Integrated Management of Systems, Services, Processes and People in IT: 20th IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management, DSOM 2009, Venice, Italy, October 27-28, 2009, Proceedings | SpringerLink
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Integrated Management of Systems, Services, Processes and People in IT

20th IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management, DSOM 2009, Venice, Italy, October 27-28, 2009, Proceedings

  • Conference proceedings
  • © 2009


Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, volume 5841)

Part of the book sub series: Computer Communication Networks and Telecommunications (LNCCN)

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Conference proceedings info: DSOM 2009.

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About this book

This volume of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series contains all papers accepted for presentation at the 20th IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management (DSOM 2009), which was held in Venice, Italy, during October 27-28, 2009. DSOM 2009 was the 20th event in a series of annual workshops. It followed in the footsteps of previous successful meetings, the most recent of which were held on Samos, Greece (DSOM 2008), San Jos´ e, California, USA (DSOM 2007), Dublin, Ireland (DSOM 2006), Barcelona, Spain (DSOM 2005), and Davis, C- ifornia, USA (DSOM 2004). The goal of the DSOM workshops is to bring - gether researchersfromindustry andacademia workingin the areasofnetworks, systems, and service management, to discuss recent advances and foster future growth. In contrast to the larger management conferences, such as IM (Inter- tional Symposium on Integrated Network Management) and NOMS (Network OperationsandManagementSymposium),DSOMworkshopshaveasingle-track program in order to stimulate more intense interaction among participants.

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Table of contents (14 papers)

  1. Monitoring and Analysis Tools

  2. Monitoring and Analysis Tools

  3. Autonomic and Self-management

  4. People in IT and Decision Support for IT Management

  5. Security and Virtualization

Other volumes

  1. Integrated Management of Systems, Services, Processes and People in IT

Editors and Affiliations

  • Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto, USA

    Claudio Bartolini

  • Institute of Infornatics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brazil

    Luciano Paschoal Gaspary

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