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Branch and Recharge: Exact Algorithms for Generalized Domination

  • Conference paper
Algorithms and Data Structures (WADS 2007)

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science ((LNTCS,volume 4619))

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Let σ and \(\varrho\) be two sets of nonnegative integers. A vertex subset S ⊆ V of an undirected graph G = (V,E) is called a \((\sigma,\varrho)\)-dominating set of G if |N(v) ∩ S| ∈ σ for all v ∈ S and \(|N(v)\cap S| \in \varrho\) for all v ∈ V ∖ S. This notion introduced by Telle generalizes many domination-type graph invariants. For many particular choices of σ and \(\varrho\) it is NP-complete to decide whether an input graph has a \((\sigma,\varrho)\)-dominating set.

We show a general algorithm enumerating all \((\sigma,\varrho)\)-dominating sets of an input graph G in time O *(c n) for some c < 2 using only polynomial space, if σ is successor-free, i.e., it does not contain two consecutive integers, and either both σ and \(\varrho\) are finite, or one of them is finite and \(\sigma \cap \varrho = \emptyset\). Thus in this case one can find maximum and minimum \((\sigma,\varrho)\)-dominating sets in time o(2n). Our algorithm straightforwardly implies a non trivial upper bound c n with c < 2 for the number of \((\sigma,\varrho)\)-dominating sets in an n-vertex graph under the above conditions on σ and \(\varrho\).

Finally, we also present algorithms to find maximum and minimum ({p}, {q})-dominating sets and to count the ({p},{q})-dominating sets of a graph in time O *(2n/2).

Part of the research was done when some of the authors were visiting DIMATIA, Prague, in April 2006.

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Frank Dehne Jörg-Rüdiger Sack Norbert Zeh

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Fomin, F.V., Golovach, P.A., Kratochvíl, J., Kratsch, D., Liedloff, M. (2007). Branch and Recharge: Exact Algorithms for Generalized Domination. In: Dehne, F., Sack, JR., Zeh, N. (eds) Algorithms and Data Structures. WADS 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 4619. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-540-73948-7

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-540-73951-7

  • eBook Packages: Computer ScienceComputer Science (R0)

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