- Editors:
Abraham Kandel
Computer Science & Engineering Department, University of South Florida, Tampa, USA
Horst Bunke
Institute of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (IAM), Bern, Switzerland
Mark Last
Department of Information Systems Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel
- Will serve as a foundation for a variety of useful applications of the graph theory to computer vision, pattern recognition, and related areas
- Covers a representative set of novel graph-theoretic methods for complex computer vision and pattern recognition tasks
- Includes supplementary material: sn.pub/extras
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About this book
Graph theory has strong historical roots in mathematics, especially in topology. Its birth is usually associated with the “four-color problem” posed by Francis Guthrie 1 in 1852, but its real origin probably goes back to the Seven Bridges of Konigsber ¨ g 2 problem proved by Leonhard Euler in 1736. A computational solution to these two completely different problems could be found after each problem was abstracted to the level of a graph model while ignoring such irrelevant details as country shapes or cross-river distances. In general, a graph is a nonempty set of points (vertices) and the most basic information preserved by any graph structure refers to adjacency relationships (edges) between some pairs of points. In the simplest graphs, edges do not have to hold any attributes, except their endpoints, but in more sophisticated graph structures, edges can be associated with a direction or assigned a label. Graph vertices can be labeled as well. A graph can be represented graphically as a drawing (vertex=dot,edge=arc),but,aslongaseverypairofadjacentpointsstaysconnected by the same edge, the graph vertices can be moved around on a drawing without changing the underlying graph structure. The expressive power of the graph models placing a special emphasis on c- nectivity between objects has made them the models of choice in chemistry, physics, biology, and other ?elds.
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Table of contents (10 chapters)
Applied Graph Theory for Low Level Image Processing and Segmentation
- Walter G. Kropatsch, Yll Haxhimusa, Adrian Ion
Pages 3-41
- Rui Huang, Vladimir Pavlovic, Dimitris N. Metaxas
Pages 43-63
Graph Similarity, Matching, and Learning for High Level Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
- Donatello Conte, Pasquale Foggia, Carlo Sansone, Mario Vento
Pages 85-135
- Sébastien Sorlin, Christine Solnon, Jean-Michel Jolion
Pages 151-181
- Joseph Potts, Diane J. Cook, Lawrence B. Holder
Pages 183-201
Special Applications
Front Matter
Pages 204-204
- Gian Luca Marcialis, Fabio Roli, Alessandra Serrau
Pages 205-226
- Horst Bunke, P. Dickinson, A. Humm, Ch. Irniger, M. Kraetzl
Pages 227-245
- Adam Schenker, Horst Bunke, Mark Last, Abraham Kandel
Pages 247-265
Editors and Affiliations
Computer Science & Engineering Department, University of South Florida, Tampa, USA
Abraham Kandel
Institute of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (IAM), Bern, Switzerland
Horst Bunke
Department of Information Systems Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel
Mark Last