\mathrm {\Pi },{\widetilde{\mathrm {\Pi }}}}\mid E \,\right] =1\) which yields the desired result:
6 Concluding Remarks
Through this work we unravelled definitional challenges in modeling resistance against algorithm substitution attacks (ASA), and in the process we proposed a refinement to address some of the shortcomings of the recent model by Bellare, Paterson, and Rogaway (BPR). Within the new model we are able to re-establish that deploying ciphertext-unique encryption schemes can provide a provable (but limited) degree of resistance against adversarial entries who carry out ASAs. These schemes, however, do not protect against powerful adversarial entities that are able to manipulate vital components of a system or obtain leakage via means other than simple chosen-plaintext (or ciphertext) attacks. For instance, timing attacks and subversion of hardware modules are realistic (and deployed) attacks that do not fall under our or BPR’s model. Characterizing when it is possible to resist against mass surveillance using cryptographic techniques (even in principle) and when this lies beyond the reach of cryptography remains an important issue of real concern.
- 1.
This is akin to a trapdoor. It is a classic technique in computer security to introduce trapdoors in various objects and we certainly do not claim to be the first to do so.
- 2.
This could be some proprietary application/protocol, for which there exists only one implementation, but which uses a standard (non-proprietary) encryption scheme.
- 3.
The single-user and multi-user games can be shown equivalent via a standard hybrid argument [4]. Since our detection procedure is also in the single-user setting, we have adopted a single-user surveillance game as well. This choice also translates to a more faithful comparison of concrete advantage terms.
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The authors would like to thank Daniel J. Bernstein for many comments on the earlier versions of the paper. J. P. Degabriele and B. Poettering were supported by EPSRC Leadership Fellowship EP/H005455/1. B. Poettering was also supported by a Sofja Kovalevskaja Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research.
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Degabriele, J.P., Farshim, P., Poettering, B. (2015). A More Cautious Approach to Security Against Mass Surveillance. In: Leander, G. (eds) Fast Software Encryption. FSE 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 9054. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-48116-5_28
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-48116-5_28
Publisher Name: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
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Online ISBN: 978-3-662-48116-5
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