Aggregator oblivious encryption was proposed by Shi et al. (NDSS 2011), where an aggregator can compute an aggregated sum of data and is unable to learn anything else (aggregator obliviousness). Since the aggregator does not learn individual data that may reveal users’ habits and behaviors, several applications, such as privacy-preserving smart metering, have been considered. In this paper, we propose aggregator oblivious encryption schemes with public verifiability where the aggregator is required to generate a proof of an aggregated sum and anyone can verify whether the aggregated sum has been correctly computed by the aggregator. Though Leontiadis et al. (CANS 2015) considered the verifiability, their scheme requires an interactive complexity assumption to provide the unforgeability of the proof. Our schemes are proven to be unforgeable under a static and simple assumption (a variant of the Computational Diffie-Hellman assumption). Moreover, our schemes inherit the tightness of the reduction of the Benhamouda et al. scheme (ACM TISSEC 2016) for proving aggregator obliviousness. This tight reduction allows us to employ elliptic curves of a smaller order and leads to efficient implementation.
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- 1.
This key-length is recommended by NIST [4] for achieving 128-bit security. To be precise, the Benhamouda et al. scheme archives 108-bit security under this key length. Thus, a slightly longer key is required to achieve 112-bit security.
- 2.
Kiltz and Vahlis [28] defined the modified Decisional Bilinear Diffie-Hellman (mDBDH) assumption where given \((g,g^x,g^y,g^{y^2},g^z,Z)\) decide whether \(Z=e(g,g)^{xyz}\) or not. That is, compared to the original DBDH assumption, the element \(g^{y^2}\) is additionally given to the adversary. In our assumption, if we set \(g_1^{1/a}:=g_1^\prime \) then \((g_1^{1/a},g_1,g_1^a)\) can be seen as \( (g_1^\prime ,{g_1^\prime }^a,{g_1^\prime }^{a^2})\). That is, the element \({g^\prime _1}^{a^2}\) is added to an instance of the CDH assumption. Hence, we call the assumption mCDH.
- 3.
In the definition of Leontiadis et al. [31], each user i chooses a tag value \(\mathsf{tk}_i\), and sends its encoding value to the dealer in the \(\mathsf{Setup}\) phase. The dealer computes \(\mathsf{vk}\) from all \(\mathsf{tk}_i\). Here we simply assume that \(\mathsf{vk}\) is generated by the dealer since the dealer is modeled as a trusted entity. Later, we consider the case that \(\mathsf{vk}\) is generated by users in the encryption phase.
- 4.
A decryption key of the Boneh-Boyen IBE scheme is informally described as \((g^\alpha H_\mathsf{BB}(ID)^r, g^r)\) for a master key \(\alpha \) and a random r, the Boneh-Boyen hash \(H_\mathsf{BB}\). In our first construction, \(\alpha \), ID, and r are regarded as \(x_{i,t}\), t, and \(v_{i,t}\) respectively. Thus, the number of verification keys depends on \(t_\mathsf{max}\).
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The author would like to thank Dr. Miyako Ohkubo for her invaluable comments against the bulletin board assumption, and thank Dr. Takuya Hayashi for his invaluable suggestions against elliptic curve parameters.
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Emura, K. (2017). Privacy-Preserving Aggregation of Time-Series Data with Public Verifiability from Simple Assumptions. In: Pieprzyk, J., Suriadi, S. (eds) Information Security and Privacy. ACISP 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 10343. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-59870-3_11
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-59870-3_11
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