The physico-chemical analysis of Cuejdi hydrographic basin and the Cuejdel lake basin was realized based on a monitoring program which consisted of analysing the seasonal variation of main physico-chemical parameters, with major implications in establishing the degree of trophicity in which the lacustrine ecosystem is located and also regarding the qualitative identification of the biotic component. The scientific approach consisted of two distinct methods: measurements in situ and sampling evidences for laboratory research. In situ, the measurements were made with a portable multi-parameter (Hach Lange device) to collect physico-chemical data. Based on this, Cuejdel Lake acts as a dimictic reservoir with direct thermal stratification during the summer, spring and autumn, and reverse stratification during the winter. At the lowest depths, the temperature is constant all year (5 °C). The surface water is influenced by the air temperature. The water is slightly alkaline with values that oscillate around 8. The alkalinity of the water is caused by the elements that are transported in the water as the hydrographic basin drains. The water in the upper section of the lake is very rich in oxygen. Below 10–11 m, dissolved oxygen is not present. The assessment of water quality from Cuejdi River was performed through 13 parameters. 30 samples were collected during spring and autumn, measurements being made both in situ aquatic ecosystem (Multi 350i/SET WTW) and in the laboratory (bench meter Hanna HI 4421, Titroline 700 SI Analytics and WTW Turb 555IR). The main fact is that a water quality parameter has no equal contribution to the final stage of water quality in all seasons; they can be different from both natural and anthropogenic causes. The analysis, especially the spatial distribution of the nitrate levels, revealed an important degradation of the water quality owed to the anthropogenic pressure. Furthermore, the findings confirm that the natural contamination of the Cuejdi River is less harmful than the contamination with compounds resulted from anthropogenic activities.
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Mihu-Pintilie, A. (2018). The Seasonal Variation of Physical-Chemical Parameters and Water Quality Assessment (WQI). In: Natural Dam Lake Cuejdel in the Stânişoarei Mountains, Eastern Carpathians. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-77213-4_7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-77213-4_7
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-319-77212-7
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