In this paper, we develop an approach to find strategies that guarantee a property in systems that contain controllable, uncontrollable, and random vertices, resulting in probabilistic games. Such games are a reasonable abstraction of systems that comprise partial control over the system (reflected by controllable transitions), hostile nondeterminism (abstraction of the unknown, such as the behaviour of an attacker or a potentially hostile environment), and probabilistic transitions for the abstraction of unknown behaviour neutral to our goals. We exploit a simple and only mildly adjusted algorithm from the analysis of non-probabilistic systems, and use it to show that the qualitative analysis of probabilistic games inherits the much celebrated sub-exponential complexity from 2-player games. The simple structure of the exploited algorithm allows us to offer tool support for finding the desired strategy, if it exists, for the given systems and properties. Our experimental evaluation shows that our technique is powerful enough to construct simple strategies that guarantee the specified probabilistic temporal properties.
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1 Introduction
The automated synthesis of reactive protocols (strategies, policies) from temporal specifications has recently attracted considerable attention in numerous applications. Such a scenario can present both nondeterministic and probabilistic behaviours, so the resulting model can be seen as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) [31]. MDPs can also be viewed as \(1\frac{1}{2}-player \, games\), where the full player decides which action to perform when resolving nondeterministic choices, and the \(\frac{1}{2}\)-player (or: random player) resolves the probabilistic choices.
This game can be enriched with a second player, e.g. an environment player, who controls some of the nondeterministic choices. Usually, the second player acts in a hostile manner: he tries to prevent the first (full) player from reaching her goal. The resulting game is known as a \(2\frac{1}{2}-player \, game\). Examples of \(2\frac{1}{2}\)-player games are security and communication protocols [24, 28, 29, 34, 35] and robots playing in pursuit-evasion games [20].
A particular application in software engineering is the development of probabilistic reactive protocols and interfaces for probabilistic components. Such an interface would restrict the interactions a component offers to its environment. This technically corresponds to choosing a strategy for the component in a game with its environment, where the goal of the component is to satisfy its specification, while the goal of the environment is to violate it.
The contribution of this paper is to provide an efficient algorithm to synthesise strategies for the controllable player in \(2\frac{1}{2}\)-player games that are equipped with a parity winning condition. Parity conditions are very general winning conditions that can be used to represent all \(\omega \)-regular properties. In particular, parity objectives contain temporal logics such as LTL (linear temporal logic [30]), which are useful in specifying system and program properties. Because of this, we can handle LTL with a probabilistic semantics, i.e. the qualitative fragment of PLTL [1], in our synthesis framework.
We focus on computing the regions of the game, in which one of the players is almost sure winning [9]. The algorithm from [9] is based on translating the stochastic parity game into a simple parity game [8] (a parity game without random vertices / a 2-player game) using a so called “gadget” construction, albeit to the cost of a blow-up by a factor linear in the number of priorities. For a small number of priorities, or colours, the complexity of this algorithm is better than the algorithm we suggest here, because solving the blown-up simple parity game with [21] or [32] provides better bounds. This advantage is, however, purely theoretical: even for non-stochastic parity games on which these algorithms can be applied directly without requiring a costly transformation, they do not perform well in practice [14], such that a nested fixed-point algorithm [13, 27] would be the natural choice for analysing the blown-up game.
Our algorithm is an adaptation of the classical nested fixed-point algorithm of McNaughton [13, 27] for the analysis of non-probabilistic systems. In particular, it does not involve a translation of the game. Thus, we avoid the practical problems existing algorithms with good complexity have [14]. The simple structure of the exploited algorithm also allows us to offer tool support by implementing a protocol synthesiser.
Present algorithms with the best theoretical complexity bounds for solving 2-player parity games with a low or fixed number of priorities are described in [21, 32]. However, the ranking based approach from [21] does not perform very well in practice [14], and the hybrid approach from [32] will inherit these practical draw-backs.
The direct algorithm we describe has exponential worst-case complexity. In the paper, we exploit the simple structure of our algorithm to lift the sub-exponential algorithm for 2-players games of Jurdiński, Paterson, and Zwick [22] to the qualitative analysis of \(2\frac{1}{2}\)-player games.
Related Work. There is a rich body of literature of algorithms for parity games in a two player setting [13, 21, 22, 27, 32, 36], and a few for multi player games with concurrent moves [3–5], in which players make simultaneous choices in every move. All of these algorithms share an \(n^{\mathcal {O}(n)}\) running time.
Some experiments have suggested that the algorithm proposed in [13, 27, 36] performs best among them, in particular because it can be implemented symbolically. In this paper, we are considering non-concurrent games. We have adjusted McNaughton’s algorithm [13, 27, 36] for solving these \(2\frac{1}{2}\)-player games. Such games have also been considered in the literature, for instance in [2, 6, 9, 15, 16]. Like 2-player games, they have pure memoryless optimal strategies.
Algorithms for solving probabilistic games have been implemented among others in PRISM-games [11]. This tool can, however, only handle a restricted class of properties, namely PCTL [19], which does not support nested temporal operators. As mentioned above, our approach can handle properties specified in the logics PLTL [1], as it translates such properties to parity objectives.
2 A Motivating Example
In a two-dimensional battlefield (cf. Fig. 1), there are two robots, \(R_0\) and \(R_1\), and four marked zones, \(\mathrm {zone}_1, \ldots , \mathrm {zone}_4\). The battlefield is surrounded by a solid wall and has a square tiled floor of n fields in breadth and width. Each tile can be occupied by at most one robot. The robots act in strict alternation. When it is the turn of a robot, this robot can move as follows: decide a direction and move one field forward; decide a direction and attempt to move two fields forward. In the latter case, the robot moves two fields forward with a probability of 50 %, but only one field forward with a probability of 50 %. If the robot would run into a wall or into the other robot, it stops at the field before the obstacle.
We assume that we are in control of \(R_0\) but cannot control the behaviour of \(R_1\). Our goal is to fulfil a certain objective depending on the zones with probability 1, such as repeatedly visiting all zones infinitely often, visiting the zones in a specific order, performing such visits without entering other zones in the meanwhile, and so on. We have to ensure that these objectives are fulfilled under any possible behaviour of \(R_1\). As an example, we can specify that the robot eventually reaches \(\mathrm {zone}_1\) and \(\mathrm {zone}_2\), which can be specified using the LTL formula \(\mathbf {F} \, \mathrm {zone}_1 \wedge \mathbf {F} \, \mathrm {zone}_2\).
3 Preliminaries
3.1 Markov Parity Games
We now introduce the formal definition of the Markov parity games that model the \(2\frac{1}{2}\)-player games together with the other concepts and notations we use in the remainder of the paper.
Definition 1
A finite Markov Parity Game, MPG for short, is a tuple \(\mathcal {P} = (V_{0}, V_{1}, V_{r}, E, \mathsf {pri})\), where
\(V = V_{0} \cup V_{1} \cup V_{r}\) is the set of vertices, where \(V_{0}\), \(V_{1}\), and \(V_{r}\) are three finite disjoint sets of vertices owned by the three players: Player 0, Player 1, and Player random, respectively;
\(E \subseteq V \times V\) is a set of edges such that (V, E) is a sinkless directed graph, i.e. for each \(v \in V\) there exists \(v' \in V\) such that \((v,v') \in E\); and
\(\mathsf {pri}:V \rightarrow \mathbb {N}\) is the priority function mapping each vertex to a natural number. We call the image of \(\mathsf {pri}\) the set of priorities (or: colours), denoted by \(\mathcal {C}\).
Note that, since the set of vertices V is finite, \(\mathcal {C}\) is finite as well. For an MPG \(\mathcal {P} = (V_{0}, V_{1}, V_{r}, E, \mathsf {pri})\), we call the tuple \(\mathfrak {A}= (V_{0}, V_{1}, V_{r}, E)\) the arena of \(\mathcal {P}\). For ease of notation, we sometimes use games when we refer to their arenas only. We also use the common intersection and subtraction operations on directed graphs for arenas and games: given an MPG \(\mathcal {P}\) with arena \(\mathfrak {A}= (V_{0},V_{1}, V_{r}, E)\),
\(\mathcal {P} \cap V'\) denotes the Markov parity game \(\mathcal {P}'\) we obtain when we restrict the arena \(\mathfrak {A}\) to \(\mathfrak {A}\cap V' = (V_{0} \cap V', V_{1} \cap V', V_{r} \cap V', E \cap (V' \times V'))\).
\(\mathcal {P} \setminus V'\) denotes the Markov parity game \(\mathcal {P}'\) with arena \(\mathfrak {A}\setminus V' = \mathfrak {A}\cap (V \setminus V')\), where \(V = V_{0} \cup V_{1} \cup V_{r}\).
Note that the result of such an intersection may or may not be sinkless. While we use these operations freely in intermediate constructions, we make sure that, wherever they are treated as games, they have no sinks (cf. Lemma 4).
Plays. One can view the dynamics of a parity game as a board game, played by moving a pebble over the game arena. When the pebble is on a vertex v, the next vertex \(v'\) is chosen by the player owning the vertex v, that is, by Player 0 if \(v \in V_{0}\), by Player 1 if \(v \in V_{1}\), and by Player random if \(v \in V_{r}\). The respective player chooses a proper successor \(v'\) of v, i.e. a vertex \(v'\) with \((v,v') \in E\), and pushes the pebble forward to \(v'\). This way, they together construct an infinite play. If \(V_{0} = \emptyset \) or \(V_{1} = \emptyset \), we arrive at the model of Markov decision processes (MDPs).
A play is an infinite sequence \(\pi = v_{0} v_{1} v_{2} v_{3} \ldots \) such that \((v_{i}, v_{i+1}) \in E\) for all \(i \in \mathbb {N}\). Each play is evaluated by the lowest priority that occurs infinitely often. Player 0 wins a play \(\pi = v_{0} v_{1} v_{2} v_{3} \ldots \) if the lowest priority that occurs infinitely often in the sequence \(\mathsf {pri}(v_{0}) \mathsf {pri}(v_{1}) \mathsf {pri}(v_{2}) \mathsf {pri}(v_{3})\ldots \), \(\mathsf {pri}(\pi ) = \liminf _{i \rightarrow \infty } \mathsf {pri}(v_{i})\) is even, while Player 1 wins if \(\mathsf {pri}(\pi )\) is odd. Below, we formalise winning strategies and winning regions for a given MPG:
Definition 2
For a given MPG \(\mathcal {P}\), we say
For \(\sigma \in \{0,1\}\), a strategy \(f_{\sigma }\) of Player \(\sigma \) is a mapping \(f_{\sigma } :V_{\sigma } \rightarrow V\) from the vertices of Player \(\sigma \) to their successor states, i.e. for each \(v \in V_{\sigma }\), \((v, f_{\sigma }(v)) \in E\). A play \(\pi = v_{0} v_{1} v_{2} v_{3} \ldots \) is called \(f_{\sigma }\)-conform if, for all \(i \in \mathbb {N}\), if \(v_{i} \in V_{\sigma }\), then \(v_{i+1} = f_{\sigma }(v_{i})\). A strategy \(f_{\sigma }\) for the player \(\sigma \) defines an MDP, namely the MDP where each vertex \(v \in V_{\sigma }\) has exactly one successor, \(f_{\sigma }(v)\).
Given a vertex \(v \in V\), a strategy \(f_{0}\) for Player 0 is called v-winning if, starting from v, Player 0 wins almost surely in the MDP defined by \(f_{0}\); a strategy \(f_{1}\) for Player 1 is called v-winning if, starting from v, Player 1 wins with non-zero probability in the MDP defined by \(f_{1}\), that is, Player 1 does not lose almost surely in the MDP defined by \(f_{1}\).
For \(\sigma \in \{0,1\}\), a vertex v in V is v-winning for Player \(\sigma \) if Player \(\sigma \) has a v-winning strategy \(f_{\sigma }\). We call the set of v-winning vertices for Player \(\sigma \) the winning region of Player \(\sigma \), denoted \(W_{\sigma }\).
As we concentrate on finding almost surely winning/losing regions, it suffices to assume that there is an \(\varepsilon > 0\), such that all choices of Player random are made with probability of at least \(\varepsilon \). We therefore omit the probabilities in our model.
4 McNaughton’s Algorithm and Memoryless Determinacy
In this section, we adjust the classic algorithm for solving 2-player parity games to Markov parity games. The classic algorithm dates back to McNaughton [27] and was first published in this form by Emerson and Lei [13] and Zielonka [36].
The algorithm is the algorithmic version of a simple proof of the memoryless determinacy for parity games. The proof uses an inductive argument over the number of vertices. As an induction basis, games with only one game vertex are clearly memoryless determined: there is only one strategy, and it is memoryless. The game is won by Player 0 if the priority of this vertex is even and by Player 1 if the priority of this vertex is odd. We provide an algorithm for determining where Player 0 wins almost surely, i.e. its winning region \(W_{0}\). Similarly, we compute the winning region \(W_{1}\), in which Player 1 wins with non-zero probability. Adjusting it to finding sure winning sets for Player 1 is straight forward.
Lemma 1
If, for a game \((V_{0},V_{1},V_{r},E,\mathsf {pri})\), the image of \(\mathsf {pri}\) consists only of even priorities, then Player 0 wins (surely) from all vertices, and \(W_{0} = V\).
If, for a game \((V_{0},V_{1},V_{r},E,\mathsf {pri})\), the image of \(\mathsf {pri}\) consists only of odd priorities, then Player 1 wins (surely) from all vertices, and \(W_{1} = V\).
For general parity games \(\mathcal {P}\) with lowest priority c, our adjustment of the McNaughton’s algorithm, the procedure ‘\( prob\mathord {-}McNaughton \)’ shown in Fig. 2, first determines the set \(\mathsf {pri}^{-1}(c)\) of vertices with priority c, i.e. the vertices with minimal priority. If c is even, then Player 0 wins on all plays, where c occurs infinitely often. The algorithm then constructs the region, from which Player 1 cannot almost surely avoid to reach a vertex with priority c. This is obtained using attractors.
4.1 Attractors
Attractors are usually defined for classical 2-player games. For an arena \(\mathfrak {A}= (V_{0},V_{1},E)\), a set \(T \subseteq V\) of target vertices, and a player \(\sigma \in \{0,1\}\), the \(\sigma -attractor \, of \, T\) is the set of game vertices from which Player \(\sigma \) can force the pebble into the set T of target vertices. The \(\sigma \)-attractor A of a set T can be defined as the least fixed point of sets that contain T and that contain a vertex v of Player \(\sigma \) if it contains some successor of v and a vertex v of Player \(1 - \sigma \) if it contains all the successors of v. Equivalently, the \(\sigma \)-attractor \(\sigma \mathord {-} Attractor (T, \mathfrak {A})\) of T in the arena \(\mathfrak {A}\) can be defined as \( A = \bigcup _{j \in \mathbb {N}} A_j\) where
This definition also provides a memoryless strategy for Player \(\sigma \) to move the pebble to T from all vertices in A: for a vertex \(v \in A\), there is a minimal \(i \in \mathbb N\) such that \(v \in A_i\). For \(i >0\) (i.e. for \(v \notin T\)) and \(v \in V_\sigma \), v has a successor in \(A_{i-1}\), and Player \(\sigma \) can simply choose such a successor. (For \(v \in V_{1-\sigma }\), all successors are in \(A_{i-1}\).) Likewise, A itself provides a memoryless strategy to keep the pebble out of A (and hence out of T) for Player \(1-\sigma \) when starting from a vertex \(v \notin A\), namely to never enter A.
For \(2\frac{1}{2}\)-player games, we distinguish two different types of attractors: strong attractors, where the random player co-operates with the player \(\sigma \) who wants to push the pebble into the target set (denoted \(\mathsf {satr}_{\sigma }(T, \mathcal {P})\) when Player \(\sigma \) tries to move the pebble to T in the arena of \(\mathcal {P}\)); and weak attractors, where the target needs to be reached almost surely. (The ‘strong’ and ‘weak’ in their names are inspired by \(\mathsf {satr}_\sigma (T,\mathcal {P}) \supseteq \mathsf {watr}_\sigma (T,\mathcal {P})\), which makes the first attractor stronger.) Note that the principle of the attractor construction is not affected by the co-operation for the strong attractor: we simply treat the random vertices as vertices of player \(\sigma \) and apply the normal attractor construction from 2-player games.
Lemma 2
For an arena \(\mathfrak {A}\) and a set T of target states, the strong \(\sigma \)-attractor of T can be constructed in time linear in the edges of \(\mathfrak {A}\).
The construction of weak attractors is more complex since it requires solving a singly nested fixed-point. Consider an MPG \(\mathcal {P}\), a set \(T \subseteq V\), and the player \(\sigma \); the weak \(\sigma \)-attractor \(\mathsf {watr}_{\sigma }(T, \mathcal {P})\) of the set T is defined as follows:
As a singly nested fixed point, constructing weak attractors can be reduced to solving Büchi games, which can be done in \(O(n^2)\) time [7]. (We have implemented the classic \(O(m\cdot n)\) iterated fixed point algorithm.)
Lemma 3
For an arena \(\mathfrak {A}\) and a set T of target states, the weak \(\sigma \)-attractor of T can be constructed in time quadratic in the states of \(\mathfrak {A}\).
Note that the co-games of attractors are proper games: they have no sinks.
Lemma 4
For an arena \(\mathfrak {A}\) and a set T of target states, \(\mathfrak {A}' = \mathfrak {A}\setminus \mathsf {satr}_\sigma (T,\mathfrak {A})\) and \(\mathfrak {A}'' = \mathfrak {A}\setminus \mathsf {watr}_\sigma (T,\mathfrak {A})\) are arenas for \(\sigma \in \{0,1\}\).
For strong attractors, this is because every vertex in \((V_\sigma \cup V_r) \setminus \mathsf {satr}_\sigma (T,\mathfrak {A})\) has the same successors in \(\mathfrak {A}'\) and \(\mathfrak {A}\), while every vertex in \(V_{1-\sigma } \setminus \mathsf {satr}_\sigma (T,\mathfrak {A})\) has some successor in \(\mathfrak {A}'\). For weak attractors, every vertex in \(V_\sigma \setminus \mathsf {watr}_\sigma (T,\mathfrak {A})\) has the same successors in \(\mathfrak {A}''\) and \(\mathfrak {A}\), while every vertex in \((V_{1-\sigma } \cup V_r) \setminus \mathsf {watr}_\sigma (T,\mathfrak {A})\) has some successor in \(\mathfrak {A}'\).
4.2 Traps and Paradises
After constructing \(A = \mathsf {satr}_{c_{\min } \mod 2}(\mathsf {pri}^{-1}(c_{\min }),\mathcal {P})\), the co-game \(\mathcal {P}' = \mathcal {P} \setminus A\) of \(\mathcal {P}\) is solved.
A \(\sigma -trap\) \(T_\sigma \subseteq V\) is a set of vertices Player \(\sigma \) cannot force to leave, not even with some probability greater than 0 (she is trapped there). A set \(T_\sigma \) is a \(\sigma \)-trap if it is the co-set of a strong \(\sigma \)-attractor, i.e. if it satisfies \(V \setminus T_\sigma = \mathsf {satr}_\sigma (V \setminus T_\sigma , \mathcal {P})\).
The co-game \(\mathcal {P}'\) is smaller than \(\mathcal {P}\): compared to \(\mathcal {P}\), it has less vertices. By induction hypothesis, it is therefore memoryless determined. By induction over the size of the game, \(\mathcal {P}'\) can therefore be solved by a recursive call of the algorithm.
The following picture shows how the first part of the algorithm works. We first determine the minimal priority in the game (line 2 of \( prob\mathord {-}McNaughton \)). Let \(c:=c_{\min }\) denote the minimal priority, and select the target to be \(T = \mathsf {pri}^{-1}(c)\), shown as the solid green area in the top right corner. We then construct the respective strong attractor \(A = \mathsf {satr}_\sigma (T, \mathcal {P})\) with \(\sigma =c\mod 2\), shown as T plus the NE hatched part around T, and consider the co-game \(\mathcal {P}'\) (lines 5.b.i and 7.a of \( prob\mathord {-}McNaughton \)).
We then solve \(\mathcal {P}'\), resulting in the winning regions \(W_{1-\sigma }'\), shown in solid red, and \(W_\sigma '\), the green SW hatched part below (lines 5.b.ii and 7.b of the procedure \( prob\mathord {-}McNaughton \)) (Fig. 3).
We fix the target set T. We call a subset \(P_{0} \subseteq W_{0}\) of the winning region of Player 0 a 0-paradise if it is a 1-trap and Player 0 has a memoryless strategy f, which is v-winning for all \(v \in P_{0}\) in the game \(\mathcal {P} \cap P_{0}\), such that \(P_0\) cannot be left in any f-conform play.
We call a subset \(P_{1} \subseteq W_{1}\) of the winning region of Player 1 a 1-paradise if Player 1 has a memoryless strategy f, which is v-winning for all vertices \(v\in P_1\), such that the probability measure of the plays \(\pi \) with odd \(\mathsf {pri}(\pi )\) that never leave \(P_{1}\) is non-zero for all vertices in \(P_{1}\). (Note that it suffices for this property to define f on \(P_{1}\).) In particular, all vertices in \(v \in P_{1}\) are v-winning for Player 1.
Returning to the picture, \(W_{1-\sigma }'\)—the solid red area—is a \((1-\sigma )\)-paradise for the game \(\mathcal {P}\).
Lemma 5
For a parity game \(\mathcal {P}\) with a \(\sigma \)-trap \(T_\sigma \) and a \((1-\sigma )\)-paradise \(W_{1-\sigma }\) of \(\mathcal {P}' = \mathcal {P} \cap T_\sigma \), \(W_{1-\sigma }\) is a \((1-\sigma )\)-paradise for \(\mathcal {P}\).
The lemma is obvious: Player \(1-\sigma \) can simply use the same winning strategy f for \(\mathcal {P}\) as for \(\mathcal {P}'\) on \(T_\sigma \): as \(T_\sigma \) is a \(\sigma \)-trap, neither Player \(\sigma \) nor Player random have additional moves in \(\mathcal {P}\), and every f-conform play that starts in \(W_{1-\sigma }\) in \(\mathcal {P}\) is also an f-conform play in \(\mathcal {P}'\). The winning region \(W_{1-\sigma }'\) of \(\mathcal {P}'\) is therefore a \((1-\sigma )\)-paradise in \(\mathcal {P}\).
This property can be easily extended to paradises using attractor operations (strong attractor for player odd and weak attractor for player even):
Lemma 6
The strong 1-attractor \(A = \mathsf {satr}_{1} (P_{1}, \mathcal {P})\) of a 1-paradise \(P_{1}\) for a parity game \(\mathcal {P}\) is a 1-paradise for \(\mathcal {P}\), and the weak 0-attractor \(A = \mathsf {watr}_{0} (P_{0}, \mathcal {P})\) of a 0-paradise \(P_{0}\) for a parity game \(\mathcal {P}\) is a 0-paradise for \(\mathcal {P}\). A winning strategy for the respective player \(\sigma \) on A can be composed of the winning strategy for Player \(\sigma \) on \(P_\sigma \) and an attractor strategy on \(A \setminus P_\sigma \).
As a result, for a given 0-paradise \(P_{0}\) for Player 0 in a parity game \(\mathcal {P}\), we can reduce solving \(\mathcal {P}\) to computing the weak 0-attractor \(A = \mathsf {watr}_{0}(P_{0}, \mathcal {P})\) of \(P_{0}\), and solving \(\mathcal {P} \setminus A\).
Lemma 7
Let \(\mathcal {P}\) be a parity game, \(P_{0}\) be a 0-paradise with weak 0-attractor \(A = \mathsf {watr}_{0}(P_{0}, \mathcal {P})\), and \(W_{0}'\) and \(W_{1}'\) be the winning regions of Player 0 and Player 1, respectively, on \(\mathcal {P}'\), which is obtained from the game \(\mathcal {P}'' = \mathcal {P} \setminus A\) by adding a random vertex s, a sink with a self-loop and even priority, which is reachable from the random vertices that have (in the parity game \(\mathcal {P}\)) a successor in A. Then
\(W_{1} = W_{1}'\) is the winning region of Player 1 on \(\mathcal {P}\), and he can win by following his winning strategy from \(\mathcal {P}'\) on his winning region, and
\(W_{0} = W_{0}' \cup A \setminus \{s\}\) is the winning region of Player 0 and she can win by following her winning strategy for A on A and her winning strategy from \(\mathcal {P}'\) on \(W_{0}'\).
Player 0 wins with her strategy from every vertex in A by a composition of the attractor strategy on \(A\setminus P_{0}\) and her winning strategy on \(P_{0}\) by Lemma 6.
Let \(g_{0}\) be a winning strategy for Player 0 on \(W_{0}'\) in \(\mathcal {P}'\). Consider a probability distribution on \(\mathcal {P}'\) that summarises the probabilities to transfer to A in each situation to the same probability to transfer to s, and a fixed counter strategy f of her opponent. As the likelihood of winning is 1 after transferring to A (with the strategy from above by Lemma 6) in \(\mathcal {P}\) and in \(\mathcal {P}'\) (as all plays that reach s are winning), the chance of winning is equal in both cases. Vertices in \(W_{0}' \setminus \{s\}\) are therefore winning for the composed strategy.
Similarly, let \(g_{1}\) be a winning strategy for Player 1 on \(W_{1}'\) in \(\mathcal {P}'\). We consider a probability distribution on \(\mathcal {P}'\) that summarises the probabilities to transfer to A in each situation to the same probability to transfer to s, and a fixed counter strategy f of his opponent. Estimating the chance of winning to 0 after reaching A results in the same likelihood of winning in \(\mathcal {P}\) and \(\mathcal {P}'\). As this is larger than 0, Player 1 wins with an extension of the same strategy on his winning region. \(\square \)
For our implementation, we have, instead of adding a sink with even priority, reduced the priority of all random vertices having s as successor to 0 (it could be set to any other even priority not greater than any priority of the vertices in \(\mathcal {P} \setminus A\)). This change is safe to implement: both players have the same memoryless strategies as in the game with the additional edges. Assume the players play according to fixed memoryless strategies f (Player 0) and g (Player 1), such that only stochastic decisions are left open. Player 0 will win almost surely from a vertex v if, and only if, for all leaf SCCs reachable from v the minimal priority among all priorities of the states in this leaf SCC is even. The leaf SCCs reachable from a vertex v other than the singleton leaf SCC \(\{s\}\) from Lemma 7 are exactly those leaf SCCs reachable after re-prioritising, that do not contain a vertex whose priority is changed to 0. Thus, the same leaf SCCs with minimal odd priority are reachable. Consequently, the same vertices in A are winning for Player 0 (and for Player 1) in both constructions.
Corollary 1
Let \(\mathcal {P}\) be a parity game, \(P_{0}\) be a 0-paradise with weak 0-attractor \(A = \mathsf {watr}_{0}(P_{0}, \mathcal {P})\), and \(W_{0}'\) and \(W_{1}'\) be the winning regions of Player 0 and Player 1, respectively, on \(\mathcal {P}'\), which is obtained from the game \(\mathcal {P}'' = \mathcal {P} \setminus A\) by changing the priority of the random vertices that have (in the parity game \(\mathcal {P}\)) a successor in A to 0. Then
\(W_{1} = W_{1}'\) is the winning region of Player 1 on \(\mathcal {P}\), and he can win by following his winning strategy from \(\mathcal {P}'\) on his winning region, and
\(W_{0} = W_{0}' \cup A \setminus \{s\}\) is the winning region of Player 0 and she can win by following her winning strategy for A on A and her winning strategy from \(\mathcal {P}'\) on \(W_{0}'\).
Note that this change of priority is, like adding the sink s, introduced recursively on a level in the call tree. While it is inherited in calls from there, the changes introduced in a level of the call tree (in line 7.e) are revoked when returning the values (in line 7.c.ii).
For a given 1-paradise \(P_{1}\) for Player 1 in a parity game \(\mathcal {P}\), we can reduce the qualitative analysis of a parity game \(\mathcal {P}\) to computing the strong 1-attractor \(A = \mathsf {satr}_{1}(P_{1}, \mathcal {P})\) of \(P_{1}\), and solving \(\mathcal {P} \setminus A\).
Lemma 8
Let \(\mathcal {P}\) be a parity game, \(P_{1}\) be a 1-paradise with winning strategy \(f_1\) and strong 1-attractor \(A = \mathsf {satr}_{1}(P_{1}, \mathcal {P})\), and \(W_{0}'\) and \(W_{1}'\) be the winning regions of Player 0 and Player 1, respectively, on \(\mathcal {P}' = \mathcal {P} \setminus A\). Then
\(W_{1} = W_{1}' \cup A\) is the winning region of Player 1 on \(\mathcal {P}\), and he can win by following his winning strategy for A on A and his winning strategy \(g_1\) from \(\mathcal {P}'\) on \(W_{1}'\), and
\(W_{0} = W_{0}'\) is the winning region of Player 0, and she can win by following her winning strategy \(g_0\) from \(\mathcal {P}'\) on \(W_{0}\).
Player 0 wins with her winning strategy, \(g_{0}\), on her complete winning region \(W_{0}\) of \(\mathcal {P} \setminus A\), since Player 1 has no additional choices in \(W_{0}\) in \(\mathcal {P}\). Consequently, the set of \(g_{0}\)-conform plays in \(\mathcal {P}\) that start in \(W_{0}\) coincides with the set of \(g_{0}\)-conform plays (with the same probability distribution on them) in \(\mathcal {P} \setminus A\) that start in \(W_{0}\).
Similarly, Player 1 wins with his strategy from every vertex in A, by a composition of his attractor strategy on \(A \setminus P_{1}\) and his winning strategy \(f_1\) on \(P_{1}\) by Lemma 6.
Let \(g_{1}\) be a winning strategy for Player 1 in \(\mathcal {P}'\). Then every \(g_{1}\)-conform play in \(\mathcal {P}\) that starts in a vertex in \(W_{1}'\) either eventually reaches A, and is then almost surely followed by a tail (remainder of the play) in \(\mathcal {P}\) that starts in A, which is winning for Player 1 with a likelihood strictly greater than 0 by Lemma 6; or it stays for ever in the sub-game \(\mathcal {P}'\). But these plays are also won by Player 1 with a non-zero likelihood. \(\square \)
We now distinguish two cases: firstly, if \(W_{1-\sigma }'\) is non-empty, we can reduce solving \(\mathcal {P}\) to constructing the weak or strong, respectively, \((1-\sigma )\)-attractor \(U_{1-\sigma }\) of \(W_{1-\sigma }'\), and solving the co-game \(\mathcal {P}'' = \mathcal {P} \setminus U_{1-\sigma }\) by Lemma 7 or 8, respectively. The co-game \(\mathcal {P}''\) is simpler than \(\mathcal {P}\): compared to \(\mathcal {P}\), it contains less vertices (though not necessarily less priorities). By induction over the size of the game, \(\mathcal {P}''\) can therefore be solved by a recursive call of the algorithm.
The figure below aligns this to our algorithm. We have seen that \(W_{1-\sigma }'\) from the previous picture, shown again in solid red, is a \((1-\sigma )\)-paradise, and so is its (weak or strong) \((1-\sigma )\)-attractor \(U_{1-\sigma }\) (the complete red area, full and hatched). It is constructed in lines 5.b.iv and 7.d, respectively, of \( prob\mathord {-}McNaughton \) (Fig. 4).
Secondly, if \(W_{1-\sigma }'\) is empty, we can compose the winning strategy for Player \(\sigma \) on \(\mathcal {P}'\) with his attractor strategy for \(\mathsf {pri}^{-1}(c)\) to a winning strategy on \(\mathcal {P}\).
Lemma 9
Let \(\mathcal {P}\) be a parity game with minimal priority c, \(\sigma = c\bmod 2\) be the player who wins if c occurs infinitely often, A be the strong \(\sigma \)-attractor of \(\mathsf {pri}^{-1}(c)\), and f be an attractor strategy for Player \(\sigma \) on her vertices on \(A \setminus \mathsf {pri}^{-1}(c)\). If Player \(\sigma \) has a winning strategy \(f'\) for every vertex in \(\mathcal {P}' = \mathcal {P} \setminus A\), then f and \(f'\) can be composed to a winning strategy for Player \(\sigma \) for every vertex in \(\mathcal {P}\).
Let g be a strategy for Player \(\sigma \) that agrees with f and \(f'\) on their respective domain. We distinguish two types of g-conform plays: those that eventually stay in \(\mathcal {P}'\), and those that visit A infinitely often. The latter plays almost surely contain infinitely many vertices with priority c and are therefore almost surely winning for Player \(\sigma \). Games that eventually stay in \(\mathcal {P}'\) consist of a finite prefix, followed by an \(f'\)-conform play in \(\mathcal {P}'\). The lowest priority occurring infinitely often is therefore almost surely even for \(\sigma = 0\) and odd with a likelihood strictly greater than 0 for \(\sigma =1\), respectively. \(\square \)
Theorem 1
For each parity game \(\mathcal {P}=(V_{0},V_{1},V_{r},E,\mathsf {pri})\), the game vertices are partitioned into a winning region \(W_{0}\) of Player 0 and a winning region \(W_{1}\) of Player 1. Moreover, Player 0 and Player 1 have memoryless strategies that are v-winning for every vertex v in their respective winning region.
In the following proof, we do not count the sink that is added by Lemma 7.
Games with a single vertex are trivially won by the player winning on the priority of this vertex (induction basis).
For the induction step, assume that the memoryless determinacy holds for games with up to n vertices. For a parity game with \(n+1\) vertices, we can then select the lowest priority \(c_{\min }\), set \(\sigma \) to \(c_{\min } \bmod 2\) to identify the Player \(\sigma \) who wins if \(c_{\min }\) occurs infinitely often (note that \(c_{\min }\) is the dominating priority in this case), and set \(A = \mathsf {satr}_\sigma (\mathsf {pri}^{-1}(c_{\min }), \mathcal {P})\).
Then \(\mathcal {P}'= \mathcal {P} \setminus A\) is a—possibly empty—parity game with strictly less states and priorities. (Note that, by the attractor construction, every vertex in \(\mathcal {P}'\) has a successor, and the co-set of A is a \(\sigma \)-trap.)
By induction hypothesis, \(\mathcal {P}'\) vertices are partitioned into winning regions of the two players, and both players have memoryless winning strategies on their winning regions.
We can now distinguish three cases:
The winning region of Player \(1-\sigma \) on \(\mathcal {P}'\) is empty. In this case, Player \(\sigma \) wins memoryless by Lemma 9.
\(\sigma = 0\) and the winning region of Player 1 is non-empty. Then \(W_{1}'' = \mathsf {satr}_{1}(W_{1}', \mathcal {P})\) is a 1-paradise for \(\mathcal {P}\) by Lemmas 5 and 6. We can therefore solve the remainder of the game, \(\mathcal {P} \setminus W_{1}''\), individually and use the respective winning regions and (by induction) memoryless winning strategies of the players by Lemma 8.
\(\sigma = 1\) and the winning region of Player 0 is non-empty. Then \(W_{0}'' = \mathsf {watr}_{0}(W_{1}', \mathcal {P})\) is a 0-paradise for \(\mathcal {P}\) by Lemmas 5 and 6. We can therefore solve the remainder of the game, \(\mathcal {P} \setminus W_{0}''\), individually and use the respective winning regions and (by induction) memoryless winning strategies of the players by Lemma 7.
In case (1) we are done, in (2), (3) we reduced the problem to solving games with less states. By induction, memoryless determinacy extends to the complete game. \(\square \)
The worst case running time of this extension to McNaughton’s algorithm [13, 27, 36] (cf. Procedure \( prob\mathord {-}McNaughton \) of Fig. 2) occurs if \(U_{1-\sigma }\) is always small and exactly one vertex with minimal priority c belongs to \(U_{1-\sigma }\). For parity games with \(\mathtt {c}\) priorities, n vertices, and m edges, the adjusted algorithm based on McNaughton’s requires \(\mathcal {O}\big (m \cdot \big (\frac{n}{\mathtt {c}}+1\big )^{\mathtt {c}-1}\big )\) steps when the highest priority of the game is even, like McNaughton’s algorithm itself [13, 36]: the cost of the attractor constructions is always dominated by the cost of the recursive calls, and the complexity analysis is the same.
When the highest priority is odd, the higher complexity for the weak attractor construction leads to a \(\mathcal {O}\big (\big (\frac{n}{\mathtt {c}}+1\big )^{\mathtt {c}+1}\big )\) complexity, and to an \(\mathcal {O}\big (m \cdot \big (\frac{n}{\mathtt {c}}+1\big )^{\mathtt {c}}\big )\) complexity of our implementation, due to the cost of constructing weak attractors of \(\mathcal {O}(n^{2})\) and \(\mathcal {O}(m\cdot n)\) in our implementation, respectively. (The only point where this complexity is not dominated by other steps is when only the highest and the second highest priority are left. When the second highest priority is even, only strong attractors are used.)
The presented algorithm has a theoretical drawback: its running time is exponential in the number of priorities, which in turn can be as high as the number of states. For parity games without random vertices, the development of a deterministic subexponential algorithm [22] was considered a breakthrough, which also led to better bounds for games with a small number of priorities [32].
Theorem 2
Parity games with n vertices can be solved in time \(n^{\mathcal {O}(\sqrt{n})}\).
The proof is completely analogously to the one from [22]. It uses the fact that the proofs do not rely on the way intermediate paradises are constructed. It is therefore possible to try out all small sets of vertices (i.e. all sets of vertices up to size \(\sqrt{n}\)) and check if they are paradises for the player who loses on the minimal priority. This can be done using brute force and takes \(n^{\mathcal {O}(\sqrt{n})}\) time. Afterwards, one builds their union, computes the attractor for the set obtained this way, and performs a recursive call to decide the remaining game.
The progress obtained in one step, consisting of trying out all small sets of vertices, followed by a recursive call, is therefore at least \(\sqrt{n}\) – unless the call returns an empty set, in which case we are finished. This provides a call tree of size \(n^{\mathcal {O}(\sqrt{n})}\), with cost \(n^{\mathcal {O}(\sqrt{n})}\) on each node of the call tree, such that the total cost is \(n^{\mathcal {O}(\sqrt{n})}\cdot n^{\mathcal {O}(\sqrt{n})} = n^{\mathcal {O}(\sqrt{n})}\).
5 Implementation and Experimental Results
5.1 Overview of the Algorithm
We have written a prototypical implementation for the approach of this paper. In Fig. 5, we sketch how we analyse properties of formal models. Our tool reads a model specification in the input language of the probabilistic model checker PRISM-games [11]. This input language is an extension of probabilistic guarded-commands language of the probabilistic model checker PRISM [25]. We extend the recent probabilistic model checker IscasMC [17, 18] that also supports this language. Each state of the model semantics is assigned to a specific player. When being in a state, a player can choose from several guarded commands. In each state, the player controlling this state can choose to execute one of the commands the guard of which is valid in the state. Afterwards, one of the possible effects of the command is chosen according to the probability of this effect. The next state is decided according to this effect. The models specified in this way may contain more than two players, and they do not contain any winning condition.
The property specification we use in our tool is also inspired by PRISM-games [11]. Its general form is \(\langle \!\langle \mathrm {coalition} \rangle \!\rangle \mathcal {P}_{\ge 1} [ \phi ]\). Here, \(\mathrm {coalition}\) is a subset of the players from the model specification, and \(\mathcal {P}_{\ge 1} [ \phi ]\) is a qualitative probabilistic LTL formula. This formula requires that the coalition of the players of \(\mathrm {coalition}\) (by subsuming all of them into a single player) can enforce that \(\phi \) holds with probability 1 under all possible behaviours of the players not in \(\mathrm {coalition}\). Variants like \(\langle \!\langle \mathrm {coalition} \rangle \!\rangle \mathcal {P}_{> 0} [ \phi ]\) requiring only positive probability can be computed by minor adaptation of our algorithm.
To obtain the actual parity game to apply our algorithm on we proceed as follows. We first construct the explicit-state semantics of the model originally given in the high-level input language of PRISM-games. This semantics is thus a probabilistic multi-player game without a winning condition. Then, in this semantics we subsume the players of \(\mathrm {coalition}\) to the single even player and the remaining players to the odd player, so as to obtain a probabilistic two-player game, still without a winning condition. We then transform \(\phi \) into a generalised Büchi automaton using the tool SPOT [12]. Afterwards, we transform the Büchi into a deterministic parity automaton, using the algorithm from [33]. Simultaneously, we build a product of the model with this parity automaton, so as to fix the winning condition according to the property we want to decide. This on-the-fly approach allows us to only construct the states of the parity automaton which will actually be needed to construct the product. A state of this product is thus a tuple of a state from the two-player model and a state of the parity automaton.
The algorithm from [33] produces automata whose priorities are on the transitions (rather than on states). The product we produce is however a state-labelled parity game as in Definition 1: when building the product of the model with the automaton, the current state fixes the successor transition of the deterministic parity automaton. Therefore, we can label the product state with the priority of this successor transition. The first component of the successor states consists of a successor state of the model state. The second one consists of the single successor state of the parity automaton.
Finally, we can apply the algorithm discussed on the resulting MPG and decide whether all initial states of the product are winning, which means deciding whether the specification holds for all initial states of the model. If it does, we also obtain a winning strategy.
As stated before, the mutually optimal strategies are memoryless. However, this only holds for the game we are computing strategies for. If we map back these strategies to the original PRISM-games model, indeed memory might be required. This is because we have to remember the current state of the parity automaton with which the model had been composed to obtain the product on which we finally apply our algorithm.
5.2 Robots
Reconsider our robot example introduced in Sect. 2. We have applied our tool to construct the state-space of several instantiations of this model which we have modelled in the input language of PRISM-games. The machine we used is a 3.6 GHz Intel Core i7-4790 with 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 RAM of which 12 GB assigned to the tool; the timeout has been set to 30 min. In Table 1 we provide for each size “n” of the battlefield we consider, the number of vertices of the corresponding multiplayer game (“vertices”) and the time in seconds required to construct it (“\(t_{ constr }\)”).
We remark that the constructed game encodes the behaviour of the robots on the battlefield without winning conditions, i.e. without considering the formula to be checked; as seen, the state-space contains millions of vertices for larger battlefield sizes n (it grows with \(\mathcal {O}(n^4)\)). Note that we cannot compare to PRISM-games because it does not support general PLTL formulas, and we are not aware of other tools to compare with.
We have applied our tool on a number of properties that require the robot \(R_{0}\) to visit the different zones in a certain order. In Table 2 we report the performance measurements for these properties. In the column “property” we state the PLTL formula we consider, column “n” states the width of the battlefield instance, and “sat” shows whether the formula is satisfied. For the “game construction” part, we present the number of “vertices” of the resulting MPG, the number of “colours”, and the time “\(t_{ prod }\)” required to generate the MPG. The construction of [8] to turn a stochastic parity game into a non-stochastic parity game replaces each stochastic node by a so-called “gadget”, which consists of a combination of player odd and even nodes. Applying this construction thus leads to a game which can be solved using existing methods, although at the cost of increasing the number of vertices and the time to perform the transformation. The “gadget construction” part of the table shows the total number of “vertices” after applying this construction and the time “\(t_{ gadg }\)” spent to do so.
Finally, the “solving time” part shows the time spent by the specific solvers: \(t_{ gMcN }\) and \(t_{ gJur }\) correspond to the gadget construction solved by using the classical non-stochastic McNaughton and Jurdziński approach, respectively, while \(t_{ pMcN }\) refers to our \( prob\mathord {-}McNaughton \) algorithm proposed in Fig. 2. Note that these times represent only the actual time spent by the solver on the final MPG. Entries marked by “–TO–” and “–MO–” mean that the corresponding phase has failed by time-out or has gone out of memory; entries marked by “-” mean that the phase has not been executed due to a failure in a previous phase.
The results show that our approach can be used to solve games with several million vertices, even though it is currently only implemented as an explicit-state solver. In particular, the part of the process that consumes the largest share of time is not the solution algorithm itself, but the preprocessing steps: most of the time was spent on constructing the product of the battlefield and the parity automaton. The largest amount of time spent in the solver was 38 s for a parity game with more than 90 million vertices. Despite the exponential complexity of the algorithm, our prototype performs quite well on the large state-spaces of this model. One reason is that the maximal number of different priorities seen was just 5, and the implementation was often able to use the lines 3 and 4 of the algorithm \( prob\mathord {-}McNaughton \) in Fig. 2 to terminate the construction quickly. Indeed, we did not see more than 5 recursive calls of the algorithm. It is worthwhile to remark that, even if all properties are satisfied, not all vertices are winning for the robot \(R_{0}\): for instance, for the reach-avoid property, around 1 / 3 of the vertices are winning for the robot \(R_{1}\); \(R_{0}\) is anyway able to avoid such vertices and win with probability 1.
In comparison, the solution methods based on the gadget construction have an additional phase that takes quite some time and memory to be completed, so this affects their performances as they have to work on much larger games. While the classical non-stochastic McNaughton algorithm has a reasonable performance on these games, it still consumes much more resources than our approach \( prob\mathord {-}McNaughton \). Jurdziński’s approach turns out to be really slow in practice, confirming the previous results of [14]. As the results in the table show, our approach really outperforms the methods based on gadget construction: for instance for the reach-avoid property for \(n=24\), our approach takes only 11 seconds instead of 40 (plus 79 for the gadget construction) taken by the classical McNaughton and the time-out of 30 min by the Jurdziński algorithm.
5.3 Two Investors
As a further small case study, which provides similar results regarding the performance of the Jurdziński theoretical better algorithm, we consider an example originally from [26] in the version of [10]. In this version of the model, there are two investors, who are able to make investments in futures. Buying a future means to reserve an amount of company shares at a certain point of time and will be delivered at a later point of time to the market price the share has then. In this version of the model, there are three players: investor 1, investor 2, and the market. We considered a number of properties for which we provide results in Table 3; the meaning of the formulas is as follows:
Investor 1 is able to ensure (against the market and the other investor) that the share has eventually a value of at least 5 without ever stopping to invest.
She can ensure that the share repeatedly has a value of 5.
She can guarantee a permanent value of at least 5.
She can ensure that the probability of this event is non-zero.
If all players collaborate, this event is certain.
The parity game constructed to decide these properties contains less than 1.5 million vertices. Therefore, the time to decide the properties is also almost negligible: all experiments have taken a total of one or two seconds to complete, except for the Jurdziński approach that went time-out on all except one property.
6 Conclusions and Future Work
We have introduced a simple and effective algorithm for solving Markov games with a parity winning condition and implemented the algorithm as an explicit-state prototype as an extension of the model checker IscasMC [17, 18]. The algorithm has proven to be capable of handling rather large examples, obtaining strategies that almost surely obtain their goal or demonstrating that such strategies do not exist. This is a very encouraging result for the automated construction of simple probabilistic reactive protocols, as they are already used in leader election problems.
The construction of such protocols is already difficult for deterministic systems, and new protocols (as well as the old ones) had been discovered when they had been recently synthesised [23]. Some complicated programming problems like mutual exclusion, leader election, and variations thereof, have complete specifications. Yet, they are very difficult to implement, e.g. due to problems arising through context switches. While such problems have proven to be difficult to implement for human developers due to parallelism and nondeterminism in traditional systems, allowing for randomness does—while potentially simplifying the algorithm—add another layer of difficulty for the human developer. We believe that this establishes the need for synthesis techniques, and in this light it is a very good news that the solution we have developed in this paper shows potential. In future work, we will extend this efficient technique to the quantitative analysis of systems.
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This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants No. 61472473, 61532019, 61550110249, 61550110506), by the National 973 Program (No. 2014CB340701), by the CDZ project CAP (GZ 1023), by the Chinese Academy of Sciences Fellowship for International Young Scientists, by by the CAS/SAFEA International Partnership Program for Creative Research Teams, and by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) through grant EP/M027287/1 (Energy Efficient Control).
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Hahn, E.M., Schewe, S., Turrini, A., Zhang, L. (2016). A Simple Algorithm for Solving Qualitative Probabilistic Parity Games. In: Chaudhuri, S., Farzan, A. (eds) Computer Aided Verification. CAV 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 9780. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-41540-6_16
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-41540-6_16
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