We have already proposed a paraconsistent annotated logic program called EVALPSN. In EVALPSN, an annotation called an extended vector annotation is attached to each literal. In order to deal with before-after relation between two time intervals, we also have introduced a new interpretation for extended vector annotations in EVALPSN, which is named before-after(bf)-EVALPSN. In this chapter, we introduce paraconsistent annotated logic programs EVALPSN/bf-EVALPSN and their application to intelligent control, especially logical safety verification based control with simple examples. First, the background and overview of EVALPSN are introduced, and paraconsistent annotated logics \( P{\mathcal{T}} \) and the basic annotated logic program are recapitulated as the formal background of EVALPSN/bf-EVALPSN with some simple examples. Then EVALPSN is formally defined and its application to traffic signal control is introduced. EVALPSN application to pipeline valve control is also introduced with examples. Bf-EVALPSN is formally defined and its unique and useful reasoning rules are introduced with some examples. Last, this chapter is concluded with some remarks.
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- 1.
An expression \( \neg p\, :\,\mu \) is conveniently used for expressing a negative annotated literal instead of \( \neg (p\, :\,\mu ) \) or \( p\, :\,\neg (\mu ) \).
- 2.
The intersection is supposed to be in Japan where we need to keep left if driving a car.
- 3.
Hereafter, expression “before-after” is abbreviated as just “bf” in this chapter.
- 4.
If time t 1 is earlier than time t 2, we conveniently denote the before-after relation by the inequality t 1 < t 2.
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Nakamatsu, K., Abe, J.M., Akama, S. (2016). Paraconsistent Annotated Logic Program EVALPSN and Its Application to Intelligent Control. In: Nakamatsu, K., Kountchev, R. (eds) New Approaches in Intelligent Control. Intelligent Systems Reference Library, vol 107. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-32168-4_11
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-32168-4_11
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-319-32166-0
Online ISBN: 978-3-319-32168-4
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